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OK,,, back at it.... The end is near.    Starting with the rigging...  Used some black .25mm line.   As you might imagine, it is a real rats nest of lines going back and forth holding up the smoke stacks.   Somewhat of a challenge for me trying attaching each line while trying not to knock any of the existing lines.   but eventually they were all applied   Kind of hard to see the lines in these pictures with black lines against the black deck, but the plans accurately show where each lines goes, so not a big deal.







On to rigging the forward gang plank.   Again a lot of lines in a small area.   Plans are accurate as to where each line goes.   Only real (shall we say) "excitement"  was with the very last line.   Swung my head around to fast and the magnifying  glasses on my head accidently hit the gang plank.  All the rigging, gang plank, and boom came crashing down.   By that time (after a few choice words) I had been at it too long and too tired, and too cranky to repair it.    Repairs will be the next day.    I have found that about 2 hours of work on a model is about all I can do at one time.   After that I start making mistakes (like this one).   This time I had been working about 3 hours,,,,, and obviously it showed up with the crash.    I will try to listen to my own advice more in the future.








On to the life boats.   At this point all I really had to do was rig the gang planks.   The life boats and posts were made earlier.

Brian  made the suggestion in his build that the interlocking rings at the base of the post are a little funky and instead mounted the posts on a board and extended out for the hull.  These boards are circled in red below.   Also, the upper deck is wider than the lower deck (or at least that is the way it is on my model), so if you use the interlocking rings from the lower deck, the posts will extend out from the upper deck and will not be vertical.   I liked the idea of mounting the posts on a board instead of the interlocking rings....






And with the life boats rigged I am going to "call it"....  done ...... except for the base....  Over the next week I will figure out some sort of base.    Its eventual home will be in a large display case that hold most of my models so it will be protected.


It has been a long journey and a real challenge for me as I am probably a below average modeler at best.    But it has been fun....

At this point I am going to take a break from ship building.   My next build will be the Artesania Stage Coach.   For some reason that caught my eye and I looking forward to it.


Here are a few final pictures











Edited by John Gummersall
  • The title was changed to Chaperon by John Gummersall - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Scale 1:48

For a "below average modeler" you sure turned out a snazzy model! I'm so glad you stuck with it and shared the journey with us. This is definitely one to be proud of and display prominently.


I definitely agree on the time limit issue; I too find that my mind and hands go stale after doing any one thing too long. 


Again, congratulations on a job so well done. I'll miss following along.


Very inspiring, thanks for sharing. Will look here frequently once I start with mine.

"A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor."


Completed: Smuggler




Posted (edited)

Thanks for all you comments...I appreciate them.    For anyone who thinks they may be interested in the model, I highly recommend it.   It was fun and I learned a lot along the way.


For those of you who would like to make the Chaperon and have it look more like the real ship,, I have included a couple links Brian (mbp01) sent me on the Chaperon.   One link is a series of photos on the ship and other is a 3D Virtual Walk through.   The 3D Virtual Walk through is especially neat as you can take a virtual walk through most of the ship.     By the way, if you have not seen it, take a look at  Brian's (mbp01)  log on his build of the Chaperon.   It is truly museum quality work.


Anyway... have fun and hope future Chaperon builders will find this log helpful....if nothing else, show you how not make some of my mistakes.    🙂



3D Virtual Walk through


Chaperon Photos

Edited by John Gummersall



Thank you for the links. The 3D virtual walk is amazing and renders so well the atmosphere of the ship. I have this kit in my stash and will take advice from your build log.



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