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Michael - thanks for your nice comment. I cut the little "legs"off & pushed them in the drilled holes with needle nose pliers & tapped them down with a very small punch.I did not blacken them  - I put them in with the cut ends down.


Here is a picture of the product.I got them at my local hobby store which stocks a lot of model train stuff. They are a bit pricey but I could not find any round nails small enough - these are actually flat,not round.




Thanks again everyone for the nice comments & likes.



current build - HMS Vanguard - Model Shipways


  • 3 weeks later...

A small update - finished the hull nailing.Hard to see the small nails unless you are close up. Also started planking the decks. After planking the decks I am going to make up one gun carriage to determine where to position the round gun ports & cut them out before finishing the planking on the outer hull to try & minimize splintering.










I am planking the deck with different length planks in no certain pattern as the original is.





current build - HMS Vanguard - Model Shipways


  • 3 weeks later...

A small update - I decided to go ahead & build all 14 gun carriages.I didn`t like the generic kit carriages so I built some from scratch.The sides were built up from 1.5mm square strips.I simulated the reinforcements on the tops& fronts with black heavy paper.The pegs in the axles are made from .020 inch wire. The axle brackets were made from the same wire hammered flat & bent to shape.i have decided to use the kit cannon barrels.Each carriage will have 38 pieces when finished.In the last picture the kit carriage is on the left & mine on the right. Although they are a little taller than the kit ones would have been I am fairly happy how they turned out.









current build - HMS Vanguard - Model Shipways


  • 2 weeks later...

update -


Deck & inner bulwarks planked & holes cut for the upper deck guns.Found a nice darker red paint to use on this build - not as "in your face"as the previous red I used. In looking at the pictures of the ship in the museum I noticed the stem side braces - can`t remember the proper name - seem to each be made from two pieces fastened together so I made mine that way. Didn`t like Corel`s design. I also didn`t like the design of the decorative surrounds for the upper gun ports so I went shopping for something maybe a little better. I found some decorative rings at a Michaels craft store which I thought looked a little better - they have a flowery design fairly similar to the real ones & they were the same size as the kit decorations so after a little filing & paint i think they will look ok. The kit was short 2 decorations anyway.













current build - HMS Vanguard - Model Shipways




Your deck looks real nice.

When I did my deck planking, I missed the curved cutouts for the ladders between the lower deck and the next deck.

I was too scared to go back and put them in (fearing I would do more damage!) Yours turned out nicely!




Thanks Frank - I almost forgot to file out those curved areas. As you know that is not in the Corel plans. I am not actually nailing the deck planks - what I do is using a very small drill bit I make a very shallow hole in the plank. Then I sand the deck & let the sawdust settle in the holes. After applying the finish it looks like nails.I usually use a #76 or 77 bit with just one twist of the pin vise - the holes need to be very shallow. 



current build - HMS Vanguard - Model Shipways


  • 2 weeks later...

Update -

Upper hull planking finally done & the small windows made & installed - I hope I got them in the right place. I made them by gluing some fiberglass window screen to some clear acetate & just touching the screen material with some brown paint & a really small brush.Also had just enough decorative brass strip left over from my last build to make the surrounds for the companionways.then i made the doors from some 1 by 3mm strips.The hinges were from my spare parts box - a little short but they will do.Now I have started on the false top timbers for the railings.By the way - there is no finish applied to anything yet so some areas may look a little spotty.










Sorry about the picture quality  - I don`t have a really good camera(I don`t think I could take a good picture with a good camera anyway).



current build - HMS Vanguard - Model Shipways


  • 2 weeks later...


Finished the bulwark stanchions& railings - approx.390 individual pieces & a coat of poly applied.Also made the pulley block which goes between the railing at the center of the ship.Also got the gratings made. I will paint the deck flat black under the gratings.If I had paid a little more attention I would have cut the openings in the deck before fastening it down :angry:.











current build - HMS Vanguard - Model Shipways




Made the curved ladders & installed them along with the gratings. Also made the benches just below the poop deck. I didn`t have any figures to put under the shelf between the 2 lower companionways so I just used some extra railing stanchions that I had. Thanks for the looks & likes.









current build - HMS Vanguard - Model Shipways




Decided to work on the bow construction. The trim pieces provided in the kit didn`t seem correct to me(forgot to take a picture of them)so I cut & filed a bit to make them closer to what seemed more correct. After painting & installing trim I am pretty satisfied with them.









current build - HMS Vanguard - Model Shipways



Hello Mark, Wow very nice neat workmanship,what color did you use for the bowpeice,, also wish you a merry festive season to you and your family .Edwin

Posted (edited)

Thanks Edwin - best wishes to you also. The red I am using is a Vallejo color called gory red. It is a very deep red - in person it is not nearly as bright as in the photos. There is no finish applied to the hull yet so it looks a little spotty.



Edited by marktiedens

current build - HMS Vanguard - Model Shipways



update -

Finished the bow gratings & added a few steps so the crew can get up to the main deck :D. Also found that I had to add a small wedge to the top of the stem because the bowsprit angle was way too low. I may start on the galleries next after determining how I`m going to do them - need to figure out how to get the lower rear tower positioned so it will not interfere with the upper gallery. Seems to be a common problem with the Corel kit.









current build - HMS Vanguard - Model Shipways



Started on the galleries - after shaping the kit supplied lower pieces I decided to add some tapered shims to the lower pieces to position them out further so that it would hopefully give a little more clearance for the rear lower tower. After painting them & gluing them on I formed some pieces from basswood & balsa to tie everything together. In the last picture the hull is not crooked - the photo was taken at a slight angle. I would also like to wish everyone at MSW a happy new year :pirate41:











current build - HMS Vanguard - Model Shipways



Thank you very much Nigel. Looking at the last photo it is my opinion that the problems everyone has building the stern galleries on the Corel kit comes from the shape of the stern being too straight up & down. It seems like it should have more taper from top to bottom. That way the upper gallery would not overlap the lower one so much. However,it is what it is & I will try to make the best of it.



current build - HMS Vanguard - Model Shipways



I agree Mark,it struck me immediately looking at your last pic.I didn't mention it as I know you are aware of the issues with this particular kit,at least if you are after more historically correct appearance.I wish you the best of luck at achieving a compromise,to try and make everything tie into the original would have meant reprofiling several bulkheads.


Kind Regards



Currently working on Royal Caroline




Great work on the bow section!


Yes those galleries are a pain. I think you and Nigel got it right in that there should be more of a taper to the side of the hull.

I barely got my Rear tower on the lower gallery to fit under the upper gallery.


Keep the photos coming!


Happy New Year.




Thanks Frank. I can see so far that after widening the lower platforms I will also have to adjust the roof a little.



current build - HMS Vanguard - Model Shipways


  • 2 weeks later...

Another little update-

After filing down the towers I planked over them to make them look a little better & then painted them. After gluing them in place I planked over the upper roof formers & painted them. The butts in the roof & tower planking will be covered by the figures from the kit. Even after shimming the lower galleries out the lower rear towers still just barely fit.









current build - HMS Vanguard - Model Shipways



This is looking really nice Mark. Keep it going. Love that red color. 

Current/But Not immediate Build Logs


I am still gathering the tools I need but starting preliminary work. Nothing to show just yet.


Fair American

Armed Virginia Sloop.


Thanks Frank - I didn`t mount them perfectly level,instead I planked them a little bit "wonky" as Matti would say. It`s kind of hard to tell in the photos. Also thanks everyone for the looks & likes. Now working on the lower gallery roofs - a bit tricky. I must say I have already changed more things on this build than the entire Sergal build & I`m not even half way through it. :o



current build - HMS Vanguard - Model Shipways


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