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Everything posted by yancovitch

  1. yes hubac....all the photos of the model are shown here...a bit of an art painting a plastic model to give the impression of wood me thinks....don't think i could do it
  2. yep...happy to find out that he's fine and just too busy but will get back at the right time........
  3. gads, it must be frustrating for neko to look at his creation and not be able to do anything due to worldly demands...even no response to pm's................gee, i hope and pray that he is not ill.....
  4. i don't know dave...you seem to have a way of making your models so realistically dynamic..like i can actually imagine myself standing on that deck.....
  5. hmmmm...curious as to how you will design that display case....i have to make one for my confed......will only have glass on three sides to save weight, but i'm not sure how to make the framework yet......
  6. thanks dave...i appreciate your support.....and thanks for the visit chuck....very grateful..... and yes....she sure is one of a kind.......may be the kit i enjoyed making the most....even though i could have done it more justice, but lacked the patience
  7. i would leave it and put a little sign on it saying ''artistic license''
  8. hahaha....yea....absolutely amazing how a tiny piece can fall to the floor right in front of you and disappears....it's actually kinda scary .....i always figured it was the alien kids practicing abduction, cause they weren't allowed to do humans......anyways, if i don't immediately find it, i use a small manual hokey carpet sweeper, and go over the whole area, and most of the time it works....i empty it out each time, so it's easier to find in the dust etc.....
  9. merci....and yes....it's one of the reasons i build these ships...............in total awe of the competence and bravery of those men.....
  10. ok............back on board................is now at the spaghetti stage................next...the belaying.......fraid it will be a ''close enough for jazz'' rig.......hopefully it will look ok.............
  11. tear tear cut cut saw saw gouge gouge measure measure glue glue carve carve ....you'll make it work!!
  12. now here's another excellent inspiring build i'll have to keep my eye on....thanks dave for mentioning it to me......
  13. ha...looks better than those on many of the models i've built
  14. haha...quit eating sugar, and most problems will be solved .....at least that's what i'm working on....i have a lot more compassion for drug addicts now
  15. hmmm...notice that you didn't follow the deck camber or curvature at the stern.....maybe the kit was designed that way...either way it will still look fantastic.....
  16. good idea about leaving off the window panes.....that's what i did on the confed.....not worth the hassle and they don't look good when marred in anyway......looking super.....congrats.......
  17. ha...yes i found that airfix posting after you made me aware of this.....thanks mucho for info.....actually, i could make the waist deck where i could use it or loose it, but i'll have to check my dimensions....crew height etc. to see if it's feasible, cause i have walkways already installed.......the beat goes on :)....................and naaaaa....my deck configurations are different.....
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