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Everything posted by Jack12477

  1. I use a WeCheer micro drill which has a corded and non-corded version (I have both) which takes all the Dremel collets and micro drills.
  2. I don’t believe there are any walnut hull planks as the hull is designed to be painted. You can check my build log, link is in my signature below, but I think the second planking uses the same wood strips as the first. Been 7 plus years since I built mine so my memory is s bit fuzzy. Update : there is some very nice walnut/mahogany colored super thin veneer wood in the kit for the 2nd planking, also some thin walnut strips for the coaming. The veneer is about 0.5 mm thick.
  3. I believe you can still download the instructions et al directly from Artesania Latina's website. It's been 7 plus years since I built mine so don't remember. @LadyG Check HERE
  4. Outstanding! And you nailed the eyes, whites with dark pupil! 👌 Everything looks great.
  5. Re: whites of eyes. An old trick I learned in woodcarving was to take a modest sized pin, or standard wood toothpick, touch it to white paint, pick up small amount, then touch it to the part of the eye you want to be white. You can use the same technique for the highlight on the iris/pupil. Take a wee bit of practice but it does work.
  6. It is well worth a visit, the aircraft collection is impressive as are the weekend air shows. I see their sightseeing plane over fly my house a lot.
  7. That Albatros is a reproduction of the original. The Aerodrome painted that pattern in 1:1 scale, see Albatros D.Va story Nice results on yours Alan. Nice work on the helmut too, it looks nicely pitted. 👌
  8. Nice work ! And great photography! Alan is right, they look like a real train car.
  9. Did you change the paint color on the lower half from silver to black ? Or is that the blue mat under the model messing with the color ? Either way still a beautiful model. Nice work Craig !
  10. It appears to be the same pattern as on this 1917 Albatross D.Va at the Olde Rhinebeck Aerodrome Photo from Rhinebeck Aerodrome website.
  11. Here it is along side the B36, B17 and F4. Please excuse all the dust, it's been hanging for decades. I have no other space to display them.
  12. It's a silver color. Don't remember if I painted or what. Probably should take it down from ceiling and clean it up. It hangs next to a 1:48 scale C-130 which is painted in camo with rear door lowered. I also have an unopened 1:48 AC-130 Gunship kit.
  13. Yes but now some of the decals have dried out and are hanging down in places, some are missing, and it’s covered in dust.
  14. After following the link you posted and looking around, I'm very tempted. Saw 2 I liked. How’s the delivery time ?
  15. I have a completed B36 hanging in my basement, from about 20 years ago. I think the wingspan is 39 inches. Awesome aircraft
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