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  1. Here are a few pictures of my finished model on the as yet unstained oak display case base. As per Vanguard Models usual high standard, the kit was a pleasure to put together and resulted in a beautiful model. In fact, my wife stated she definitely wants this model displayed in the house! (That is high praise!!) Now, on to Harpy.
  2. There is one listed on ebay right now (15Dec24 @0400). It's an auction that ends in 12 hours though. At the present price with shipping from the UK you are going to pay around $110 US.
  3. Also, while a number of the manufacturers/dealers are located in Europe, they all still have extremely fast delivery times. My UK purchases have always arrived within a week.
  4. On the right of the forum page is a list of manufacturers/dealers. I have dealt with Vanguard, A. Latina, Maris Stella, Age of Sail, CAF. For those not on the list, Caldercraft, Cornwall are both top notch. Honestly, there are so many good places to buy from. Find the model you are interested in from whatever of the above sources and buy it. You will not be disappointed
  5. Personally, I will always purchase these if they are not included in the kits. I have never had any luck with building the kit supplied, wooden boats. I have retrofitted several older ships with these and they look fantastic.
  6. Excellent choice. Good luck. You should have no problem producing a beautiful model. I am building the same one and am at the stage of rigging the ratlines. My wife who is not a big ship model fan saw my project and was really impressed to the point she said that it must be displayed in our living room!!!
  7. Also in the past I had received the Sergal Sovereign of the Seas. To my mind, there is no comparison in the quality of that kit and the AL Soleil Royal. IMO, the AL kit is vastly superior to a Sergal kit.
  8. I am in the midst of building the AL Soleil Royal. (see the build log) Having built many kits I can say this is one of the better ones that I have encountered. Castings are very nice and crisp. And while there are literally several thousands of pictures in the digital manual, I still would have preferred the usual plan sheets particularly when it will come to the rigging. Another issue. Some of the blocks and deadeyes are laser cut on plywood. They are not the usual ones supplied in almost all kinds of kits and I anticipate replacing them.
  9. As the weather got better here in Wisconsin I have had lots of outdoor chores to deal with. During this time I've had lots of time to think about this project. I have come to the conclusion that I need to shelve this project for the time being. At 72years old, I may not have the time to devote to correcting and adjusting to the issues with this kit. And there are too many newer kits to build. It is very obvious that Mamoli updated this kit at some point but failed to update their directions/plans I have alluded the issue with the plywood sides of which there is no mention in the instructions. Furthermore, the instructions talk about putting the first strips on in a specific place in order to correctly place the metal cannon ports. Well, there are no metal cannon ports even though the plans show them. The "newer" plywood pieces have the cannon port positions imprinted on the pieces with some cut out and others just printed. I believe the plan was to have the imprinted ports only be covered with the metal doors and not open., But again, no mention in the plans. So rather than struggle with this kit I will shelve it and move on to one of the Vanguard kits I have on the shelf. Also will continue to work on my AL Soleil Royal. (lot of gunports to line!!!!)
  10. Nice to see that MS now includes a stern post on which to attach the 3d stern piece. Several years ago when I purchased this kit that was not present. Turned out there was no way to attach that 3d printed piece to the model. As my scratch building skills are almost non-existent I had to shelf the project.
  11. It is now very obvious that the instructions included with this kit, for the most part, do not correspond to the actual kit. At some point in the past, maybe Mamoli had a different HMS Prince kit but they failed to update their instructions for this one. This build was always going to be difficult due to the size but the lack of correct instructions will make it that much harder. In the 2nd to last picture above you can see the plywood side strips that are to be applied. The instructions make no mention of these strips. And the cross section diagrams would seem to make this a traditional double planked model. while totally ignoring those plywood pieces. The parts list does not mention those plywood pieces. There is only one diagram showing the plywood strips applied. There are definitely not enough strips of any type of wood to allow for double planking. I am now soaking those plywood strips as there is a severe bend at the bow. A dry fit of those strips does show that notch on the bulkheads is indeed the beginning of using the regular wood strips for planking the lower section of the hull. I am disappointed in Mamoli over this. In the past I had built many Mamoli kits and never had any issues.
  12. same surface. That regular kitchen counter.
  13. I don't use them. My ship modeling area is only used for ship modeling. The counters have kitchen counter type coverings. In over 20 years they still are clean and without significant cuts.
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