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Everything posted by DORIS

  1. Hello dear friends, thank you all for your feedback, praise and "likes", I am pleased reading your words and feeling your great support. I do apprecite it a lot. I agree with you, the challenge of doing things again and better keeps our work more interesting. I want to improve my abilities and build more realistic ship models and I am sure, that without obstacles it is not possible. Yesterday I almost finished decoration on the stern - taffrail. This part of stern ornamentation was the most difficult. On Vale´s painting I was not able to recognize details on that area, those ornaments are uneven and asymmetric, so I decided to create my own unique desing and using typical patterns and ornamentation from that period - for example cherubies, stylized statues of fish and seahorses.... The decoration was unique on each ship, so my design does not copy any of them. Please enjoy the pics:
  2. Absolutely fascinating work and perfect realism. Respect and my deep admiration! Kind regards, Doris
  3. Oh yes, dear Nils, I like this type of ships, Chebec is one of my favourite. I have one plastic Chebec (from Imai manufacturer, 1/80 scale) at home as well, but it is a simplified model..... Your model looks very impressive and it is a great inspiration for us all. Kind regards, Doris
  4. Awesome model and a beautiful ship as well, I admire your work and craftsmanship. Thank you for sharing this masterpiece. Kind regards, Doris
  5. Hello, well, I would prefer brass guns, but I am not sure, if they are suitable for the English ship form 17th century... So maybe I will have to make my own scratch from card. Thank you for your kind words, I am still trying to improve my skills and technologies to achieve better results. Sometimes it is hard and I feel sad, cause I do not manage to make things correctly at first time (even the second time...) and make senseless mistakes... Best regards, Doris
  6. Hello dear friends, thank you all for your kind words and support. I do appreciate your comments a lot. Well, after a very short break I continue again, but it was really struggle to create the statues/quarter pieces correctly. I had some problems with their realistic appearance and accurate position, but friends have adviced me, how to do it better. Special thanks belongs to my great advisor and top expert from Czech Modelforum - Kpt.KL, who provides me professional advice and plenty of patience as well. https://www.modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=177&t=110763&start=435#p2110580 Here is the current version of decoration:
  7. Hello dear friends, I have finished plenty of new pieces of decoration and tried to create side sculptures, but there was a problem to adapt the shape and apperance to achieve optimal result. So I will have to create new ones. I must say this is realy hard and maybe I will stop the work on Royal Katherine for some time and will study information and suitable sources. Somehow I miss my drive ..... Please enjoy the pics. I also attach a photos where I am along with the model. You can see its real size.
  8. Admirable project, so realistic! Best regards, Doris
  9. Outstanding work and craftsmanship! Kind regards, Doris
  10. Hello Nils, Thank you for your praise. I use acrylic colour (golden leaf) in spray suitable for exteriors/interiors, something like this: https://www.carid.com/dupli-color/automotive-metallic-paint-mpn-cs101.html Best regards, Doris
  11. Dear friends, your words mean a lot for me and I am very grateful for your support. Thank you for all very much. That is a great honour and motivation for me. That is very nice, I appreciate your comment a lot and please give my regards to your wife. I like the work with card cause I do not need any special tools. When I was a child, our family was poor and we had no money for many things. So I learned to work with minimal basis and only ordinary materials and basic tools. And this way of creating models has remained to me today, only experience and skills are much better ..... Still try to improve my work and achieve realistic rendering of models as is possible in my abilities. It is possible that my ship models will be offered to the museum in future, because we do not have enough space at home for new ones. Maybe these models will bring pleasure to many other people who visit museums. ********************************** Yesterday I finished another sculpture on the stern, so now the ladies are in a complete set. Enjoy the pics:
  12. Hello dear friends, I am very pleased, you like my work. Thank you all for your praise and kind comments. Well, it seems to be a man´s figure, but if I understand well the description of Vale´s painting from NMM, the central figure is a carving of Queen Catherine. http://collections.rmg.co.uk/collections/objects/15079.html It depends on the complexity of a particular statuette/decoration, but usually takes me about 2-5 hours. But for example a larger figurehead can take me more than two days.... Oh, good question.... We take turns with my husband or mom. Telling the truth, we often do things together, it's better and faster. Thank you very much for your support and good advice.I am glad I have decided to recreate the Queen´s sculpture again and believe, now she looks better. And how you asked about the furnishing of the great cabin - of course I am going to make it in a high level of detail. Maybe I will place there some crew members as well. The decks are not fixes in place yet. ***************************************************** Please enjoy the pics and have a great time.
  13. Dear friends, I do appreciate your praise a lot and thank you all for your comments. You are absolutely right, thank you for your opinion. I admit that the queen´s statue is not according to my ideas. It was difficult to find optimal shape and appearance of her statue, cause the figure on Vale´s painting looks rather like a man and has a face with beard. First I was quite satisified with this sculpture, but after short time I was not soo sure...., and I think I will do it again and better. I am very grateful for a sincere and truthful view that confirms what I really feel. I want to do things better and your feedback is a great motivation for me. So do not hesitate to write criticism, I have no problem to accept it and learn from it. Have a great time, Doris
  14. And here I have finally created the sculpture of the Queen Catherine. I used her portraits and other sources of suitable information to achieve this appearance. https://www.google.cz/search?biw=1366&bih=662&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=WbrlWunRM4ymsgH53b2gCQ&q=queen+catherine+of+braganza&oq=queen+catherine+of+braganza+&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.0i30k1.7973.7973.0.9707. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catherine_of_Braganza The clothing is in an ancient style similar to the Vale's painting. https://www.modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=177&t=110763&start=420#p2108444 https://www.modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1399865 In the last two photos there is a statue after some minor improvements.
  15. Hello dear friends, thank you very much for your feedback and kind words, they are much appreciated. Well, now in spring I have plenty of duties and hard work around the house and garden and I also spend much time on detailing/perfect appearance of my clients' cars and their professional training, how to take care of the car varnish and other materials correctly. I use strips of self-adhesive foils. These foils are purchased separately at specialized shops.I have already mentioned about this on my threads more times. Here you can see more about the products I use: https://www.tapety-folie.cz/drevo/c-2404/ *************************************************** And now what is new on Royal Katherine.... I have purchased the reproduction of Vale´s painting from NMM to get more accurate information about decoration and other details. The image looks beautiful so I will have a great picture at home as well. I finished the ledges and window sills around the stern windows and prepared LED illumination.
  16. Hello dear friends, I am pleased, you like my sculpting and work on the Royal Katherine. Thank you very much for your comments and kind words. Dear Michael, I do appreciate your praise, thank you. The possibility of improvement is very important for me in my life and also in my hobbies. It is a great motivation to search better technologies and progresses or utilization of various methods from other fields. For example I do the "detailing" for many years - this represents a high level of precise care of real cars (especially their paint/varnish) and I use my own technology = a special waxes prepared exactly according to the type and condition of the paint. This allows me to achieve perfect and durable results in a gentle way, and it si also environmentally friendly, cause I can use only clean water without a shampoo to wash the car. And these waxes I use on my models as well to achieve better finish and more realistic look. For example the wooden part of hull planking on the Royal Katherine model was gently polished by such wax and thanks to that the wooden imitation looks so naturally. Even while building models, I'm still learning and improving my abilities to make the results worth it. I have finished other pieces of decoration on the stern and QG on starboard. Now I am searching for an optimal location of the decks and floors on stern cabins. I would like to make it according to real English ships from that period but I must admit this is not easy at all..... I have already received a lot of useful and professional infromation about this matter from my advisor Kpt.KL. He also describes the position of decks on real 17th-century ships on Czech Modelforum, cause many people there are very interested in realistic building of ship models as well. https://www.modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=177&t=110763&start=375#p2104504
  17. Thank you, Jan, I am also glad, I decided to change them. Nobody is perfect, but I try to do things better if possible.
  18. Yesterday I created other pieces of decoration on stern according to a model of Saint Michael (1669). http://collections.rmg.co.uk/collections/objects/65963.html The sculptures are more detailed in comparison with decoration on my older ship models.
  19. Hello dear friends, thank you very much for your comments and praise. I do appreciate it a lot. I also admire your work, Amalio, it's amazing and I find there a great inspiration. Thank you. Well, people often ask me about this...... In fact, there is not a problem with dust in this room, cause there is limited movement of persons - we usually sit in the armchairs, listen to music and enjoy the beauty of the ships.... Some of them are illuminated which creates a special atmosphere in the dark. Only once in a few years I pull the models out and gently clean them using a soft brush... The carvings are made of clay/mass and after finishing are baked in oven. A lot of information is available also in my older build log - Royal Caroline or here: http://modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=183&t=85813 I do appreciate when people point out the mistakes in my work. I show my work publicly because I'm interested in people's opinions and have no problem with constructive criticism. So do not hesitate and please tell me, if you notice some mistakes. I would like to improve my work and create more realistic models. I am also interested about infromation about real ships. I enjoy making models as well as education. ***************************** The leaded lights are completely replaced, here you can see original ones which remained after the repairs:
  20. And here is the model placed among my other card sailing ships. Probably the Royal Katherine will be exposed together with my currently best card model - Sovereign of the Seas. I love this room in our house; we call it a "harbor", cause you can see more than 40 ship models there. http://modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=177&t=114818&start=75#p2074117 Enjoy the pics. Best regards, Doris
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