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A little tease of a picture from the bow towards the stern. I'm still plugging away at the rigging, taking a break for a day or two in between. Rigging is something that I love and hate to do at the same time and can be a REAL headache. So I need a lot of breaks in between especially when I have days like yesterday when I was rigging only to realize I had a couple of lines twisted and wrapped around some other lines and while redoing them, I popped a couple of other lines. So I spent about 3 out of 4 hours doing and then redoing rigging lines. I was like two steps forward and three steps back.


Thank you for the kind words Paul and Jp, that does help with keeping the momentum going.


Yes, this could very well be my last build depending on how my health holds out. But if the good lords willing and the creek don't rise, I might, just might mind you build one more model. I have an OcCre Montanes waiting in the wings That I would really like to build and donate to a childrens hospital or some other type of charity for display or to auction off for funds. But, we'll have to wait and see.




  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Looking mighty fine Mike, mighty fine!  :)





Don't be bound by the limits of what you already know, be unlimited by what you are willing to learn.


Member of the Nautical Research Guild


Thank you for the kind words J and G. I'm getting down to just a few more hours left on her. Mainly attaching the lifeboats and the tidying up a few loose ends and then giving it a good dusting and cleaning. I also have to make up a release and waiver form turning over ownership of the model & case to the City Library. I'm also including the book "Anatomy of The Ship 100 Gun Ship Victory", which I used as research for the model, which will give anyone who wished to learn more about this majestic ship the ease and opportunity to do so.




It's a great thing you're doing by donating it to the library Mike.  Are you planning on posting some finished pictures here and in the gallery?  :)





Don't be bound by the limits of what you already know, be unlimited by what you are willing to learn.


Member of the Nautical Research Guild

Posted (edited)

The W. T. Bland Library in Mount Dora, Florida. My home town :D This has been a bucket list item for me for quite some time and since I'm getting a bit long in the tooth with a bad ticker, there was no time like the present, especially since I knew going in that the Victory would take a minimum of two years to complete. Here is a link to there web site:





Edited by mtdoramike

Thanks John, Im planning the delivery of the Vic on the first week of December. I would have rather made it a bit sooner like next week. But im going through some medical treatments for the next couple of weeks, which leaves me a might puck afterwards.



  • 2 weeks later...

She looks great sitting in her final berth Mike!   :dancetl6:





Don't be bound by the limits of what you already know, be unlimited by what you are willing to learn.


Member of the Nautical Research Guild


Thanks guys, I was questioning myself numerous times during the build. But I had to keep plugging along. I'm proud that she turned out as great as she did and I couldn't be happier with the display case choice that I made.


I was thinking of doing a separate thread for the Library donation or I could just add the updates here, what do you guys think?




Sounds like a great idea Mike!  I for one would be interested to see where she's going to end up, and I'm sure others would too. 





Don't be bound by the limits of what you already know, be unlimited by what you are willing to learn.


Member of the Nautical Research Guild



Hi, Mike.....


Why not include the library trip in the current log.  That way the reader can see the complete story all in one spot.  That was a very gracious endeavor and a fine piece of work.



  • 2 weeks later...

Well, is was supposed to be, but I think I may have one more left in me as long as my health holds out. I bought a OcCre Montanes kit from a forum member last year just in case I felt froggy. So it's waiting in the wings for me once I re-coop from building the Victory. Yes, I had a plaque made up for it with my name on it and the date of the start of the build and the finish date.


It looks like I have a confirmation on delivery of the Victory to the http://mylakelibrary.org/libraries/wt_bland_public_library.aspxwhich will be Friday morning December 11, 2015. I will try and get some pictures of the delivery and setup at the library and post them here on this thread kind of as a closure. Now the hard part will be getting it there in one piece. I tried building it with the thought in mind that it would have to travel, so I hope I have everything supported enough to make the trip without any issues.





She's definitely an outstanding build Mike, and I hope they give it the appreciation, and you, the recognition this generous gesture deserves.





Don't be bound by the limits of what you already know, be unlimited by what you are willing to learn.


Member of the Nautical Research Guild

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