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Everything posted by Shazmira

  1. Thank you to everyone for your kind thoughts and prayers for my mom. I am hanging in there, and her spirits are still good. She meets with the oncologist tomorrow, so we will be better armed with information and a treatment plan then. On the other front, things are just rolling along, I am looking forward to Spring break next week and intend to devote a large amount of my free time to creating some sawdust!! I have been doing a bit each chance I get, so the picture updates are now here I put the balsa filler blocks in, this time I opted to fill in the majority of the hull with them, notching out the area where the gun port sill will go. I felt this would help add stability. Got the below deck section planked I think I did a fair job of getting the bulkheads square and lined up correctly with the templates, only the final two bulkheads at the bow do not line up, and from everyone's accounts that is the correct way to do them. Last night I placed my temporary battens on both sides to mark out where those gun port sills will ride. this is where my first mistake was on the last go around. Although I had the 2 battens even and following a natural curve, I had not created the proper curve needed, so when I had completed my upper planking I found at the stern my top plank sat almost 3/8 of an inch below where it was intended. This of course threw off the wales and the rest of the planking. I believe I have them in the proper position this time. Tonight I am working on the gun port sills, and tomorrow plan to get the lintels in place, hopefully more time for pictures then.
  2. Very nice, I think the nests look great from above and below...just be careful when you climb up on that chair to take those pics!!!
  3. I don't exactly understand much of anything of the more recent discussions, but from reading what others who "get it" have to say I am guessing you are doing something remarkable once again Steve!!
  4. Marsares sent me a pM regarding a spreadsheet for upgrading the Syren wood from Hobby Mills. Does anyone here have that information for him, and if so please send it to him? Thanks for your help. I also apologize for my silence of late. Things have continued to snowball in my life...just finished midterms, so all the grading of papers crisis has passed for a bit. I should get a 2 week lull in that excitement anyway. House was sold, then not sold put a pretty good damper on my mood. Now, sale is pending once again, keeping my fingers crossed this time the buyer can secure financing. I am still spending many of my nights in the oil fields helping Craig, it is the only way I get to see him otherwise, but with my class load I had to limit those nights to Friday-Sundays. Craig wasn't thrilled, but I think he understood I have my job to get completed first. Learned a couple weeks ago that my mom has lung cancer, they thought they caught it early but a ct scan showed an enlarged adrenal gland as well, which he oncologist informed her means the cancer has already spread to that far. She has a PET scan scheduled for today, and will have results on Wed afternoon. Her spirits are pretty darn good right now, she kind of has a matter-of-fact attitude about everything right now. She says she not surprised, she has smoked for 55 years, and her dad died of lung cancer when I was just a toddler. I think she is dealing better than I am. Let's just say I am no where near ready to say goodbye to my mom. But enough of that, otherwise life is good, just rolling by at warp speed it seems. Teaching career seems to have taken on a life of its own, picked up 3 extra classes this semester, and come fall I have picked up 4 additional courses. I am thinking 9 classes means I will be the one working the 18 hour days for weeks on end. But I have a job, and my skills are in demand, so life is good right?!?! I have made progress on the build, got my bulkheads installed, and all the filler blocks put in, I will post pics of progress tonight.
  5. Ah the joys of planking...the lovely smell of glue and sawdust! You are right Sjors, just like riding a bike, the skill set comes flooding back when you need it. Looking forward to more pics as planking progresses
  6. Beautiful Mobbsie! I had never heard of snaking before, or seen it either, so this is a new one to me. Since I have no prior knowledge I can't say if yours is correct (but I am betting it is), I do however know for a fact that what you did is beautiful work. They symetry and eveness are very precise, I do so hope you are proud of your accomplishments.
  7. For those that were following my previous build of the Syren, here I go again. Had a bit of a snafu getting the replacement parts from ME this time, but as usual they came through and all is good. The bulkhead former, bulkheads, and everything are not the nasty laser burnt ply of before. I am hoping this new wood will turn out to be more stable and not crumble to pieces as before. I haven't quite figured out what exactly the wood is they used for this...very light weight, large grained, and I swear it is balsa....but my mind seems to think no one would use balsa for the skeleton of a ship....but what do I know. So first the obligatory box and contents pictures My boxwood upgrade from Jeff at Hobby Mills new former with bulkheads squared and glued! So to my friends and followers, wish me luck that this third attempt truly is the charm! AND WE ARE OFF!!!
  8. I echo other's thoughts...master is the word that comes to mind. She is absolutely exquisite!!! WOW! WOW! WOW!
  9. I love it! I have always liked contrast...it gives the eyes more to look at and admire!
  10. hmmm, time to hit the sales and find a larger desk I really can't wait to see how she starts shaping up once the color and aging and everything starts happening.
  11. Wow, you seem to be getting right through all the steps rather quickly and nicely!
  12. Sorry I am a bit late to the party, life has been a mess of late leaving me little time to make much in the way of comments. Your rigging looks great! You have come so very far since the first model, and I can tell your own confidence in your skills has grown by leaps and bounds!!
  13. THe planking looks good from a normal distance. The glue and sandust fix works quite well for filling and hiding those small gaps!
  14. Glad to see you are still alive and kicking! I undestand your pain on the house not selling yet, I am in the same boat myself, I have had 2 offers and actually thought I had it sold, then they couldn't get financing , so back to waiting again. I like your approach to the sail making, of your three samples above, I like the third one, the one on the right. I don't think it is too dark of thread myself, but if you want one that blends better then the color in the middle looks good to me. have fun with the sewing endeavor!
  15. WOW, your rat lines look awesome! very straight and even, I wan't mine to look like that! Excellent job!!
  16. I see progress!!! And it appears you are mentally working out future issues as well. So far the work is top notch as usual. I do believe as much as you bemoan a few of the hiccups, secretly you enjoy them as they provide you with a mental challenge
  17. Nice rope work Sjors, very glad you could get that done in the middle of everything else.
  18. Any progress is good progress! Glad to see you are still at it!
  19. A wee bit of progress!!! Nice to see, and I am betting you are happier now as well. I know I would be as I am at a complete standstill awaiting replacement parts. Thinking is good and has its place but there is the need to actually build something as well to satisfy the other side of the brain.
  20. Considering yours will be working rigging in order to sail, I think the fix will give you the stability you need
  21. Stunning work Sherry! I really hope you have a smile on your face when you look at your accomplishments to date!
  22. Those collars look great Steve, so glad you are enjoying the process! I honestly thing you are having more fun figuring out these little bits and dragging out the process of building the boat
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