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Everything posted by mrcc

  1. Oops... You are right Timmo. Not sure if I will be able to fix this given the housing is soundly glued in place.
  2. Last progress to note is the painting of the figurehead, lower finishing figures, and quarter badges. The problem now that I note is that with my 50 year old eyes, I sometimes miss the finer details as noted with the finishing figures, and not cleaning up the cast halves before painting them. Hmm, maybe these eyes are a blessing given this is my first build. On another note is the frustration in who ever put my kit together at Caldercraft prior to its shipping. I was missing an entire sheet on first opening the kit and then later in the build noticed I was missing numerous stock wood strips. The retailer was excellent last year in providing the missing parts after a direct email to Jotika was unanswered. I again have noticed that I am missing some casting parts, specifically the figurehead sceptre and the 2 cathead decorations.
  3. I then tackled the tiller, tiller mortice, and canopy. All easy work... Some obvious challenge in drilling the 1mm hole centered in a 2mm by 2mm mortice.
  4. Time once again to post some progress... completing the rudder, first painting the waterline, attaching the rudder pintle straps, and then drilling the holes in the straps to accommodate the pintles made from brass nails. I had to just slightly enlarge the rudder cutouts to align with the hull gudgeon straps the I affixed earlier in the build which I believe now was a mistake. I should have down both together at this stage. Nonetheless, everything looks good and I was very lucky to have the rudder slip into place without any problems. I will apply a second coat of paint to polish everything up.
  5. Thanks Jan-Willem for the note. I as well am extremely slow at this hobby and given I have a current build going on with my HM Granado (my first), I am certainly not sure how much time I can devote to the Bluenose. I will though start a Bluenose log in the next week or two and show some pictures of where I am at. To be honest with you, your first few posting and pictures are "identical" to the model I inherited. I have seen the Bluenose II docked in Lunenburg 3 years ago while it was undergoing some restoration in Nova Scotia, Canada, and it is such a beautiful ship. The lines obviously so similar to the original. Who knows, I may just shift my focus on this ship, and complete it first. Julian
  6. Hi there, I also have this same and identical kit. My neighbor began this kit 25 years ago and gave it to me this past weekend to complete as he was not interested in this hobby. I am also at this same exact stage as you and have this inherited the same concerns. I am optimistic that it will turn out OK with a bit of detail work and simple scratch buildup. My problem is I have another build log on the go and not sure when I will have time to do this kit justice. I may create a log for this model and then let it sit for a while. Nonetheless I look forward to any work you get done as I am right behind you.
  7. Thanks Alistair... yes the cannons look very fiddly. When I see the quality of the work on MSW and the details that show up on the close-up photography, I am always very impressed. I just finished the rudder and the deck canopy for the rudder which both turned out quite well. I will post photos shortly. Cheers, Julian
  8. Well, I have been procrastinating on the cannon rigging but I think I am certainly ready to attempt this task next. Maybe this upcoming weekend.
  9. And I also created the swivel gun pedestals and attached them to the hull. It is funny how everything looks great until you take the close-up picture with the camera. My paint finish is not so great... I presume I should be putting on a light coat and then sanding and reapplying a second coat. I have been told there is a product that can be added to the paint that slows down the drying time and thus provides a nicer, smoother, and cleaner finish. Of course the primary problem is my 50 year old eyes being not so great for closeup work.
  10. I also started on the channels and chainplates which was easy and fun enough.
  11. Finally some time to provide an update... I attached and painted the capping taffrail and of course repainted the legs of my "warriors" on the transom decoration to the correct flesh color.
  12. Thanks for the tips of advise... Alistair, Timmo Alistair, with regards to the rigging, you are right, I just tied off the ring bolts on one strand of string to make it easier to handle. I will cut the thread in half, thread the ends through the bolts on the carriage and CA them on the "cascabel" And yes you are right about the flesh coloring on the legs, I will be doing some touchup painting. Thanks! With regards to the sweep port lids, do you think they would look OK without the hinges should I recut them all slightly larger and reattach them, scrapping the old "garbage" I put on? Or best to leave the port lids off the model?
  13. Well this next step was an absolute disaster for me as I really butchered the sweep ports lids. I tried them all closed... knowing this would be the easiest to get completed. I first had trouble with the hinges and getting them centered on to the port lid and as they were slightly undersized to completely cover the port, they look terrible. I seemed to also have trouble with super glue and its fast set up time. Also my cuts on the 0.5x3 mm strip were terrible. I think I will be tearing them all off but not sure how to salvage the hinges? It is like a 2 year old did them... oops!
  14. I started to create some of the rigging for the cannons but this was as far as I got.
  15. I also completed the lower and upper cheeks with the headrails. The work always looked better to my 50 year old eyes until you see the imperfections on the photo. Needless to say I have some detail and touch-up painting to do.
  16. Finally some time to provide some posts. I have been doing some work on the model but only when time permits and on sporadic weekends. I have also been jumping around in the manual, procrastinating on rigging the cannons (I guess). Here are some images of the fenders, anchor linings, and side steps. I noticed upon posting, some fine detailing (sanding) that I have to yet do on the side steps.
  17. Hi Timmo, Wonderful job on your headrail. I just finished mine as well. Nothing like yours... I am watching and learning. Beautiful work! Cheers, Julian
  18. Perfect Alistair! Thank-you! I thought as much... I noticed on all the forums that there is no specific information on how to best do it. It seems everyone's cannons' magically rig themselves and set themselves on the deck. I wish mine would do so...
  19. Thanks Alistair... much appreciated information! So do you do all the rigging off the deck before you mount and glue everything down?
  20. Thanks for the comments Timmo / Craig... I have to "tackle" the rigging on the cannons but I have been procrastinating on this. I am actually skipping ahead in the manual bypassing the gun rigging for now as I am worried whether I am up to the task. Just doing some research and I am a little worried about the fine detail work given the blocks are all 2.5 mm and not sure how it all fits together when putting it down on the deck. PS Quick question on gluing the cannons down given the deck surface has already been varnished? I have been gluing down the smaller fittings and deck furniture with CA and they all seem to be strong bonds but I am not sure about the cannons and all the riggings? Also, should I assemble the cannons to completion and just tuck them into and onto the deck? Thanks, Julian
  21. Got a few other thinks out of the way last weekend... Got my ladders done with a simple jig using the kids' lego. Painted and installed the barricade assembly and rough tree rail.
  22. Thanks Craig for your kind words... I actually ended up gently sanding the brass rail surface and tried again with CA glue and it seems quite solid now. I think it was a matter of prepping the surfaces better - ie sanding the brass rail backside.
  23. Lastly, completed the assembly of the jeer bits and topsail sheet bits... all easy work. I found a great purpose of my wife's foot file as it is able to provide a really solid surface to sand those small wooden pieces prior to their assembly. In the past I was using a sanding sponge and at times was losing some of the definition of the wood due to it's soft surface. The final image I included gives an idea of the deck now in a more advance stage of finish. Still lots of work to do though...
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