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Thank you so much both of you! Really appreciate the encouragement. She is slowly coming along. Mostly making and shaping hull frames.  This for sure will be a fun challenge to make.


Hi Brian. I too, am looking forward to following along. It should be a great build. Out of interest, I've noticed that the photos of the beautiful models provided by Sticlaru in the post above are not captioned, but, does the big model resemble what your model will look like? Nice models, by the way and thanks to Sticlaru for posting them.


Cheers and all the best!

  • 4 weeks later...

Hello friends. I had to take a break from Yacht Mary to focus on school and my job, as well as overcome some technical issues. Now that school is out and most of the technical issues have been resolved, I am back to working on the model. So I am currently working on the stern plates.. Am making the false cannon openings that are on either side of the rudder, complete with metal bars. Have to remake the strips for the door frames, messed those up. Also will be attempting soon the two inner most frames that make up the pavilion on Mary. Pics will be coming soon.

Posted (edited)

So as promised I am posting some pictures for you all to see of my progress. Using the examples of Bernard Frolich, I attempted to make the same posts he shows in his book The Art of Ship Modeling, and they were literally a royal pain to screw down onto the building board. Also enclosed is a close up of the dead-board under construction, and the stern plates with the first of the sections for the false cannon ports.




Edited by bdgiantman2
  • 2 months later...

All those fun other adult activities like working and school are heavily limiting my modeling abilities. Yesterday I glued the deadwood to the keel only to discover afterwards that I have made my keel too long where the sternpost attaches. Half of the keel got damaged anyways while trying to thin the width down to the proper scale size. So now I get to re-make half of the keel and will have to gently pry off the deadwood and the sternpost and place in the proper location. Can provide pics if you want.


oh, I always love to see pictures.  sometimes a picture of what went wrong will help another modeler to  suggest a fix that you may not have thought of.  Take heart and press on though.  It seems like modeling is always two steps forward one step back. :)











future build: to finish Mary Rose




completed builds:  Constructo Steam Launch Louise


Hello bdgiantman2


A good beginnig!


I am most interested in your build, for my next project will be the Statenjacht Utrecht.


Reagards Hartmut

on the : Staatenjacht Utrech


At last finished:

Gianna a Pinco Genovese

HMS Agamemnon

Posted (edited)

Thank you gentlemen for your kind comments. Here are the pictures as requested, Tarbrush. I felt so close to finally being able to have the stern transom installed when realized the mistake. But as they say, better to catch early than to catch too late. Before I glued the deadwood in the other day, a piece of the tip broke off, which thankfully in ways goes well with the stern installation, but still need a tiny piece that broke off that you might see in the pics.




Edited by bdgiantman2
  • 8 months later...
Posted (edited)

Well my followers, I am sorry that I have been gone for so long. Doing all the fun "adult" stuff and with some screwy hours and setbacks. Getting back on the horse again, and slowly making progress on Mary.


Had to rebuild half the keel, got that done and also painted now.


Mostly have been making frames for the ribs of the hull. In the enclosed photo you will see a nearly completed stern plate that will be mounted to the keel after I re-install the deadwood.



Edited by bdgiantman2
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Progress from the ol' boatyard. The first of the hull frames is officially in place. Today glued in the deadwood and first of the stern templates. The boat builders are reported to have celebrated with a little white wine, despite how late the yacht is in building progress. But we will keep a secret about this from His Majesty the king for now. Inserts wicked grin of delight.


Peace out!





Edited by bdgiantman2

Looks a great project.I look forward to hearing more.

I'm building the Mamoli kit of the Yacht Mary,and have nearly finished the hull.

Found this image online of a model of the yacht,built by Robert Spence many years ago,and now housed at Trinity House,London.


Hope it is of interest and good luck with your build.


Hello Laurence, and welcome to my  blog. Thank you for the kind words and the cool picture. I am using the Mamoli plans as I am sure you have seen in my posted pics and notes, but their plans have several major errors, which is one reason I am building mine from scratch. Good luck to you on your build and I will have to make a visit to your boat yard to see your progress. :)



  • 7 months later...

Hello friends. I haven't forgotten about this blog or given up on the Yacht Mary. Just over two months ago I moved to Denver but have been doing bits and pieces for this model. Have a series of rib sections to cut out and building more. I will be posting pictures soon.

Posted (edited)

Hi Brian


It's great to hear that you're still working (albeit slowly) on your Yacht Mary. As usual, life always gets in the way, but I'm looking forward to your photos and updates.


Congrats, also, on your move to Denver.  As an Aussie, the only thing that Denver brings to mind is John Denver and his Rocky Mountain High song  ;)  ;)  ;) , but I'm sure that it's one hell of a beautiful spot.





Edited by Omega1234

LOL, that is funny! 


Thanks for the comment. Your skills are amazing and I still plan to challenge you a little in the near future with another build. Denver is beautiful, and way more affordable place to live with better job opportunities than San Diego where I come from.


PS - I have a friend who is from Austrillia


Thanks Brian!  


It certainly sounds like you made the right move to Denver, especially if the jobs are there.  Best of luck.


Thanks also, for the challenge.  I do have another ship in the pipeline.  It'll make Majellan look like a tiny run-about; assuming of course, that I can pull it off: https://www.yachtcharterfleet.com/luxury-charter-yacht-24129/mary-jean-ii-photos.htm#yacht-tabs).


All the best!





  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Another update from my shipyard. Word has it that some early construction is being started on the hawse timbers and a horizontal piece that will help support those timbers from underneath. The yard crew is also hoping to potentially start making the deck soon.


The Mamoli plans I am using have one major error as you will see in my enclosed pictures. Mamoli shows the Yacht Mary having a typical bulb round English bow, which is not historically accurate. The books about the Utrecht (Available on Seawatchbooks.com) show and tell how the Dutch Statenjachts at the time had a more square bow, similar to that of the American Whaling fleets. Once under the horizontal timbers, the bow timbers would be angled in at forty-five degree segments.  The Dutch book 17 de eeuws Statenjacht  will show the same information.




Edited by bdgiantman2
  • 3 months later...
Posted (edited)

So one of the items I have undertaken recently in building my Yacht Mary are the futtocks that go between the main ribs of the hull. This is because I am attempting to make this model admiralty style. Merry Christmas to all and wishing you all safe construction with smooth sailing.


Edited by bdgiantman2

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