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Everything posted by Shazmira

  1. I don't understand the intricacies of working lines, but that does not stop me from recognizing first rate work and ingenuity!
  2. Those laser cut parts, look to be the best quality of any I have ever had the pleasure to work with. Looks like a great kit. I love that floor as well, what a shame so much will be hidden, because it is a beauty
  3. Sam on post 126, you show in the photo a very small plane, could you give me some info on this please. Sorry just went back and reread everything from the beginning on your log, I have been gone so long I needed to refresh my memory. Still a beautiful build, from every angle!
  4. yes, we discussed the Caroline a long time ago...I think maybe it is time
  5. Whew, all caught up! I am hoping your were just joking on selling a half finished schooner. You have approached every step of this methodically, and as problems arose worked out solutions for them, I have no doubt you will continue to do the same with the current issue. Now the real question, since the schooner will in fact be sailing soon.....what is your next project going to be? Others have suggested the scratch building side, and I see you are more than qualified to tackle that new challenge as well. So just wondering?
  6. Just got caught up on your log Augie...whew, I have been gone a long time. I still say your work is exquisite, and breathtaking. I can only hope to be half as good as you in my own building. BTW, I was in Denver last weekend, and plan to return in 4-6 weeks, do you know of places to visit to see models?
  7. Randy, you did her proud! I am so glad you came back to show the finished build, I do hope you stay around for another, I could really use the encouragement and the fraternity of sorts we shared together.
  8. Love the you tube video Steve, I can't wait to see one once she is complete and on the water!
  9. Wow Sjors, you have come such a long way since your previous builds. I can see how much your skills have improved and everything looks tight and crisp, well done my friend!
  10. Hey, she is starting to come together! Amazing how a few bits and pieces on the deck make a ship
  11. wow picky picky picky! But if we are pleased wit your first go, I am sure we will be in awe of your do over!
  12. A bit more progress I see, as for taking it as it comes, I fully understand. I haven't made sawdust now for 6 weeks...just too darn much other stuff to do, and not enough hours in a day. I will get back to her when I can, so no rush for anyone
  13. looking good Sjors, at this rate you will be up to your eyeballs in rat lines soon lol
  14. Popeye, I have seen your scratch building before, so I have no doubts that you will do a fine job on something a simple as this
  15. Sam, yes, sorry to say it is the same hand that I unjured last year. Stupid thing never regained full mobility, but everything except the pinky finger was working well enough. I really don't know what the heck is going on with it. It is not swollen, or feverish. I just can't move the thumb without intense pain, or try to lift any weight with the hand at all. Doing nothing and it still screams at me in pain. I don't get it, I didn't hurt it in any way Augie, yes, many ways to die in the west...actually thought it was going to happen to my friend when she couldn't get stopped on the slick road and almost went off the side of the mountain on her bike...the helmet was a small loss! As for fumes, well I do have my respirator for that since I already have such an issue with the CA lol
  16. Hi all, I am back from a wonderful vacation, then sorry to say I spent the next 5 days in the hospital with pneumonia! Got released Thursday, but have felt so bad I have done nothing at all, just finally getting around today to doing all the laundry that accumulated, and I find that exhausting. To top it off, I woke up Saturday morning to a right hand that will not function normally, can't grip anything or move my thumb without causing intense pain. I am wondering if I contracted some sort of infection from the IV line that was placed in that hand, I guess I will have to go back to the doctor on Monday and see what is going on. Vacation was good, saw a lot of beautiful sights and country, still have to say Colorado provides much more in the way of scenery than New Mexico. Had a bit too much excitement the last three days, travelling in the mountains on motorcycles in the rain and sleet was NOT particularly fun and there were a couple of mishaps. We managed to keep all our bikes upright, but on one dangerous stop did lose a helmet down the side of a mountain. Traveling over the continental divide in 34 degree temps, wearing no coats is also not recommended! Seriously think that is where I contracted the pneumonia. All in all, the company was good, the sights were grand, and I would do it all again! Now, seriously hoping the hand will shape up so I can get back to making sawdust! Thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes, Craig came through with a new beautiful pair of chaps for me, looking forward to wearing them on our next trip to Estes in July!
  17. Jeff, you know I have purchased from you in the past, and will continue in the future as I could not be happier with the quality of the product! Your quick response by email goes a long way toward keeping the customer informed of time lines for delivery. As a modeler I understand the need for lead times ( a lesson I had to learn the hard way), but new modelers may not "get it" the first time they order. I am sure they are just like me, eager and want to start NOW, and don't stop to think that custom orders take time, and there are others in the queue before them. My only complaint, and it is not a topic you address in your polls, since it is not directly related to wood and the quality and packaging, is the ease of making the purchase. I have been a long time internet buyer and for this hobby that trend has continued and is a necessity in order to have access to the things I need; however, I also like the internet for ease of payment and purchase. The mailing the check thing I find a pain in the butt, perhaps just a personal issue, but I would much prefer making a payment through paypal at the very least. Your way works, and I have adapted to it, but I do wonder if you would perhaps have even more business if you changed your payment options to something more user friendly. Robbyn
  18. Okay, just so people don't think I have given up I thought I better put out a bit of an update. School finally ended last week!!!! Then I needed to put my garden back in for the third time Hail took it out once, I replanted, and then a week later we had 3 nights of hard freeze that wiped it out again . But now hopefully the third time will be the charm, and everything will survive. I got a bit carried away, last year my garden was only 16 x 16 and contained tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and cantaloupe. This year it is 30 x 65 and I added potatoes, onions, radishes, dill, leaf lettuce, and sweet corn to everything from last year, plus tripled what I planted last year. I will hopefully have a very busy fall getting everything canned, but I am looking forward to the challenge. Now, as for boat building, I have been progressing with the planking, since there is only a single layer, I am taking my tie and trying to get this done right, I know most of it will be covered with copper plates, but IF I really like how it looks I might just forego the coppering, we will have to wait and see. I would love to post pics, but my laptop seems to have contracted a virus of some sort so I can't use it right now. I will take it to my IT dept. and have them wipe it clean and reload everything, but until then I only have my school laptop and cannot load the software for my camera on it. Pictures will have to wait until after the first of June. I will be leaving on vacation this Sat. we are riding down to Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico, and then riding back up through Colorado and will be gone for a week. I begin teaching summer session once we get back, so I will be able to get my laptop in to the IT dept at that time.
  19. Nice fix on the friction issue! Makes a big difference to actually make things work, like they need to for an rc model, much different than just a static one.
  20. Augie, good to see you back at it, I still have a couple weeks before I can make sawdust . Great work again as always, as for things fitting perfectly...why were you worried in the first place, you have taken your time and built the foundation perfectly!
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