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Everything posted by yancovitch

  1. somebody here is a reincarnation of the designer or builder of the original ship.....trying to remember ...trying to remember 😀
  2. well, i don't have the patience to do the fine workmanship and detail like you do, but i'm happy with them so far.....
  3. minoan is done....ran out of oars on the trireme ...friend will make some more when he has time.....little more painting and have to add the all seeing eye
  4. sad.....low visitor turnout.....romance, and respect for the past, has gone out of society....
  5. thanks mucho....it seems i'm getting more of a kick out of building these then anything i've done before 😁
  6. still have much more work to do on all of them but the hardest parts are over with...this is how they will appear...couldn't light it properly but i ordered some strip led's to go around the front sides and top which i hope will work well.....the minoan will have a colored tarp on top hanging down a bit on the sides...all guess work of course....i figured the platform on back was for boarding and there will be a couple of ladders hanging down ....guess they backed the ship on to the beach...i made the platform wide to accommodate this.... next the relaxing picky work....stress work is over.....
  7. wow never seen that before.....amazed that you had enough control.....good shew.....
  8. this is how they will be displayed with a burgundy velvet background.........i removed the viking ship and am replacing it with a minoan galley from wall drawings at knossos.......working on the case for them to keep off the dust while i finish them......
  9. yea, the dusek trireme is probably a nice kit, but i wanted to get it closer to the full sized replica in greece.......although my oar configuration will be somewhat different.... also the lumber will be a bit oversized, as my fingees would find it too hard to do scale ....... i had a hard time trying to figure out the trireme trust's plans...so again, it will be a close enough for jazz model .....
  10. ok...viking is done, but it is going to a friend.....hmmm...i think i'll darken the oars first now that i look at it.......i may build another, as i could do better, now that i know the in's and out's of the kit...or i may leave it out of the display altogether........haven't decided.... well the trireme trust's trireme is on it's way....the brain melting part is over, trying to decipher their plans......and a friend sent me the 3d printer oars....all 170 of them....al la prochaine
  11. ha....you're sure a knowledgeable young fella 😀.......
  12. thanks ej....will remove the viking ship from the display as they only sailed there once or twice and hundreds of years later....may try to add a minoan galley after the trireme is built, if i can find enough info..
  13. oh my gosh!....that's too much! 😁....i have a terribly low self esteem....you're putting a cramp on my superior humbleness 😁
  14. thanks man....lot of oars to make......a friend has a 3d printer and will print the 170 oars for the trireme....lucky me ......
  15. ok.....getting closer....decided to add a greek trireme.....wasn't partial to the dusek's kit, so i gave the drawings from the trireme trust a try.....got some help from a friend who had just purchased a 3d printer, and he printed out the stations for me, and i made the keel out of oak...he will also print the 170 oars for me, which will obviously save me mucho time.... the dusek kit says it is 1/72 scale....but mine, the same length must be a smaller scale....will have to figure that out one day:)...have to figure out what color to paint the eyes....white is too stark.....most of the oars are done and next step to attack the sails and rigging...oh, and will darken the roman tower more greyish..hmmm...imitation marble or stone?...c'est tout for now.....vic
  16. can't believe this just stopped....no explanation....maybe something terrible happened...hmmmm...
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