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Everything posted by Shazmira

  1. If you are short a couple pieces of wood, just holler I have extra stuff from mine, I will be happy to send it if I have what you need hun.
  2. NOw that Makes perfect sense!!! I had the first set of fashion pieces done, but I need to go back and sand down the bottom one much more. When I tried to put the cap rail over the top of what I have, it is not flush to the wales. Thank you for the additional pic and drawing of the second layer of fashion pieces. Back to the cutting board, I will need to remake mine to get them to lay correctly, thank you!
  3. so the cap rail only goes to the top of the first fashioned piece? I thought it covered all three
  4. Question time, I am working on the stern, specifically the cap rail of the stern. I made the 3 "fashioned" pieces and have bent and formed my cap rail. What I don't understand clearly, and cannot see clearly in pics on build logs, is does the cap rail just sit on top of those "fashioned" pieces? Or do I need to sand the ends down so it is flush to something else there? I know that is not real clear, but neither are the instructions on this particular little detail. I am not quite sure how long the cap rail needs to be, meaning how far down the wales(?) it extends
  5. Sorry Steve, I did forget...it has been much too long! But I figured out a fix. the problem was not the concept of the marker, it was the fact my build board is wide, but not wide enough to run the base of my marker on top of the build board. This meant my pencil was sticking out about 5 inches from my holder and I couldn't get it to remain in the correct horizontal position even using an entire roll of duct tape. So I found a 1/4" thick piece of wood, screwed it to the top of my wood block at the proper height, then laid my pencil on top and attached it to my 1/4" piece to hold it firmly at the proper height. Worked like a dream!
  6. You know she looks beautiful! I do hope you continue, rather than shelve her
  7. Grant, now that is absolutely brilliant!, wish I had thought of it, talk about a simple fix!
  8. If you mean the boat on the left, with sails, then yes, that is the AL San Francisco build log with a link in my signature. If you are referring to the mystery build to the right, there is not a build log for that one, as I am going off script with that build and planning to experiment a bit, so I will wait until there is some real progress to post a build log for it
  9. David, now that looks really good. I will see what I can build for myself today, Thank you. Thanks to you as well Crackers, that one looks like it will require less engineering. I experimented last night, but could not seem to get my pencil secure to the item I was using to hold it. Going to try today with some clamps to hold it perfectly horizontal
  10. Progress!!! Planking is complete. Not perfect, and still needs a bit of sanding, but real progress to report. Now onto my first try at a water line. I made 4 attempts, but cant seem to get a straight line drawn at all. hard to draw a line on something that isn't straight itself, going to took back at some build logs and see if I can find a method that might work better for me.
  11. Just catching up Sherry, very sorry to hear about your loss. As you know I lost my mom just a year ago, it will get easier, but the empty spot will stay.
  12. Thanks Buck, think I will look for the one on the left in your pictures, I have a nice gooseneck ott light, and I love it, but it is a floor model, and what I use next to my recliner for my needle work. If I need to, I can carry it into the shop, but I would rather not. Need to see if I can find a table top ott light, as I really do like the spectrum of light they put out
  13. Sam, hand is as good as it is ever going to get, little feeling in the pinky, but the rest works fine. Scott, I really do like the natural light in that room, makes the modeling better in the daylight, Planing to hang some florescent lights above the countertop, as the ceiling lights just don't provide enough light for the finer details, works ok for the planking phase, but will need more light soon. Greg, welcome to my build, I hope you enjoy. Everyone else, thank you for the kind return messages, I have missed you all!
  14. Ah you noticed...yes I have an additional build going as well, but not revealing what it is at the moment. Taking my time on the other build, because I am going off script a bit with this one, and going to attempt something more creative than just a ship you look at from the outside. Looking at options of cutaways, and interior views in places. But main focus right now, is to get the planking on the Syren done, so I can move forward to the next step
  15. I feel really out of the loop Chuck, it has been over a year since I touched anything regarding modeling, and I was not real active for 6 months before that while taking care of my mom before she passed. After I got the shop set up, I had to spend several days rereading the manual and my own build log, just to remember where I left off, and where I was going next. I get fleeting moments of recall of knowledge I had acquired, but now feel like I am a complete beginner again, I hope as I work it comes back to me.
  16. Life is good Augie, still hectic, still living in a construction zone, but now I have an escape again, so things are looking up
  17. Well after a long protracted absence, I am happy to report the new drydock has been completed and I can resume modeling. I must say I really have missed it. Planking of the Syren has resumed, ad I hope to have some progress to show next week. Here is the new drydock
  18. Time to work on my Syren, I do so wish I could find it. Unfortunately the gutting of my house continues. Kitchen is done finally, and bathroom has begun. Things have slowed to a crawl. My husband only gets every other weekend off, and we screwed that schedule up by taking 2- 2 week vacations, which meant if we were home he was working. I so want to work, but at the moment I can't even get to my drydock. It has become the staging area for all the home improvements.
  19. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! I am so glad to see an update from you, I hadn't heard anything in so long I was afraid you had given up, so glad to see you have not!
  20. I apologize for my absence. I have been here, just not building atm. I had to deal with my mother's illness and subsequent death, and now the ship yard is in the process of being built, but at the same I am gutting the 100 y/o farm house we bought. Doing this room by room, kitchen is in the process now, and as I wait for things like sheet rock mud to dry etc, I step into the dry dock to get it built. Tough to do while working 60-70 hours a week. I still check in everyone's builds, and occasionally make a comment or two, but that is the best I can give right now.
  21. So......where is the tutorial for these fantastic cannons????? I want to see it!!!!
  22. Aaron, that is great news!!! Can't wait to see some progress!!
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