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  1. Thanks so much Blue Ensign for your technique for sailmaking. I have used it on my Revell Constitution and am very happy with the results. I modified slightly by using a brown pencil that matches the colour of my rigging lines, and have cut the sails with stepped angles to force shape into them once in position. Also think I added a little too much yellow but hey, what can you do
  2. Thanks for the method of fitting the deck. Here was my own attempt
  3. Hi all, sorry for the lack of updates, been slow at the shipyard with raising a very active baby. Firstly, @Vacotton = I Ebay-ed HO scale furniture, closest thing to 1:96 scale. Now onto the update, its amazing what you can get done with a week off sick. Firstly, mainsail sheets were fitted Time was to add some life to this model, in the form of some crew! Next was to add some light to the wardroom in the form of a skylight The Spar deck was then clamped together and laid with basswood Then stained, this time with Devlan mud, as it isn't called the weatherdeck for nothing. Note shot racks were added. Then the deck was finally fitted to the hull Finally, some MOAR guns!, plus other fittings such as the WORKING wheel and fiferails Stay tuned for more (but don't hold your breath)
  4. Time for another update. Lets turn this ship into a warship! firstly, needed some 60" lengths of rope, time to find out the limts of the rope walk After that it was a simple but tedious process to mount and string up the guns I used some barrels to camoflauge the lights as lanterns I wanted to extend the great cabin to closer to the prototype, so a chinese container was canabilised and liad with basswood strips And once you have a new cabin you need to furnish it, in this instance with some HO scale tables and chairs
  5. Soak in luke warm water, washed with soapy cloth and rinse and dry. Other tips. Plan your modifications and kitbashing early and order your parts in Well before they are needed. Good tools make a difference too. Heaps of clamps, files, drill bits, sandpaper, emeryboard. A rotary tool is a good investment. Revell needle point glue is a must. I havent started on rigging, but the supplied thread and shrouds are crap. Im making my own with an amati (model shipways) rope walk
  6. Just a quick update Port covers have gone in, giving us a first look at my hand made rope. Guns should be in by the end of the week
  7. You need to wash off the releasing agent of the sprues that's used to remove them from the molds. Noting the size of the kit, the bath was easier than the sink
  8. hello all lets rebuild this log. The kit in all its glory, awaiting a fool to play with her SPrues were washed to clean off the releasing agent. Noting the size the bath was the easiest option I started with the tedium of building all 55 guns Hull was cleaned up and clamped together. Little warping was evident and it came together nicely Onto priming and practice with the airbrush. I am using citadel and Vallejo paints, as I like working with acrylic. TA DA! Following most peoples lead, I clamped the deck pieces together to remove the seams Some detail work whilst the deck dries. I am really trying to force myself to allow the glue to dry completely for critical areas. Good thing theres heaps to do Rudder was then installed I have decided to clad both decks with basswood strips, it looks alot better than the etched in wood grain I used Ogryn flesh was for the stain, came up nicely Bulking out the hatch comings Adding shot racks to the gun deck Some deatil work on the rudder and chainplates Following Force9's lead, I ordered some PE plates from Bluejacket.inc. Its a pity the stern plate doesnt actually fit to scale. You can't have a Conni without her famous stern chasers Laying bricks for the Camboose platform Sternplate was installed and detail started Ordered an Amati ropewalk to use for all the lines needed, including making my own shrouds and ratlines I reinforced the rudder tiller with some scrap brass to ensure smooth turning Grain of rice bulbs were installed to light up the gun deck The gun deck goes in, and it fit! used some of the Admirals hairbands to squeeze the hull together shot racks were filled Captains cabin was painted, trimmed and installed
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