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yup John :) still alot to do but every bit now makes her look more finished compared to the weeks of looking the same


only 6 more headposts to install (the ones that go through deck 2 and 3)




Current builds : HMS Bounty, Constructo Pilar

Next build : undecided

On the Shelf : AL San Juan, Mamoli HMS Victory

Builds on hold : Ochre Gorch Fock, Hachette/Amati Black Pearl

Previous Builds Gallery : Virginia; King of Mississippi

Previous Builds logs : AL King of Mississippi 1/80




Coming along nicely!  :)


When are you going to test the lighting?  I expect it will look neat! :)







Completed      Robert E Lee, Misisssippi riverboat               


Completed,  HMS Victory Bow Section


Completed,  Wells Fargo Stagecoach...Picasa album.... 


Completed,  Lackawanna tugboat converted to private yacht...


Completed:  Sopwith Camel, 1:16 Scale, Model Airways...at another location...


Completed:  1961 Ferrari F-1 Sharknose


Completed: (sorta)  OcCre BR-18 Locomotive


Completed: 1/35 Pz.KPfw.III


Completed: Allerton Steam Pumper circa 1869


@ Jim thank you . the lights have been tested and the 16 leds on the bottom 2 levels are all working. the 8 for the 3rd deck and steering cabin stil need to be wired up.


@Sjors thank you . now thta i have you hooked on belgian beer the next one is not for free :piratetongueor4: but dont worry you cna just send me your new toys and i ll call it quits :10_1_10:


Current builds : HMS Bounty, Constructo Pilar

Next build : undecided

On the Shelf : AL San Juan, Mamoli HMS Victory

Builds on hold : Ochre Gorch Fock, Hachette/Amati Black Pearl

Previous Builds Gallery : Virginia; King of Mississippi

Previous Builds logs : AL King of Mississippi 1/80


Wow, you miss a few days and BAM, you almost done. Nice work, she's really taking shape now that all the details are falling into place.


Oh and I hate to have to say this..... but those stairs/ladder to the 3rd deck are kinda anti-climactic after the dualing spiral stair cases below.




When I send you the new tools, I have a divorce…….

Anja use the tools herself.

Better to pay for my own beer then !

When you are visiting us, we take a beer together  :D




@ Keith far from done . the railings wil take a fair bit of work and i stil need to work on the 3rd deck. and yeah nothing fancy about those stairs just another bit of detail :)


@Sjors. lol i ll settle for a review of them tehn so i can ask them for my b day this year :P . and i'd be delighted to have a beer with you :)


Current builds : HMS Bounty, Constructo Pilar

Next build : undecided

On the Shelf : AL San Juan, Mamoli HMS Victory

Builds on hold : Ochre Gorch Fock, Hachette/Amati Black Pearl

Previous Builds Gallery : Virginia; King of Mississippi

Previous Builds logs : AL King of Mississippi 1/80


 I hope I can make a picture today from it when the workshop is re-decorated.

But they are small………………..

But I must not forget that it is make for model building not construction work to build a real scale ship!  :D




thanks Geoffrey :)


almost finished wiht the headposts. i had a few issues where they wouldnt fit properly and one even snapped when i tried to adjust it. as you can see one is still not done because the 3rd deck fender broke. i ll wait till tomorrow to fir it but it could be i ll have to cut that one in half to make it fit



next finishing adding the little traingles on the first deck and start trenailign the 3rd deck


Current builds : HMS Bounty, Constructo Pilar

Next build : undecided

On the Shelf : AL San Juan, Mamoli HMS Victory

Builds on hold : Ochre Gorch Fock, Hachette/Amati Black Pearl

Previous Builds Gallery : Virginia; King of Mississippi

Previous Builds logs : AL King of Mississippi 1/80


I know you still have lots to go but its kind of neat when a kit build passes a certain stage and it has that complete look. Thats when You start feeling the excitement of the completion as the kit really takes form. Or at least its that way for me. I'm sure you have LOTS of fiddly bits to go, but the basics are complete and every piece from here on out just take you one step closer. All the railings and remaining parts will make a Huge difference. Its funny how sometimes it feels like your not even doing anything as the build seems to move slow, then past a certain point every addition makes huge changes. It has to be a good feeling to be passed the superstructure phase and now dressing her up. The deck post are making a huge difference to the look. Great job.


So I'm guessing the KoM had an inner staircase from 2nd to 3rd decks. I dont know much of her construction and it seems odd that such a spectaclular dual spiral staircase was the way to deck 2 but just a ladder for deck 3. I've heard you call the 3rd deck staterooms. Were these the really nice guest quarters? As I understand, in period, a trip on the KoM was a REALLY big deal. It would of been a fun ride down or up the Mississippi, which is at my backdoor practically.


We have a local river to river race that happened last april 20th, where runner in teams of 8 relay race from the Mississippi to the Ohio river through Shawnee national forest. One of Tammys coworkers always runs in it. Its some pretty hilly terrain. Each member runs 10 miles (about 16km).


you are spot on Keith . i am so glad i am post that stage where weeks of work dont show . now a few days putting in the headposts has made her look more and more finished :)


yes i asume on the 3rd deck the rooms are more luxurious. Since this is not a real ship it would be good to look at pictures of the real deal and see how the stairs where on those ones.


one our wishlists is a river cruise on one of the european rivers :)


Current builds : HMS Bounty, Constructo Pilar

Next build : undecided

On the Shelf : AL San Juan, Mamoli HMS Victory

Builds on hold : Ochre Gorch Fock, Hachette/Amati Black Pearl

Previous Builds Gallery : Virginia; King of Mississippi

Previous Builds logs : AL King of Mississippi 1/80


Yea, its sad that cameras weren't very common and new tech way back then. It would be great to have bunches of pictures of these older vessels.

That last few times we've been to kentucky (Tams dad lives there), they have been dredging the Ohio. I love going over the bridges and seeing the river work.


Oh I dont know if I mentioned it but I really like that herringbone decking. What and interesting and beautiful way to deck. I've always loved that interlocked pattern.


She looks fine Adrieke, well done.




<span style='font-family: courier new'>In progress: <a class='bbc_url' href='http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/177-king-of-the-mississippi-artesania-latina-scale-180/'>King of the Mississippi</a></span><br />

<br />

<span style='font-family: courier new'>Completed : <a class='bbc_url' href='http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/176-mare-nostrum-4331-artesania-latina-scale-135/'>Mare Nostrum 4331</a></span><br />

<span style='font-family: courier new'><a class='bbc_url' href='http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/gallery/album/51-16th-century-galeass-imai-scale-1160/'>16th century Galeass</a></span><br />

<span style='font-family: courier new'><a class='bbc_url' href='http://members.upc.nl/carla.en.john/Modelbouw/Rocket.htm'>George Stephenson Rocket Locomotive</a></span><br />

<br />

<span style='font-family: courier new'>Next build : sl Louise</span>


Again nice progress Adrieke.


At her maiden trip for me a "Leffe donker" please :).


By the way: on the real riverboats the 3rd deck was indeed luxurious and on several photos I have seen it was not common to have an innerstair on 2nd/3rd deck.


Current build:
Creole Queen scratchbuild and Korean Turtle War Ship

Finished: King of the Mississippi, Bon Retour, Chinese Pirate Junk, Nave Egizia
Next builds:  Gundeck Vasa; Bounty (bashed)


Sjors, join me in the bar...I need a drink, then we can go for a stroll along the decks and climb those beautiful spiral staircases.


If you risk nothing, you risk everything!


Current builds

Syren (Model Shipways) version 2.0

AL San Francisco II

Mordaunt (Euro Model)

Completed Builds

18th Century Longboat designed by Chuck Passaro

In the closet

Battle Station

Al Charles Morgan (1980s version)



@keith yup i like that pattern too  too bad most of it wont be visible


@ John thank you and yuors does too :)


@sjors .you have been sniffing too much glue i think :huh: or maybe it was because i opened the box to get some of the eyebolts out that i am missing on the kom :piratetongueor4:


@Wim  i can get leffe blonde bu sorry no donker here also hoegaarden, chimay, grimbergen, Duvel unfortunately not my favorite beer :(


@Robbyn be carefull on the stairs some of the belgian beers are pretty heavy :)


Current builds : HMS Bounty, Constructo Pilar

Next build : undecided

On the Shelf : AL San Juan, Mamoli HMS Victory

Builds on hold : Ochre Gorch Fock, Hachette/Amati Black Pearl

Previous Builds Gallery : Virginia; King of Mississippi

Previous Builds logs : AL King of Mississippi 1/80


Sjors, join me in the bar...I need a drink, then we can go for a stroll along the decks and climb those beautiful spiral staircases.

One beer only then Robbyn….

Common, let's go!

I want to see the steering cabin and the engine room.

Watch out where you walk, there is a lot of stuff on the deck!

Do you see that big guy?

He is still working on her……..en next to him …..BEER!!!!!!!



Posted (edited)

:piratetongueor4:  stay away from my Kriek Sjors you can have all the other beers but not mine :10_1_10:



this is what i am talking about : http://www.beeradvice.com.au/59/belle-vue-kriek/

Edited by Adrieke


Current builds : HMS Bounty, Constructo Pilar

Next build : undecided

On the Shelf : AL San Juan, Mamoli HMS Victory

Builds on hold : Ochre Gorch Fock, Hachette/Amati Black Pearl

Previous Builds Gallery : Virginia; King of Mississippi

Previous Builds logs : AL King of Mississippi 1/80


I know what Kriek is Adrieke…..

But I see you also have some Warsteiner….I'll take that.

No Robbyn, not that beer…to heavy!

He Adrieke , you see that?

She drinks it if it's water…..

I think we need a animaatjes-taxi-95961.jpg






Sjors you can have your Warsteiner although i wouldnt mind trying it out :)


Robbyn be careful after a few beers you probably wont be able to resist the song of the syren :piratetongueor4:


today i did a bit of trenailing.

i also had a good think over how i am going to do the lower railings


they require 3  1.5x3 sapelli strips to be glued on the outside wiht a 1 mm opening between them


i used some of the 3x3 wood and some thumbnails and tried it out on one section

the nail on the thumbnails is about 1.07 mm close enough for me

they are clamped down by the 3x3 wood an hold the the strip of wood to glue iagainst the headposts

as the deck curves a clothes peg presses the strip down at the right angle




tomorrow i ll figure out how to glue the one above it :)



Current builds : HMS Bounty, Constructo Pilar

Next build : undecided

On the Shelf : AL San Juan, Mamoli HMS Victory

Builds on hold : Ochre Gorch Fock, Hachette/Amati Black Pearl

Previous Builds Gallery : Virginia; King of Mississippi

Previous Builds logs : AL King of Mississippi 1/80


hmm after checking just now i have just figured out that AL has fooled me again


the fult scale drawing and parts lists require 3 X  1.5x3 sapelli wood with 1 mm in between = 12 mm


the photo instructions and the photo on the box show 3 X  1x2 sapelli wood with 2 mm  in between = 12 mm


same height but it looks different


what to do now :huh:


Current builds : HMS Bounty, Constructo Pilar

Next build : undecided

On the Shelf : AL San Juan, Mamoli HMS Victory

Builds on hold : Ochre Gorch Fock, Hachette/Amati Black Pearl

Previous Builds Gallery : Virginia; King of Mississippi

Previous Builds logs : AL King of Mississippi 1/80


AL directions leave a lot to be desired... many a time I'd do something and find out later that it is out of step or changed or just plain wrong...

It looks different than the pic but does it look wrong? To you? You don't have to please them you know... ;) maybe the new arrangement is an improvement eh?


you are right Randy


i ll try it the way the plan shows on the small part i started . if it looks good i ll keep going that way


Current builds : HMS Bounty, Constructo Pilar

Next build : undecided

On the Shelf : AL San Juan, Mamoli HMS Victory

Builds on hold : Ochre Gorch Fock, Hachette/Amati Black Pearl

Previous Builds Gallery : Virginia; King of Mississippi

Previous Builds logs : AL King of Mississippi 1/80


Hi Adrieke,


To me the choise is simple, there is no 1x2 sapeli in my kit :D




<span style='font-family: courier new'>In progress: <a class='bbc_url' href='http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/177-king-of-the-mississippi-artesania-latina-scale-180/'>King of the Mississippi</a></span><br />

<br />

<span style='font-family: courier new'>Completed : <a class='bbc_url' href='http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/176-mare-nostrum-4331-artesania-latina-scale-135/'>Mare Nostrum 4331</a></span><br />

<span style='font-family: courier new'><a class='bbc_url' href='http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/gallery/album/51-16th-century-galeass-imai-scale-1160/'>16th century Galeass</a></span><br />

<span style='font-family: courier new'><a class='bbc_url' href='http://members.upc.nl/carla.en.john/Modelbouw/Rocket.htm'>George Stephenson Rocket Locomotive</a></span><br />

<br />

<span style='font-family: courier new'>Next build : sl Louise</span>




Coming along nicely! :10_1_10:


I'll refrain from joining the beer discussion..... :huh:    My experience is that the second and third beers all taste the same no matter what the first one was....... :D :D :D







Completed      Robert E Lee, Misisssippi riverboat               


Completed,  HMS Victory Bow Section


Completed,  Wells Fargo Stagecoach...Picasa album.... 


Completed,  Lackawanna tugboat converted to private yacht...


Completed:  Sopwith Camel, 1:16 Scale, Model Airways...at another location...


Completed:  1961 Ferrari F-1 Sharknose


Completed: (sorta)  OcCre BR-18 Locomotive


Completed: 1/35 Pz.KPfw.III


Completed: Allerton Steam Pumper circa 1869


@ John same with my kit and i dont feel like sanding some down to match the pictures


@ Robbyn hmm there is some Hefeweizen but it seems its localy brewn in OZ. i did see they have bitbuger. bitte ein Bit :cheers:


Current builds : HMS Bounty, Constructo Pilar

Next build : undecided

On the Shelf : AL San Juan, Mamoli HMS Victory

Builds on hold : Ochre Gorch Fock, Hachette/Amati Black Pearl

Previous Builds Gallery : Virginia; King of Mississippi

Previous Builds logs : AL King of Mississippi 1/80

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