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Blue Ensign

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    Blue Ensign reacted to Mike Y in 21ft English Pinnace by Mike Y - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:24   
    Slowly finishing interior details. Mounted splash protectors, rings, some decorative things near a few twarts, small ladder for a captain.
    Some things are done not according to the manual (different position on splash protectors, etc). So far I like the modified parts compared to pictures in manual


    Rudder tiller was nice, but too small for that scale. Made another one, bigger. Maybe it is not in scale, but now it will not break if a fly poops on it
    Connection between carved part and turned part is enforced with a small brass rod. It is a pity that connection is visible, will try better next time:

    And that is a moulded boxwood strip instead of friesers (that look like an overdecoration imho). I understand that are a part of contemporary model, plus the whole point of captain pinnace is to flash, so it was overdecorated. But I like a more laconic design, so replaced most flashy parts with less flashy, but elegant:

  2. Like
    Blue Ensign got a reaction from NMBROOK in HMS Pegasus 1776 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:64 - 16-gun sloop   
    Yes I think that would work, I would add a simple wooden moulding strip to match the one above the name to complete the effect.
  3. Like
    Blue Ensign got a reaction from Martin W in HMS Pegasus by flyer - FINISHED - Victory Models   
    Great photo's Peter, she is looking excellent, with the sails in place and the crew busy about their business you have imparted a real sense of life and movement in your build.
    Re the topsail lift / t'gallant sheet arrangement that is the method indicated in the ffm Vol 1V,and the one I will follow if I ever get around to rigging Pegasus.
  4. Like
    Blue Ensign got a reaction from flyer in HMS Pegasus by flyer - FINISHED - Victory Models   
    Great photo's Peter, she is looking excellent, with the sails in place and the crew busy about their business you have imparted a real sense of life and movement in your build.
    Re the topsail lift / t'gallant sheet arrangement that is the method indicated in the ffm Vol 1V,and the one I will follow if I ever get around to rigging Pegasus.
  5. Like
    Blue Ensign reacted to flyer in HMS Pegasus by flyer - FINISHED - Victory Models   
    The finished sail was provided with the necessary lines and furled to the yard. The buntline blocks were installed as descript in Lees. After putting up the yard with parrel ropes, ties and lifts the cluelines and sheets were installed.
    For the lifts I choose (together with my bosun) a rather unconventional instalment. During the period of Pegasus’ build and live usually the topgallant sheets were used also as topsail lifts. In earlier or later times the lifts ran from the masthead; the same arrangement that is shown in the kits plans. The yard by yard build up seems easier for me, if I use separate lifts and sheets. Therefore, upon a suggestion of my bosun, I decided on a clove hitched span around the cap and seized the topsail lifts to it.
    Another problem is the belaying of all those lines. The space is rather cramped and I try to find reasonable belaying points using the plans and Lees while not overcrowding the bitts and rails.
    In the meantime the sail maker has started to work on the main topgallant sail.

    Parrel ropes attached

    Yard held with ties...

    ...and lifts. You see the span around the cap with the lifts sized to it.


    In the beginning there is still some space to belay the lines on the quarterdeck rail

    Buntlines are in place

    Captain Jack asks for more order around the bitts...

    ...and the bosun tries to live up to this rather untimely request.
  6. Like
    Blue Ensign got a reaction from Ray in HMS Diana 1794 by Ray - FINISHED - Caldercraft - A 38 gun Heavy Frigate   
    Very nice work Ray and excellent photos. Look forward to seeing the centre-line fittings in place.
  7. Like
    Blue Ensign got a reaction from md1400cs in Wasa by md1400cs - FINISHED - Corel - 1:75   
    Fine, fine, work on those guns Michael, so impressive given the scale and level of detail included.
  8. Like
    Blue Ensign got a reaction from Mirabell61 in HMS Pegasus 1776 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:64 - 16-gun sloop   
    Yes I think that would work, I would add a simple wooden moulding strip to match the one above the name to complete the effect.
  9. Like
    Blue Ensign got a reaction from Mirabell61 in HMS Pegasus 1776 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:64 - 16-gun sloop   
    Nice progress Nils, beautiful little glimpses into the inner world of your Pegasus, I find your build so appealing.
    Regarding the comment by Pete(flyer) about the stern counter, I see what he's getting at and I understand your reasons for the approach you took.
    Only my opinion but I think the look could be improved, and you may be intending to do it, by adding a further decorative rail below where the name is, at the level of the wale tops. It would break up the flat expanse of what is the lower counter on your Pegasus.
    Just a thought.
  10. Like
    Blue Ensign reacted to Mirabell61 in HMS Pegasus 1776 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:64 - 16-gun sloop   
    Build log part 27

    starboard side first metal Support bracket for step platform

    second bracket mounted and brought to alignment

    platform fit test and weight testing

    check out guns placed underneath and ladder inbetween (to be shortend accordingly)
    Still Need to do the same experience on port side

    Arrangement of chainpump crank handle and bearing supports

    view through quarter badge window. Unfortunately the first and the last two links of the Girlande broke off and unfindable got lost somewhere...

    I first wanted to decorate the cabins with furniture, but I think I`ll leave it as is (less is more)
    Build log part 28 to follow...
  11. Like
    Blue Ensign reacted to md1400cs in Wasa by md1400cs - FINISHED - Corel - 1:75   
    Hi Mates,
    Here is an update on the cannons, very laborious, but moving along. The carriage wheels are finally completed and installed.
    Some notes;
    As you may have noted from previous posts I used small rings with stems to create the axle braces, cutting the ring parts.
    I cut and adjusted all 112 individually, then glued them with a tiny bit of Gorilla white wood glue. Once they "set", I then added CA glue at the very bottoms for permanent adhesion. Note the shinny bits at the axle groove tips. The wheels will hide these smears.
    Each carriage had to be size adjusted for my inconsistent cannon deck port heights. Hmmm. So numbered each one, after adjusting the carriage heights, and slipped their corresponding parts into small zip packs.
    Next step is to blacken the metal upper frames which are presently still bright brass. I want to use the chemical, but think that painting might be faster because I need to airbrush all of the cannons (including the lower and upper "dummies" black. So I might do this all at once.
    I haven't used my Paasche in so many years, I was surprised to find my air pump still working (:-)
    This will be followed by drilling small holes at the bottom center of each carriage to allow for a set nail when attached to the deck.
    Lastly, the blocks, hooks and ropes will be attached.
    PS: I think that my axle pins are too far away from the washer Drat !!

  12. Like
    Blue Ensign reacted to Timmo in HM Bomb Vessel Granado 1756 by Timmo - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale 1:64   
    A mass blackening of some upcoming hull ironwork was carried out. I've given up on the dodgy microwaving of solution for heat and use a bowl full of hot water to sit the container of solution in to keep it nice and hot to speed the blackening process.
    Included in this lot are swivel guns and brackets, sweep port hinges, spanshackles, chainplates and chase port door hinges.

    Swivel guns attached. The blob at the end of the training handle is painted pva glue. Only one installed for a look. They'll be the last thing put on.

    A view of the rest of the swivel gun pedestals and sweep port hinges attached.

    The fore-most sweep ports will be left open. A ring bolt was added to the inside. This wasn't done on the closed ports as it simply can't be seen. This looks delicate and primed for destruction as the build continues but they are surprisingly strong as the hinges are glued a few mm into the hull and edge of the port also provides stability.
    I'll be prepared for 'I told you so' if I do lose them.

  13. Like
    Blue Ensign reacted to Blueskippy in HM Schooner Pickle by Skippy - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64   
    A short deviation from the main build:
    Whilst in a local hobby shop I acme across some larger section planking going cheap (app 1.5mm x 8mm) and this gave me an idea for the display stand:
    I cut the strips to size and laid them with a butt shift:


    I then drilled for the treenails and inserted these with pva:



    Then .5mm black cord caulking, a walnut border and some coats of semi gloss varnish and here we are:

    It mirrors the Pickles' deck and I think looks ok.
  14. Like
    Blue Ensign reacted to Ray in HMS Diana 1794 by Ray - FINISHED - Caldercraft - A 38 gun Heavy Frigate   
    Hi all
    I have had a bit of a building break, mainly due to refitting our bathroom, which included a new bath and new sink & loo vanity units. We also had a week looking after two of our granddaughters. I did make up a couple of the deck fittings the capstan and the quarter deck sky-light.
    Now back to adding the guns to the other side of the quarter deck, two carronades so far.

    Quarter deck sky-light

    Second side Carronades

  15. Like
    Blue Ensign reacted to Ray in HMS Diana 1794 by Ray - FINISHED - Caldercraft - A 38 gun Heavy Frigate   
    All the quarter deck guns have now been rigged slow progress due to other comittments and a bout of flu, the only other work has been on some of the deck fittings. I will update on the fitting soon, I will also add the pin-rails, I think they will be fixed to the top of the bulwark below the open rail,I will also fit the cleats plus the eye’s to the rear half of the ship, at this moment I am also thinking the sky light will be painted red ochre and the barricade black as all the wooden components in its construction are different colours.





    All the quarter deck guns rigged


  16. Like
    Blue Ensign got a reaction from dafi in HMS Victory by gjdale - FINISHED - Mamoli - Scale 1:90   
    Hi Grant, this is what I have:





    Hope these help
    Like your method of construction, will bear that in mind for Pegasus.
  17. Like
    Blue Ensign reacted to ianmajor in HMS Unicorn by ianmajor - Corel - Scale 1:75, 1748 to 1771   
    Then I tried the four braced stantions in place. They are blackened but need a polish up - they look rather uneven at the moment.

    Having got the centre line of the cranks established it was now time to check the lateral position of the pump cisterns. The easiest way was to make the hoods and use their centre lines when fitted to the cisterns.
    To make the hoods I cut the sides from 0.5mm thick walnut. The edge planking was 1.5mm wide strips of the same material.The sides were made so that they made a sliding fit inside the cisterns. The hoods when complete will rest on the edge planking.
    I milled a piece of scrap wood to be a snug fit inside the hoods to use as an assembly jig. This piece had a 0.7mm hole drilled in it so that the sides could be lined up using the 0.7mm drill bit. With the sides clamped to the jig I checked that it would still slide inside the cistern then I to planked around the edge.

    The first hood and a cistern were again tried for alignment. Once I am happy with the ride height of the hood I will fit a closure plank on the gap that still exists on both sides (the nearside gap is visible).

    Now it is time to make the second hood. I intend to have a pump with the chain and sprocket visible. Making two hoods means that if I make a complete pig's ear of the chain I can glue the two hoods on and pretend that that was what I intended to do all along!
  18. Like
    Blue Ensign reacted to rafine in Frigate Essex by Rafine - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Kitbashed   
    Another small, but tedious, step forward. The next batch of guns have been made up, mounted and rigged. I also added some more deck ringbolts. As with the prior gun batches, these were done with the kit barrels, modified Lumberyard carriage kits and blocks and rigging line from Chuck. I have one last batch of 8 guns left to do, but these will wait for a while.
    Next up will be work on the pumps and the bitts for the main mast, as well as the remaining framing for the quarterdeck. I'm also working on the sizing of the various rigging lines, so that I can add the lines that need to be belayed before their attachment points become inaccessible because of the deck framing.

  19. Like
    Blue Ensign got a reaction from gjdale in HMS Victory by gjdale - FINISHED - Mamoli - Scale 1:90   
    Very impressive Grant, she looks wonderful, and what a fine series of photo's, you must be feeling well satisfied.
    Looking forward to seeing the  final touches.
  20. Like
    Blue Ensign got a reaction from BETAQDAVE in US Brig Oneida 1809 by rlb - The Lumberyard - 1:48 scale - POF - Lake Ontario Warship   
    Beautiful work on your cutter Ron, I think I'm going to have to up my game to match the fineness of detail you have achieved.
  21. Like
    Blue Ensign got a reaction from augie in HMS Victory by gjdale - FINISHED - Mamoli - Scale 1:90   
    Very impressive Grant, she looks wonderful, and what a fine series of photo's, you must be feeling well satisfied.
    Looking forward to seeing the  final touches.
  22. Like
    Blue Ensign reacted to gjdale in HMS Victory by gjdale - FINISHED - Mamoli - Scale 1:90   
    In this final series of shots, I wanted to show some views of the Launch on the skid beams. I fitted a couple of eye-bolts to the keelson of the boat and attached the lifting gear, to show the boat in the process of being readied for launching.  I haven't yet tied off the tackle falls, in case I change my mind about this, or some of you have better ideas for this aspect.




    This last shot shows quite clearly the Fore course sheet and the Main course tack passing through their respective hull sheave blocks.

    And that's your lot for now.  Hopefully it won't be too long before I start posting progress on the remaining boats.
  23. Like
    Blue Ensign reacted to gjdale in HMS Victory by gjdale - FINISHED - Mamoli - Scale 1:90   
    This series of photos shows some close-ups of the rigging.  I wanted to try to capture some of the "busy-ness" of it all, especially under the tops and around the forecastle.









  24. Like
    Blue Ensign reacted to gjdale in HMS Victory by gjdale - FINISHED - Mamoli - Scale 1:90   
    In this, and the next two posts, I'll show some overall progress shots.  I decided that to celebrate the occasion of completing the rigging, it was time to try and take some decent photos.  So I bought some sheets of light blue cardboard from the local art supply shop (having read somewhere here that light blue provides the best background for ship photos), and made up a temporary photo booth.  Of course before I could do that, I had to completely clear off and clean the shipyard table too (an added bonus)!
    I experimented a bit with camera settings, so the quality varies a bit, but here goes;










  25. Like
    Blue Ensign reacted to gjdale in HMS Victory by gjdale - FINISHED - Mamoli - Scale 1:90   
    Hi all,
    Thanks again for all the kind words and also for all the "likes".  It's been a while since I've updated the log, partly because I haven't been home much, and partly because progress shots of rigging gets pretty monotonous after a while.  Anyway, the big news is, that having had the Easter weekend plus a few extra days of purely "me time", the rigging is at last complete!
    Doin' the Happy Dance!      
    But of course it wasn't all plain sailing to get there.  As we know, there have been a few modifications to the kit instructions, plans and parts required along the way.  So this post will show a couple of these, and then I've got a ton of photos of the completed rigging that I'll post in separate posts shortly.  That should keep you know who happy for at least a week!
    First up, the Spiders.  These are metal straps that hold the block for the aft end of the Main course sheets.  The kit supplied parts were made of a soft and brittle metal that basically crumbled as soon as I tried to insert a block in the looped end.  No real drama here. After some earlier experience in making deadeye straps, the process was basically the same.  Form the shape with some brass wire, silver solder, blacken and there you go.  Here's a pic showing my two home made versions on the left versus what remains of one of the kit ones (the other was in several pieces): 

    Next up, the Clue/Sheet/Tack block arrangement for both Main and Fore courses.  A relatively simple arrangement, though I decided to add shoulders to the Clue blocks.  You can see these in the photo.  The more observant of you will note that the shoulders are at the wrong end of the block! Doh!   No problem, I fixed this before final fitting.

    As I was studying the plans and reading the equivalent section in Longridge, I realised that the kit had taken a major shortcut, that had I realised, I could have fixed easily during the hull construction stage.  Fixing it at three-quarters of the way through the rigging stage proved a little more challenging.  I am referring to the through-hull sheave blocks for the Main course tack and the Fore course sheet.  The kit directions would have you simply drill a hole in the ships side and poke a line through.  Not good enough! says I.  Making up the sheave blocks was fairly simple - I made these up in a gang, using some scrap timber and some brass rod for the sheaves themselves:

    So how do you insert these into a completed hull, with lots of rigging already in place?  Well, you just start hacking away don't you? What could possibly go wrong? 
    To be honest, I thought long and hard before I started this round of surgery.  Even after I made up the sheave blocks, I almost chickened out.  But then I remembered the stern re-build and how well that turned out.  So on I went.  First step was drilling a series of holes around the outline of where the sheave block would fit:

    Then it was time to hack into it with a small key-hole type saw in the Exacto:

    About now, you're probably thinking "he's nuts!" - yep, so was I........
    But a little further work with a file, and it's not looking so bad:

    Then it's fit the sheave blocks into their new home:


    A touch of filler around the outside, and a lick of paint and it's done! 


    The lead for the Main course Sheet through the Quaterdeck bulwark is supposed to be through a lead lined hole, but the kit again just indicates the hole...  This was a simple fix by cutting a piece of brass tube and blackening, then inserting in the hole.  No photos of this in progress, but you might be able to pick it out in the following posts.
    The next three posts will show in order: some overall shots of progress to date, some close ups of the rigging, and some close ups of the launch in place on the skid beams.
    I'm well satisfied with my "long" weekend's work.  I still have to make up eleventy gazillion rope coils (and yes, that's the right number - I counted them  ), make up some anchors, fit the quarter davits, and make some more boats.  I've decided that I'll make a Pinnace to join the Launch on the skid beams, and two Sea Cutters to hang from the quarter davits.  I think that boat making will be the next task - it will be nice to be making sawdust again instead of macrame!
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