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Everything posted by yancovitch

  1. back to business.......still avoiding gun rigging so i put a few things together, but rigging will be next......found this wheel online, but i think it's too chubby.....may have to end up buying the expensive one from caldercraft or deal with the metal wheel in kit which seems too small and thin....hmmm...from one extreme to another............
  2. can't imagine it being done better.....looks so nice au naturel....inspiring me to get back into it.........
  3. curious.......anyone know of any other ship of similar long dimensions around that time period.....or was this a one off experiment?
  4. thanks mike, very kind.....and here i go again, getting distracted!.....decided to make a dragon head for a dragon boat someone donated to the recreation center here.......sheesh!..............
  5. ach....procrastinating rigging the guns, so i put a stand together so i can finish up the basic outside hull, and not have to touch or rub it anymore.......cut up a couple of wooden candle holders....as i don't have a lathe and finding brass ornaments is too difficult up here in no mans land.....may sand down the base of the pedstals so they'r not as wide, and make them shorter.....hmmm the black wale may look good in this situation hmmmmm.......i'm just posting to encourage myself to get going again.....been slack......cheers....
  6. woa happened?....noticed a few of these disappearing acts......hope nothing serious!.......
  7. by the way....thanks glakie for your kind words.....also nigel...haha....i'm still thinking of leaving off the black wale
  8. nice to say hello.....think i can get back to work on the ship as most of the renovations around the house are completed.....unless the admiral has something else up her sleeve .....
  9. awe.......housework has taken priority now that the warm weather has arrived up north here.....have to hold off a bit.....the lady of the house has a lot of to do's to do ................hope things will slow down soon, so i can get back to gun rigging........
  10. super!.....i can't imagine doing that...would never have the patience.....such meticulous devotion.....sad though, how many are there in this world, who could truly appreciate that work......
  11. yea...often different colors in some woods are hard to see until they are oiled or varnished........i tried to lay out all the planks and dampen parts of them with water and separate the lighter and the darker ones so i can choose where to put which ...but that's tricky too, as some planks are light on one end and dark on the other
  12. super!...lucky you.............which 74?..............if you're going so big, you could make it r/c......oh....one more thing....is there an outside door to the basement? .....
  13. thanks for your efforts......have a way to go yet but bits of info will accumulate....cheers vic
  14. sorry....does sprung mean warped or split?............will have to rely on info gleaned from this forum, as i can't afford any plans or whatever at this time......that drawing seems to make sense, although i thought the main and mizzen masts would be raked to the rear different degrees.....and is it the 88ft length on these plans?....fraid i'm not very knowledgable....i just see something i like and want to make it ..a romantic .......i'm not good at detailed research....
  15. thanks rusty....not doing as many dumb things as i did in the beginning .....oh.....just thought i'd get some feedback regarding rigging, which i intend to do..... i noticed on the photo, that the main mast is exceptionally tall...seems like it would be quite a strain carrying all that sail.....andit's yard is the same length as the one on the foremast which is strange...guess it's because of the height.....also, aside from the mizzen mast, all masts have the same diameter, which again is strange.....just thought i'd get some feedback.......i wonder what the taubman plans look like...can't afford to find out right now................
  16. ok......was going to leave it natural, but my wife who is 10 years younger than i, likes the black wale....and she will have to live with it when i kick the bucket...she's kind of, sort of, in a way,....the boss..... ....too bad i wasn't able to get the same wood for the stem and stern.......something i'll have to live with back to the cannons oh....that's just a piece of electrical tape
  17. thanks, nils,,,do you mean leaving off painting the lower wale black?.............and....anyone know what happened to Ben Trussler and his build?
  18. decided to stamp the cap squares over a filed down nail with a slotted screw as a punch......quoin handle.... bristle from a plastic broom...melted the end which i figure would be nice to prevent hand from slipping off ........that's if for awhile...........
  19. ha...just caught this.....amazing......the difference between a modeler like myself, and a true modeler by heart.....congrats!.........
  20. very kind fellas,......could have been more accurate, but i guess i lay down the parameters as to how far i want to go......naaaa augie.....you'll breeze through the head build....it's hard, but so much fun.....never bored....focus is so strong....brain challenge, battling bad habits....learning new techniques........ha...when i finish something, i finally figure out how to do it......now if i can only remember it
  21. i thought i'd better just finish this off before hitting the cannons etc...
  22. thanks augie, fraid it's as good as it's gonna get for me...just don't have the patience like some of the fellas here ...''figure'' it livens up the ship somewhat and i also may just leave the brass cannons brass...chuck went to the trouble of making them so it's a shame to cover them up................... also, i may make a mold of the wolf etc, like someone elsed did here, instead of using the white metal......
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