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  1. Like
    Jack12477 reacted to toly.kol in box chisels   
    thin chisels does my friend
    I do myself with a thick handle, blade from turning cutter
    тонкие стамески делает мой друг 
    я делаю сам с толстой ручкой лезвие из токарный резец 

  2. Like
    Jack12477 reacted to tarbrush in The Kit-Basher's Guide To The Galaxy   
    7 Provinces,  Please please pictures!!!  , this sounds like the perfect modeling table!  I would love to see a photo tour of this bench you have built. 
  3. Like
    Jack12477 reacted to JesseLee in Scottish Maid by JesseLee - FINISHED - Artesania Latina - 1:50   
    Well, she is finished. I really enjoyed this build in spite of the problems I encountered along the way. I used to admire this kit from afar & wish to get it one day. A good friend made that dream come true & I thank him very much for this. I thank you all for the help & guidance during this build. Here are a few of the completed ship photos......

  4. Like
    Jack12477 reacted to JesseLee in Scottish Maid by JesseLee - FINISHED - Artesania Latina - 1:50   
    Cut out the flag. Made a piece of rope with a toggle & eye for attaching flag to hailyard. The of the flag isn't the best. The printing is off. Some of the red striping crosses over where it should be white. This annoyed me a little. Considered looking for a different one to order or printing one off the internet. Decided to go with what I have & to paint the right colors in the lines like they are supposed to be. Half-way into this I started regretting it but stuck it out.
    Started trying to cut & shape a can for shaping the flag.

  5. Like
    Jack12477 reacted to JesseLee in Scottish Maid by JesseLee - FINISHED - Artesania Latina - 1:50   
    Couldn't get the bends in the can to go as close together as I needed for my flag size so I coated it with watered down PVA glue & shaped it by hand. Rigged the flag hailyard. Attached flag to hailyard with toggle & eye splices. Raised flag & tied it off to the rail.

  6. Like
    Jack12477 reacted to SawdustDave in Mayflower by SawdustDave - Finished   
    Here's a good example of why I chose to build the larger scale Mayflower.  I didn't even attempt to add the detail of the iron straps to the ramshead block on the smaller version. 

  7. Like
    Jack12477 reacted to robnbill in USS Constitution by robnbill (Bill) - FINISHED - Mamoli - 1:93 kit - First Build - Bashed   
    Today I completed the ship! Almost a year to the day of when I restarted the project begun in January 1992. It has ben a lovely ride and could not have been done with out the great help and inspiration this board has given me. Now I have to put her safe and secure into her new dry dock - but it is still to be constructed. Hopefully in a few weeks she will be safe in her new home. I will feel better once she is behind glass so I can't accidentally catch a spar as I go by. Her Bowsprit seems to grow longer.
    Anyway, here are a few photos. I will wait to close this build log out until she is in her new case.

  8. Like
    Jack12477 reacted to robnbill in USS Constitution by robnbill (Bill) - FINISHED - Mamoli - 1:93 kit - First Build - Bashed   
    I completed the ship's boats today. This concludes the major builds of the Connie. I say these were major since each was a scratch POF that ended up with approximately 160 pieces each. These were a fun project in themselves. I pulled the boats lines from the AOS, then did the scaled drawings based on those in DeltaCAD. 
    So tomorrow I will be an oar making factory. I need 6 - 19mm oars and 24 - 20mm ones. I will make these like I did last time. Here are some photos of the fleet, minus the 34 foot launch which is on it's cradle over the main hatch.

  9. Like
    Jack12477 reacted to _SalD_ in US Brig Syren by _SalD_ – FINISHED - 3/16" scale   
    After chapter 5, chapter 6 seemed like a breeze.  I carved the groove in the molding strips using the method Chuck describes in chapter 10.  I don’t have a picture of it but to secure the strip while I carved it I sandwiched it in between to drafting triangles taped to the table top.  After carving them I made up a little jig to pre-form the strps to the correct curve.  Once they were dry I glued them in place.

    On the second layer transom I needed to sand down the inside edge somewhat.  This is because when it was held in place it overlapped the upper outboard corners of both gun ports.  When sanding it down I took the liberty to shape it a little differently by increasing the width between the ports.  I thought it might help when placing the carving on it.

    Next I attempted to bend the stern cap rail.  I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves.
    First attempt.  Thought I could do better.

    Second attempt.  Thought I knew what I was doing.

    Like they say, third times a charm.

    Satisfied with the cap rail I made the fashion piece(s).  Again like the first layer fashion piece I made it in one piece.
    Glued it all together, filled the gaps with wood filler, sanded it, couple coats of paint and finished with chapter 6.


  10. Like
    Jack12477 reacted to knotty74 in HMS Victory by knotty74 - Billing Boats - Scale 1:75 - first ever ship build, wood or otherwise   
    4 x ladders from the quarterdeck down to the upper gundeck. Again manual just shows the wood in the kit, so I've added some brass handrails myself.

  11. Like
    Jack12477 reacted to Nirvana in 18th Century Longboat by Nirvana - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:48   
    And here the frieze is in position but not glued.
  12. Like
    Jack12477 reacted to Nirvana in 18th Century Longboat by Nirvana - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:48   
    Rub strake in place with clamps.
  13. Like
    Jack12477 reacted to Piet in Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack by Piet - FINISHED - Midwest Products - length 15"   
    Yeah Carl, I have to stop thinking of what else I can add.  This is the final thing - - - I hope 
    Now I have to find out how to move the hot link to the completed part in my signature 
    Well, I thought adding a pennon or pennant to the top of the mast.  This is an old Dutch tradition, especially on royal birthdays or other national festivals.  But then the pennants are orange in honor of the Royal House of Orange.  Some are in the National tricolor.
    However, this being a true Yankee boat painted with green trim, I thought making a green pennant to match.  I could also have made in yellow for our troops but hey, green is a mix of blue and yellow!
    Okay, here are two pics to show all yuns how the pennon looks.


  14. Like
    Jack12477 reacted to SawdustDave in Mayflower by SawdustDave - Finished   
    The rigging of the smaller Mayflower is complete.


    Seems like I spent more time today on the spritsail yard than all the other yards combined.

    All's left is two anchors and her stern  carving.
    Thinking seriously about painting the hull below the wales.
  15. Like
    Jack12477 reacted to Nirvana in 18th Century Longboat by Nirvana - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:48   
    Just a picture revealing the white paint job done to the cap rail and rub strakes.
  16. Like
    Jack12477 reacted to gjdale in Bomb Vessel Granado 1742 by gjdale - FINISHED - 1/48 - Cross-Section   
    Repairs Complete!
    Fillets were fitted to all of the gunport and sweep ports previously opened up and cleaned up.  To make the task a little easier, a standard size of fillet was used, and the opening adjusted accordingly.  To ensure that the ports remained centred in the openings, two simple sizing jigs were made (one each for gun ports and sweep ports).  These were simply a block of stock sized to the internal dimensions of the ports.
    The triangular shaped filling lintels above the sweep ports look tricky, but were surprisingly easy to make.  I simply placed a piece of sticky label paper behind the opening and traced around the outside of the opening onto the paper.  This was transferred to a piece of 3/16” Pear stock, ensuring the grain was running vertically, rough cut and then sanded to the left and right side lines on the Byrnes disc sander.  The length was left slightly long and then gradually reduced on the sander until a snug fit was obtained.
    Once all filling lintels had been installed and given overnight for the glue to fully cure, it was time to start sanding……..and sanding……..and sanding………and yet more sanding.
    The outside of the hull was faired above the waterline using 80 grit sandpaper.  As this whole section above the waterline will be completely planked, I decided not to go any finer with the sandpaper (at least for now) as this will give a good “tooth” for the subsequent glue. I also found that some of the spacers were starting to come loose, so didn’t want to push my luck with these, at least not until there is something more substantial holding the frames together!
    The inside above the waterline was sanded in similar fashion, while below the waterline was further sanded with 120, and then 180 grit.  There will be sections below the waterline that will remain unplanked, so I wanted to get that down to a smoother surface.  I’m still contemplating whether to go further with the finish sanding here.
    I have deliberately not cut the height down to final size at this stage.
    Any way, here’s a few photos of progress to date:




  17. Like
    Jack12477 reacted to chris watton in Newsworthy updates from Chris Watton   
    It's been a while.
    I was working on Victory, but then I was sent my new designs for the Prince in laser cut and PE parts, so I figuered I'd build up the prince hull first, so that I can courier the hull over to Amati. They will then get a very good carver to make all new carvings for the model, have them cast, and then send me back the hull and loose catings. I can then continue, and finally finish the Prince!
    When the prince is with Amati, I shall complete the Victory drawings/plans/instructions, which should be no later than Summer.
    I know Amati are keen to finalise both Prince and Victory, and I am hoping Victory will be ready for release either late this year or very early next.
    I have attached a couple of pics of Prince in progress. I have just completed the first planking. I re-done the designs to include three more main bulkheads, (almost) full length decks from lover gun deck upwards, and the new gun port designs that are now intergeral to the hull, rather than the 1mm ply gun port patterns of the old design.

  18. Like
    Jack12477 reacted to Nirvana in 18th Century Longboat by Nirvana - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:48   
    Cap rail and inner-board painted!
    First layer and I like it as the grain of basswood (just the cap rail) is coming through.

  19. Like
    Jack12477 reacted to mtdoramike in Artesiana Latina HMS Victory 1:84 scale kit (REVIEW)   
    Here is an updated picture of my progress on the Vic. Please excuse the mess. I try and clean up the work area once every couple of weeks. But when I do, I can't find anything for days afterward. I like to call my work area structured chaos.

  20. Like
    Jack12477 got a reaction from GrandpaPhil in 18th Century Longboat by Jack12477 - FINISHED - Model Shipways 1:48   
    Ok, grappling hook installed. Model is now complete and taking its place with the rest of the fleet.

    Getting a little crowded !
  21. Like
    Jack12477 got a reaction from jct in 18th Century Longboat by Jack12477 - FINISHED - Model Shipways 1:48   
    Well almost complete !  Have to get some primer and black paint for the grappling hook - paint it and install it and I think I am done.

  22. Like
    Jack12477 got a reaction from jct in 18th Century Longboat by Jack12477 - FINISHED - Model Shipways 1:48   
    Well, finally making progress.  Mast, boom & gaff installed and rigged. Took apart a scrap piece of rail molding and used the posts as supports, used an old wood plague for the base, put a coat of MinWax English Chestnut stain on everything.  Mounted the boat temporarily for picture purposes. 
    Now on to the deadeyes and shrouds.

  23. Like
    Jack12477 got a reaction from fnkershner in 18th Century Longboat by Jack12477 - FINISHED - Model Shipways 1:48   
    Ok, grappling hook installed. Model is now complete and taking its place with the rest of the fleet.

    Getting a little crowded !
  24. Like
    Jack12477 got a reaction from Canute in 18th Century Longboat by Jack12477 - FINISHED - Model Shipways 1:48   
    Ok, grappling hook installed. Model is now complete and taking its place with the rest of the fleet.

    Getting a little crowded !
  25. Like
    Jack12477 reacted to divarty in 18th Century Longboat by Jack12477 - FINISHED - Model Shipways 1:48   
    From the early disaster to a very tidy little boat.  Congratulations she looks good up with the others.
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