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Building board check and progress , left hand half frame has been a pain in the... it's not square and it's bowed in the middle length ways so it's thrown out the planking (had to nail the keelson and keel inplace because of the issues), - ended up ignoring the plan and setting the orlop deck supports in the right place and square 1st , you can see how far things are out in the last picture!

now it's all square from the orlop it should all line up properly.






Thinking of replacing the walnut for the deck planks with a lighter wood like Limewood or maybe Beech to match the real decks , I think it would look better and break up the "brownness" of all the walnut in the kit.

Posted (edited)

Corel's HMS Victory cross section is a very nice kit, I believe there is room for improvement. Consider conducting a brief survey through the posts of other members to gather ideas; I'm confident you'll discover them to be intriguing and quite demanding

Edited by kostas_gr

Current builds:

Hermione la Fayette - Artesnia latina 1:89

HMS Victory - Corel 1:98


Completed builds:

San Juan Nepomuceno - Artesnia latina 1:90

San Francisco II - Artesnia latina 1:90

Victory cross section - Corel 1:98

Posted (edited)

Hi Darius

I have found that the four books you show are some of the most useful to be had.


One comment, hope you don't mind. The strakes near the keelson would normally be about a foot away from the keelson. There would be limber boards between the keelson and the first limber strake which is rabbeted to accept the limber boards.  From both Steel's Elements and Practice of Naval Architecture 1805 and The Shipbuilder's Repository 1788 the limber boards were small pieces not to exceed three feet long and on a first rate were 3.5" thick.  They typically had two holes in which fingers could grab hold to lift them. They rested as shown in the drawing below without fastenings.   On a 100 gun ship the first limber strake was 8 inches thick and 15" broad.  The second strake was 6 inches thick and 14 inches broad.





Edited by allanyed

PLEASE take 30 SECONDS and sign up for the epic Nelson/Trafalgar project if you would like to see it made into a TV series.   Click on http://trafalgar.tv   There is no cost other than the 30 seconds of your time.  THANK YOU


Posted (edited)

@kostas_gr Thanks for that ,one of the first things I did was look at the builds here for idea's and how too's


@allanyed thanks for the suggestion , I'm keeping things fairly simple for this build though and just add big stuff thats obvious and not worrying too much about small things that can't really be seen.

Edited by Darius359au

I'm cheating on 'my' limber boards. Just going for effect rather than scale.

Victory Beginning.jpg

"The journey of a thousand miles is only the beginning of a thousand journeys!"


Current Build;

 1776 Gunboat Philadelphia, Navy-Board Style, Scratch Build 1:24 Scale

On the Drawing Board;

1777 Continental Frigate 'Hancock', Scratch Build, Admiralty/Pseudo Hahn Style, "In work, active in CAD design stage!"

In dry dock;

Scratch Build of USS Constitution... on hold until further notice, if any.

Constructro 'Cutty Sark' ... Hull completed, awaiting historically accurate modifications to the deck, deck houses, etc., "Gathering Dust!"

Corel HMS Victory Cross Section kit "BASH"... being neglected!




5 hours ago, tmj said:

'm cheating on 'my' limber boards. Just going for effect rather than scale.

These look quite good as they are clearly visible in your model.  Nice work.


PLEASE take 30 SECONDS and sign up for the epic Nelson/Trafalgar project if you would like to see it made into a TV series.   Click on http://trafalgar.tv   There is no cost other than the 30 seconds of your time.  THANK YOU



*sigh* stupid modelling obsessive compulsiveness is a disease , My brains been bugging me about the Limber boards....so guess what's got limber board's now🫤 ,gone with appearance more than scale exactitude but their in now!

Should have known this would happen seeing my main hobby is 1/35 and 1/16 scale armour , usually with an interior with the 1/16 ones! , now I'm looking at the Bitt's and extending those now😏..



Posted (edited)
On 8/27/2023 at 11:08 PM, Darius359au said:

.so guess what's got limber board's now

Good for you!!!  As mentioned above, you have a terrific set of books and a LOT of these things are shown in some detail.   Quick checks of the indices will more often than not yield great information that you can use, and often lead you to additional sources such as the thousands of plans at RMG Collections and other sources.

Edited by allanyed

PLEASE take 30 SECONDS and sign up for the epic Nelson/Trafalgar project if you would like to see it made into a TV series.   Click on http://trafalgar.tv   There is no cost other than the 30 seconds of your time.  THANK YOU


Posted (edited)

Still plodding along ,interior planks done to the top of the Orlop/bottom of the Gundeck and externals done to the bottom of the Wale - still fighting the frames to keep everything square (a few fillers and slightly tapered planks works).

Just waiting on some 1x3mm limewood for the decks , not happy with the beech I used on the orlop , colour's nice but the speckles are meh ,(of course this leaves me with a largish amount of 1x3mm Beech to do something with..)





Edited by Darius359au

And another change of plans😎 , I didn't like the look of the hold pillars , way too spindly for something supposed to hold up under multiple decks so quick google for some pictures and replaced them with something that looks better👍




Main Wale done , going to stain it black with ink - my plan is splashes of colour to contrast with the wood instead of fully painting and covering it!
I may or may not add copper tape to the lower hull but haven’t decided yet.

Just waiting on some Limewood for the deck planking to be delivered now.IMG_6010.thumb.jpg.5b2f25fbe9eefe0376fd2a2968452bcb.jpg


On 9/13/2023 at 4:45 AM, Darius359au said:

I didn't like the look of the hold pillars

I agree with you. What is supplied in the kit is quite lacking in both interest and also perceivable reality. Real 'cheesy' looking at best. I did the same thing that 'you' did in my bilge too, with the pillars. It's truly a much better look and closer to reality. I'm now currently struggling with the deck stanchions that will support all upper-level decks. I've so far found nothing for sale that looks even remotely realistic and I'm now thinking that I might actually have to painstakingly make my own stanchions. That will surely be more easily said than done, and also take a lot of trial and error in figuring out just how to carve such tiny things, in a micro lathe, without breaking those tiny parts as they are being turned. If I happen to get lucky in finding a source for realist Victory deck pillars, at 1:98 scale, I'll let you know!       

"The journey of a thousand miles is only the beginning of a thousand journeys!"


Current Build;

 1776 Gunboat Philadelphia, Navy-Board Style, Scratch Build 1:24 Scale

On the Drawing Board;

1777 Continental Frigate 'Hancock', Scratch Build, Admiralty/Pseudo Hahn Style, "In work, active in CAD design stage!"

In dry dock;

Scratch Build of USS Constitution... on hold until further notice, if any.

Constructro 'Cutty Sark' ... Hull completed, awaiting historically accurate modifications to the deck, deck houses, etc., "Gathering Dust!"

Corel HMS Victory Cross Section kit "BASH"... being neglected!





Hi Darius359au

I realize it is probably another kit design error, but FWIW for the future or others building this kit, according to the scantlings from David Steel in The Elements and Practice of Naval Architecture 1805, the main wales of first rates circa 1805 were made up of four strakes, not five, and with a total breadth of 5' 2".  They were 10" thick.  The strake above and the strake below the main wales were 8" thick and subsequent strakes reduced for several strakes ending at 4 1/2" thick for the plank of the bottom.  The strakes were likely top and butt or anchor stock rather than straight edge.


The channel wales were made up of 4 strakes up to about 1790 but more likely 3 strakes after that time.  Total breath was 3' 0" and the thickness 5 1/2" or 6".  





PLEASE take 30 SECONDS and sign up for the epic Nelson/Trafalgar project if you would like to see it made into a TV series.   Click on http://trafalgar.tv   There is no cost other than the 30 seconds of your time.  THANK YOU


Posted (edited)
11 hours ago, allanyed said:

Hi Darius359au

I realize it is probably another kit design error, but FWIW for the future or others building this kit, according to the scantlings from David Steel in The Elements and Practice of Naval Architecture 1805, the main wales of first rates circa 1805 were made up of four strakes, not five, and with a total breadth of 5' 2".  They were 10" thick.  The strake above and the strake below the main wales were 8" thick and subsequent strakes reduced for several strakes ending at 4 1/2" thick for the plank of the bottom.  The strakes were likely top and butt or anchor stock rather than straight edge.


The channel wales were made up of 4 strakes up to about 1790 but more likely 3 strakes after that time.  Total breath was 3' 0" and the thickness 5 1/2" or 6".  





Thanks Allan , I was trying to figure out why the wale is too high with the gun port, in the plans it's all lined up! , it's not the 1st time the kits given too many planks ,had an issue with the inner planking in the hold and the outer hull planks from keel to wale as well.

Planks are glued with white glue so might try some water on the top plank and soak it off , (ironically fixing it would make the plans work🤔🤣)


Edit - water worked👍


Edited by Darius359au
8 hours ago, Darius359au said:

I was trying to figure out why the wale is too high with the gun port,

Hi Richard, 

The overall breadth of the four strakes should be about 62".  Looking at drawing ZAZ0121 at RMG Collections the main wale is indeed  62" from what I was able to scale up in low resolution and the ports do cut into the top strake of the main wale about 4 1/2" at midships.  Looking at high resolution plans of other three deckers this is not unusual aft, but not as common midships.   Drawing ZAZ0121 is the 1765 version so the 1803 version of Victory may not be exactly the same.  https://www.rmg.co.uk/collections/objects/rmgc-object-79912  



PLEASE take 30 SECONDS and sign up for the epic Nelson/Trafalgar project if you would like to see it made into a TV series.   Click on http://trafalgar.tv   There is no cost other than the 30 seconds of your time.  THANK YOU



To quote Dennis Nedry in Jurassic Park "Item number 151 on todays glitch list" for this cross section is the guns! ,Building the gundeck and decided to look at the guns and maybe get the kit guns for the 32 pounders ready , bit of a surprise when I found them way too big!

Measured them ,checked the sizes and did some scale conversions... their 35mm long , plug that in to a scale converter and they end up being 11'6" where as the 32's should be 9'6" or 30mm😒 - the kits models for the 24 pounders are the right size and i haven't checked the 12's yet but looks like I might be in the market for some replacements at least for the main guns!

Posted (edited)
On 9/25/2023 at 3:19 AM, Darius359au said:

where as the 32's should be 9'6" or 30mm


I believe the designated gun lengths are from the muzzle to the breech, (basically the length of the bore,) not the length of the cannon barrel. For the 9' 6" barrel, the overall length would be about 10' 5 3/8" as shown below.   I don't know where you are located but here in the USA I paid about $15 for 20 Commonwealth pattern cannon printed in black resin, including shipping that were fantastic.  For the Blomefield pattern,  we only have the 3D drawings for the  9 and 18 pounders so far.  





Edited by allanyed

PLEASE take 30 SECONDS and sign up for the epic Nelson/Trafalgar project if you would like to see it made into a TV series.   Click on http://trafalgar.tv   There is no cost other than the 30 seconds of your time.  THANK YOU



I am working on the Blomefield 3D files now. Right now I'm in the middle of a month long family emergency. When it gets resolved (hopefully by the end of this week), I'll draw the 32 pounder as the next one.

  • 2 weeks later...

Haven't done much work on the cross section due to health issues,(bunch of tests to diagnose a possible problem kicking off a major depressive episode ,just haven't felt like doing anything!)

Anyhoo got the gun deck planked , liking the look of the lime compared to the beech I bought and the walnut of the kit , once again the plans are off - if I followed the plans exactly there would be no room for the squaring or mast partner... to paraphrase Pirates of the Caribbean Their not so much plans as guidelines!

Gundecks not fixed in place yet ,just test fitting (didn't notice one of the stanchions had fallen out before the photo😏)





Posted (edited)

Ok I'm putting this on hold for a bit - the accuracy and quality issues are irking me and it's either stop for a bit or chuck it at a wall!

I will get back to it but at the moment it's a case of "Blah" , good thing is it's making me get off my butt and restart work in my HMS Pegasus!,(just realised I stopped work on Pegasus not long after the great server crash of the old forums back in 2013😳)



Edited by Darius359au

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