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Everything posted by hof00

  1. Hi All, Small update: Soldiering on.... Stuff of note: Installed Aircraft Cranes and Crane Deck, (Built some time ago), on the Funnel, added a couple of Ladders form the Searchlight Housings to the Searchlight Deck. (So I don't miss these later and much easier to install now.... 🙂) The Aircraft Cranes "Articulate" but I my fix in position as they will probably only gat in the way.... More Main Deck stuff, "Bitts." 10 Large, 8 Medium and 12 Small.... I was not looking forward to these as they go "Ping" quite easily, in the end, only one small one did this but I was lucky enough to have been given a spare!! Still finishing up some tiny Quad AA guns. The remainder of this installment revolves around further preparing sub-assemblies, Anchors an a few other Detail things. Cheers....HOF. Photos:
  2. Thank you kindly Sir!! Not very much happening today unfortunatley apart from getting my favorite Air Brush operational again with its new needle and painting the various sizes of "Bitts" and other stuff that's next up for the Deck. That's o.k. though, I need a slow day to have a think about the "Next up" stuff. Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  3. Thanks Steve, I'm pleased that you are enjoying the build log. 🙂 Yup, it's reasonably large.... 1.5 meters? (Something like that....) Just as a "Heads-up," rvchima, (Rod) ,has recently completed his awesome build and ted99, (Ted), is getting close to completion, (I think), of his Bismarck. Anyway, just in case you hadn't seen these. 🙂 Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  4. Thank you!! After all the sub-assemblies that have been created, the "Beastie" should come together in "Reasonably" short order. However, I am taking my time with the last 3.5 Part work "Issues" and I am sure that there will be things that I will need to consider carefully before "Diving In.... 🙂" Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  5. Hi All, Small update: Anton and Dora Barbettes affixed Paravanes fitted Life Rings fitted Sub-Caliber Barrels affixed AA Rangefinder thingy's affixed Deck Fairleads attached Deck Hatches, various, fitted Painting various sub-assemblies Completed the ten 20mm AA guns. My Hangars weren't fitting at the base of the Funnel, they were a tad too long.... Out with the Pen Sander and removed some MDF where the Hanger meets the superstructure, very carefully....🙂 Much improved after this operation. Tomorrow I'll probably get the Main Deck Bollards done, (Painted anyway), and get the Anchors sorted. Cheers....HOF. (You probably can't see too much difference in the photos below from the previous ones but anyway....) Photos:
  6. Thanks Rod, I figured that I'd have to paint the entire assembly before fixing it to the Deck. I stuck the Breakwater pats on to a strip of wood with a bit of Double Sided tape, ensuring the PE bits would grab a little on the tape, positioned the PE bits and stuck them to the plastic with thin CA. I let the CA harden, removed the Breakwater pieces and sprayed. There was a madness to the method. Not perfect but o.k. Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  7. Hi Chap, That looks very clean and tidy!! (Don't "Hurry Up" though.... Take your time.... 🙂) Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  8. Hi Chris, Very nice indeed!! As Grant said, your children will appreciate this for many years.... 🙂 Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  9. Hi Richard, That's a very real and tangible piece of history.... I'm looking forward to seeing your ship completed. 🙂 Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  10. Hi Richard, An awesome find indeed!! And, It's something that will live on for a very long time.... 🙂 Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  11. Hi Ted, Thanks for that. I don't notice any issues with your Bismarck from where I'm sitting!! 🙂 The thing is that this model is the first that I have ever had with a serious amount of PE, it has, and continues to be a learning.... Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  12. Hi Richard, Very nice indeed!! Your Mast brings back memories of my last trip to Eastbourne, Wellington a couple of years ago. The salvaged Mast stands close to the end of the sealed road heading to Pencarrow Head, a memorial.... Cheers....HOF.
  13. Hi All, Small update: Yet more Sub-Assemblies.... Forward Wave Breaker - Constructed and affixed, lots of tiny PE Struts, not perfect but o.k. I think. Deck Cranes - Yet to be Rigged. Paravanes. Anti Aircraft Range Finders. There are many, many other Sub-Assemblies that I have not photographed recently. (Happy to photograph if required.) I'll add some more detail to the Deck and think about some tiny 20.0mm AA Guns tomorrow. Cheers....HOF. Photos:
  14. Thanks Rod, Yup four "Installments left to go, five if you count the one I'm 1/2 way through!! The instructions therein are large, (Quantity), and complex You cannot really notice the "Gap" now, the camera picks up allot of detail that you would not really like to see. The Rails have not yet arrived, I guess they are somewhere between Poland and New Zealand, I'll post a photo when they turn up. The only other thing of note: I had a go using the Mono-Filament Rigging material, I really did not like it at all so found some Black, Lycra 110 Denier Rigging material on-line by "Infini." Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  15. Hi All, It's been a few weeks since I updated this log, so, a small update: I have not been idle regarding this build. The "Pat-Work" thingy instructions have some logic to them but tend to "Bounce" backwards and forwards a bit. I think that the production version of the Amati Bismarck may have a more logical and comprehensive build strategy, I find myself constantly reviewing instructions going forward to ensure that I am not going to "Paint myself into a corner, a case in point looks like there are some components added to the Admirals Bridge, after the structure is affixed.... I my mind, I need to place these components before mounting the structure, otherwise it will be next to impossible to place components. Anyway, the name of the game for me at the mo is "Sub-Assemblies" and lots of them.... 🙂. I feel that these are now almost complete and will soon be time to affix these, Paravanes and Breakwater assemblies are the next for this Chap. It's been a relief to finally be able to mount some stuff to the Main Deck. There are now 5 installments, (Out of 140), of the build to complete, however, they are quite "Busy" and look as though they will take the most time to complete. I'll try and get a little more regular with the updates (The first two photos is the Port side Hanger that used to have a nasty gap between Hanger and Deck.... The third is the repair....) Cheers....HOF. Photos:
  16. Ditto to what Chris said, Nice!! Cheers....HOF.
  17. Hi Chap, Your Bismarck is looking very nice indeed!! I hope to get some photos posted today of my model. There are additions I have made on my version but I am pretty much trying to stay with the build sequence of the instructions, that means a plethora of sub-assemblies....🙂 Great to view your progress. Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  18. Well, My EZ Line proved to be "Fine," much too fine.... So, I wont be using that.... After some time on the Web, I found a product by "Infini," a Lycra based Rigging thread, Black @ 110 Denier from BNA Models in Australia. I guess we'll see how it performs. There are some scant reviews out there, they are all positive in nature. Cheers.... HOF.
  19. Hi Chap, That's looking really good!! Some excellent progress there. Cheers....HOF.
  20. Thanks Rob, I'm leaning more to EZ Line at this stage.... 🙂 Just some of the areal spreaders and other components look way too fragile for Mono-Filament to be pulled taught. Another Bismarck build by Rod, (rvchima), used Mono-Filament provided for his Bismarck and had great results, however, I am erring on the side of caution, perhaps....🙂 Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  21. Hi All, Hopefully in the next few weeks I'll be able to start to Rig the Bismarck. I got supplied with some Mono-Filament Line for this task, I don't really like this stuff.... It seems to have a life of its own, very "Springy" and difficult to control. I have a spool of EZ Line that I have never used and am wondering if this is a good alternative. (I looked at a couple of tutorials regarding this but were more in line with Aircraft.) It looks really easy to use and with all the delicate PE on the Bismarck, I'm thinking EZ Line would be a great medium. Does anyone have experience with EZ Line for ship models? What are the "Pros" and "Cons?" The forums feedback is invaluable!! Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  22. Hi Chris, Just wondering how you are getting on with your Bismarck.... 🙂 Cheers....HOF.
  23. Very nice work there Rod!! The Cabinet looks great and the "Cherry?" is a very nice color. (I reckon that it's good the Cabinet is "In the house" so people can see your work.) Looking forward to your next creation.... 🙂 Cheers and Regards, Harry.
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