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Everything posted by Shazmira

  1. That dolphin striker looks great Steve! A lathe?!? wow nice tool to have, I tried the poor mans version, just inserting my dowel into the chuck of a drill or a dremel....didn't work real well. I do love the symetry that can be accomplished using the proper tools...one of these days...
  2. Looks perfect from the normal view, and not entirely terrible close up either, only thing I would complain about if it were mine is the fuzziness of the rope. The brass tube is your usual ingenuity coming through again, kudos on that move!
  3. Thanks for the update in pics Steve! Whew, that brush fire definitely got a bit close for comfort! I really do love reading this log, don't get me wrong....just had to give you a hard time about needing pics lol.
  4. I need pics The planning and talking, and engineering are too far above my head!
  5. That fix is perfect!!!!, for the rest of the world, no one will notice unless you point it out to them. I love that leaf idea, definitely going to steal it for myself!!!
  6. Wow, I remember you talking about wanting to do this build months back, then I just thought you dropped off the face of the site, now I see you just moved sideways on me, and made this one a reality. She looks huge, and interesting, I am loving the attention to detail you are taking!
  7. Ouch Sherry! I know exactly how you feel, extremely frustrating!!! Look at it this way...sweaters are always at fault, lesson learned don't wear them while building...at least your sweater only caused damage to the build and not to your person Glad to see you have the can do attitude!!! I have no doubts she will look good as new!
  8. Interesting idea using that board to both hold the shrouds in place and keep the distance between the ratlines even, i like that better than the cardboard pattern stuck behind the shrouds
  9. Mobbsie, I think what you said is exactly what I was concerned about, (the rat lines no longer being straight). I think you are correct, if you have even tension on both sides when the lanyards are secured, then IF one used proper tension on the ratlines there shouldn't be any issues. Like I said, it was just a thought that flew through my head, and I needed another brain or two to talk it through for me. Thanks to both for your replies.
  10. Those look like the same decent quality grating I purchased from Model Expo, I was very pleased with their product. The grating that came with my AL kit was really bad quality, nothing lined up correctly, the wood was poor quality and it wanted to splinter apart with just the slightest pressure. Yours look good!
  11. I have a question for anyone who has done shrouds and ratlines. I understand the issue at times with the shroud lines pulling the mast out of alignment like Mobbsie spoke of, but I wonder if ratlines, too can cause issues. Would it be better to leave all the lanyards untied (by that I mean not permanently glued) until all ratlines are done on a shroud? Or would that just cause issues with pulling the deadeyes out of alignment, when giving them a final tweak and gluing in place? On mine I have always had the lanyards completely secured before running any ratlines, but it was just a thought that flew through my head that leaving the lanyards unglued until complete might be a better option.
  12. Chalrey she looks great! Be careful of that stern, fragile little bugger, I have broken one corner of mine off twice while doing the upper planking
  13. Hey, the game was great...because it had the outcome I wanted, GO Broncos!! Planking is superb. I really need to take a trip out your way and figure out what you do differently than me to get such a good result!
  14. Gaps?!? You are seeing things my friend! Nice fix, and glad it all worked out for you...nasty bend, but the result is what counts!
  15. Sorry to hear the proxon is not up to par....but glad to hear it too, I was considering buying that one for myself and saving some bucks, but I think I will just spring for the Byrnes saw once the house closes...no one complains about Jim's machines. Carriages look good to my untrained eye!
  16. My theory is this Mobssie, the result of becoming a better modeler is not that the better modeler doesn't make mistakes, but rather that the better modeler recognizes the mistakes sooner (when it easier to fix)
  17. The tree nailing looks first rate Meridith. Lots of patience required but the end result is beautiful. Personally I hate the tree nailing, just so dang monotonous, not looking forward to it, so don't know which route I will take. Your toothpick method looks outstanding.
  18. Dry fit or not, she is coming together nicely, and really presents a beautiful profile. will the masts stay white? I like them that way, makes them really pop
  19. Dont count how many rat lines and knots you have to do, it will overwhelm you, just tackle one shroud at a time, and you will find a nice rhthym and discover, it goes much faster than anticipated.
  20. Whew, I finally made it...9 pages later, boy am I late to the party! Thank you so much for holding my seat in the front row. Pass the popcorn Sherry, and Mark I really need a Jack and Pepsi please. OMG I can't believe how much progress you have made already Sjors, not letting any dust collect on this one are you! Fine looking work so far, it is very evident your skills have improved considerably and you have learned from past mistakes, this one is going to be a real beauty!
  21. Looking forward to seeing the fix Mark, I am sure it will be something I will want to remember for for future builds, so don't leave me hanging too long
  22. Haven't heard from you in awhile? Any progress to report...or you know SHOW with pics??? Eagerly awaiting an update
  23. Beautiful Steve! As for the mechanics, I can't comment, but just as a piece of art she is stunning!
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