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USS Alaska by Boeing774 - Hobby Boss - 1:350 - PLASTIC

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Hello all! This will be my first build log. It's not my first scale model ship; it's my second. As a newbie, my first model I only did photo etch railings and ladders, which turned out ok, but I still chose to go easy with the photo etch for the next model so here I am with with Alaska. Unfortunately, summer vacation is winding down for me and school will hinder progress but I'll try to make as much progress as possible before then.

I'll start off with basic photos of the kit spruces (more detailed ones will be done as I progress with the build):

Spruce A


Spruce B


Spruce C


Spruce D


Spruce E


Spruce F


Spruce G


Spruce J


Spruce K


Photoetch Frets


I'll try and upload some build progress on the hull and deck but if not done this evening, it'll be up tomorrow. Enjoy!

Screen Shot 2024-08-19 at 5.58.51 PM.png

Screen Shot 2024-08-19 at 5.59.01 PM.png

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Wow! thank you so much ddp! I’ll definitely going to end up having my nose buried in this for hours!


For today’s progress I glued the deck pieces to the hull, puttied and sanded gaps between the hull and deck. The kit fits extremely well; all the imperfections that I had to fill in were mostly my fault but the stern area did have some issues that I will finished tomorrow:IMG_2695.thumb.jpeg.496d9bb7064483b32bc5b48dc8f181a4.jpeg

My main concern here is the wood planks molded into the deck; sanded the putty remove quite a bit of detail. I’ve tried rescribing with an Exacto and a ”straight edge” but looks pretty ugly as of now:IMG_2696.thumb.jpeg.fbb28c44f9f2b5c1bf980970d95563db.jpegAny thoughts? anyways I’ve finished sanded down mold lines and imperfections with the underwater portion of the hull; parts near the deck will be done tomorrow.IMG_2694.thumb.jpeg.473371f50777ffbebf78af4971d59474.jpegIMG_2693.thumb.jpeg.3b603d7efe9a2458d58650b19c747fb8.jpegI’ll also probably be attaching the propulsion systems tomorrow and begin with small deck details. I’ll be back tomorrow! Good night !

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if you were on the real ship, you would have to be on your hands & knees to barely feel the grooves between the planks. have you ever been on a wood hull/deck of a cabin cruiser & felt any grooves between the deck /hull planks. also at 1/350 scale, you would not feel or see the grooves unless way over scaled. put the props on near the end as less chance of breakage due to handling.

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Posted (edited)

Hmm makes sense to me, but I'm just concerned about consistency and kinda like it in my opinion. I'll probably rescribe most of the detail, prime it and see how they look. There's also a pretty good chance deck equipment (life rafts, etc) will be over that spot so that might save me some work. As for the props, seems like a great ideas. Thanks again!

Edited by Boeing774
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There’s a pretty good chance there are some but I want to take it easy with this model, basic photo etch, etc. My next model though will be complicated: USS Iowa with a deluxe detail up kit. Also I realized doing deck detail right now might not be a great idea for painting since I’m not sure what color they should but. Should things like capstans, rope reels, and vents be the color of the vertical or horizontal surfaces? 

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Boeing774, here are some online sources for WWII USN ship camouflage.  Painting what for Measure 32: https://shipcamouflage.com/measure_32.htm

Painting where is here: https://shipcamouflage.com/DesignSheets/M32_1D_CB-1.jpg


A light touch with finer sand paper. Or get some fingernail files at the drug store. Two sided, the coarser side works well for cleaning up the sprue gates on your parts. The finer side will help clean up your rescribed areas; just follow the boards.


Welcome aboard.


Started: MS Bounty Longboat,

On Hold:  Heinkel USS Choctaw paper

Down the road: Shipyard HMC Alert 1/96 paper, Mamoli Constitution Cross, MS USN Picket Boat #1

Scratchbuild: Echo Cross Section


Member Nautical Research Guild

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Ah I ran across that website a while ago but just could find it again. Thanks Ken!


I begin with some photo etch work yesterday, although only three pieces.



the first one turned out worse because the vent screens were too long so I had to bend the extra out and cut it but it still left some extra. The second one though looks nice, hopefully they all end up looking that way.

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I just realized that I am running low on super glue. The one that I’ve been just so far gives good results, although I find it slightly weak and have to use several applications of it to bond the photo etch together. I, of course, could stick with the brand I’m using right now, but if I find the need for a better brand, does anyone know of good CA glue? I’m looking for thinnish, slower drying glue that let’s me position the parts in time. I’ve taken a look at Zap-A-Gap glues but I don’t know whether I should use their thin, medium, or thick glue. Thin seems good although it says it has a fast drying time. Medium seems fine, but I just want to hear other’s thoughts. Thanks!

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Anyways for today’s work I finished a set of photo etch vents. I think they turned out pretty good:


As mentioned in my previous post, the super glue I’m using is on the weaker side and although I was being very generous with the amount glue since it wouldn’t be shown, I had to use multiple applications of glue:


Also I plan to work on some 20 mm Oerlikons tomorrow but my question is whether it’d be to cut off the positioning pins on the base of the guns. My original plan was to have the bases flat on a strip of double sided tape so it’d be easy to attach parts and paint, but seeing that they had pins on the bottom makes this impossible:


Any thoughts? Thanks and good night





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You could also try some dense styrofoam pieces, usually found as packing in electronic gear or similar items. Not the stuff that breaks up into those little pieces, like the inexpensive coolers and cup holders.


Started: MS Bounty Longboat,

On Hold:  Heinkel USS Choctaw paper

Down the road: Shipyard HMC Alert 1/96 paper, Mamoli Constitution Cross, MS USN Picket Boat #1

Scratchbuild: Echo Cross Section


Member Nautical Research Guild

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