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Everything posted by yancovitch

  1. the one i've been using is ''gorilla super glue'', but i've no idea how it performs on plastic........you must be able to get gorilla glues where you are ?
  2. super hubac....always exciting to watch your painstaking details emerge.......just realised that working with plastic is so much cleaner to work with than wood.......don't think i'll build anymore, but if i did, plastic would be my preference now .....i find the medium ca glue seems not as caustic as the thin ca, which evaporates so quickly and gets in the head....keep it up....
  3. thanks guys....and yes....i will attach a line to the la couronne for the first effort....got a 3/16th polypropylene line......but i was hoping to use some floating fly fishing line, but couldn't get any with higher pound rating...... and the confed. will slip into one end of the case that's why the shape door at one end.....the top will be flat metal or wood 1-2 inches wide for a led light bar.......the frame, aluminum i guess...... but we'll see if i go for it.......for now i just use cellophane for the dust
  4. was thinking of making a display case which is light in weight and compact.....building this frame, and covering it with some kind of stiff but flexible acrylic or whatever....the top would be a flat surface for an led bar for lighting....any idea what i could use....low reflection would be nice but expecting too much me thinks
  5. you kidding??...i could not imagine being able to do metal work like that...looks fantastic...talk about patience!..can't even see any solder....
  6. and tiger....thanks for getting something out of the build log.....i was afraid i included so many of my errors...where i should have hidden them....but i had to be honest
  7. ha tiger....i think i'm built out, although i have a tiny bit left to do on la couronne..............will stick to working on the piano now...no dust no mess no stink no fumes......wife will be quite happy......but......................then i've said that before
  8. thanks........it always seemed to remind me of a stretch dc-8 :).....but i'm starting to feel like it also may be one of my favorite ships ......
  9. well....this is it.....best i can do at this time.....close enough for jazz rigging......sure was a fun project......time to move on ...cheers to all, vic
  10. hmmmm.......i think that after you've finished all the modifications, you should make a mold for each complete modified section........you could make castings of them, and sell the enhancements....or, if that's illegal, make a deal with heller to make them available to potential kit builders.....but then again if you want to keep it all to yourself, and be the only one in the world with the original hubac....then that's fine too
  11. appreciate it......ha starting to get anxious as sailing it is a bit of an ordeal...and so much can go wrong........so it comes down to surrender and faith that things will go ok........
  12. thanks hubac.....will post videos or photos when the time comes.....if i'll be able to overcome my anxieties at the time .....
  13. just a shot with billowy sails......more finishing to do before launching......by the way, i think what got me started with the romance of sailing ships, may have be some capt. blood movies when i was a kid......i seem to remember a rear shot of a ship sailing slowly away in the evening with lights on, and some beautiful serene music in the background...this image stuck with me all my life for some reason......
  14. although too late for me now....that's really good to know.......
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