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Everything posted by yancovitch

  1. i think that on the plastic version, some open the galleries, and place the removed decorations on the hull behind were they were....
  2. nice...are you going to put any decorations on the sides of the stern galleries, behind the balconies?
  3. ya...that's good ej.....the problem i had was too much glue soaking into the rope, discoloring it and making it look tacky and plasticy....i guess the trick is to use the medium ca, and only sparingly ....i tended to use the thin stuff, which wasn't too smart
  4. hi.....starting to build tiny now...much less expense, mess, stink, and stress .....not a build log, just a cross section of the different galleys i've started....will occasionally take a few shots as i go along.....may make a display case with all of them included...will probably throw in a viking too........not going to be to fussy...mainly a display of the different concepts.....gonna have to make a LOT of oars ....cheers.......
  5. that gold leaf masterpiece by heinrich......i wonder how large that is.....i think that if i had a choice and support when i was young, i would have loved to have been able to learn to sculpt like that...forget this modern stuff....but i sure can appreciate it!!!
  6. speaking of dioramas.....as i'm only now building small 16'' medeterranean galleys now to keep me out of mischief, i had a short commute with this fellow in the netherlands....thought you'd get a kick http://bennosfiguresforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=18962&start=140
  7. ha...i've Never done such a nice job rigging the cannons....in case i missed it, what's you technique for the coils?
  8. hi...was wondering if you were still around....wanted to ask you something regarding the egyptian ship....thanks, vic

    1. wim500


      Hi... looking in again and reading your post from 2018! You are welcome to ask about the Egytian ship. Regards, Wim

  9. hello ...just found this.....what happened with kufu's boat??......cheers, vic

  10. that's 'super dave'.....to me it's so much more satisfaction in carving, or even modeling clay sculpture.......would much rather carve than build ships, but somehow i've built ships.......if you were a more mediocre ship builder like me, you would be able to get through them easily haha.......your passion for detail, is probably the cause of combustion ...sure whatever you'll do it will be great......and you'll know when it will be time to finish the constitution...cheers 😊
  11. aaaaah the prince......my favorite of all!!.................the sculptures alone would probably take 10 years to produce as a kit 😀.....thought of building one from scratch, but i couldn't find enough detail of the sculptures, to copy them from the gorgeous kensington museum model.....lots of lines and squiggles, but i didn't know what they were or what they meant....so i did an 8' royal william instead.....but i sure would have loved to do the prince...too old now to start anything new..smiley.......best kit i've found was the little aeropiccola prince, which i think is no more.....it looked so close to the museum model.....mile bijelic did a beautiful model of it, but it seems to have disappeared online......maybe sold it.....also zaharenko, if that is his name, has a great model......
  12. oh....maybe everyone knows about it, but i found this site, where one can download so many ship plans..to me a real gold mine.......http://www.shipmodell.com/index_files/0PLAN1A.html i was happy to donate something for such a great service...... often not enough high resolution to build from, but a great source of info...
  13. yea...i thought you would paint all the pieces before attaching, but i'm sure you have some special technique of painting such delicate creations 😁
  14. yes the confed is the classiest kit i've ever built, with attention to accuracy and detail...... gads, you're right...ssshard to find a model kit of it anymore......this was the original aeropiccolo model, with brass cannons....mamoli or amati took it over, and made it cheaper with white metal cannons etc....but some of these companies don't seem to be alive......video games have taken over ...no more patience only instant gratification is the world now....... i used pear wood on mine, and modified the hull here and there to closer replicate photos of the model in the science museum .....to me, this kit was the closest in accuracy to that masterpiece.......i ordered a little book on seventeenth century rigging....so we'll see what that's like...meanwhile its a few weeks of tying knots.....ha...so i realize that it now will be a collectors item....... i have the decoration moldings, flags, some fittings, and simple plans from another kit if anyone is interested, to scratch build a hull..............
  15. thanks all....we may start a new trend dave....''they'' could come out with a rigging kit with ''plans''....' if i get inspired sometime, i may loop lines on the belaying pins etc....but i want to get my little hms prince rigged.....was trying to get some rigging info for the prince on line, but no luck...can't afford to spend any more money.....i may have to stick with the limited aeropiccolo plans......my poor wife has been so patient and tolerant.....she works and i play...shame on me.....cheers......
  16. finally made a case on which the end acrylic sheet, slides up to open.....easy to clean and manipulate ship if necessary ......still figuring out what to do for name plates on the models......cheers...............
  17. jolly good shew ej......does it open from the top- bottom- or end?........
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