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Everything posted by hof00

  1. Hi Mark and Piet, Thanks for coming in to the "Fray" for me.... I initially thought that this was a "Fit" issue ,When I initially constructed this, it was super tight.... But no, I paired down the mounting lugs, so, not that.... Inspected the Underside of Tier two, nothing looks out of place. There don't appear to be "High" spots on the Deck of Tier one. (I'll double check though. If there is, there's sod all I can do about it as the Wooden Deck is very firmly attached) I'll do the Level Test as best I can, there are protruding ply "Locator" Lugs that protrude from the bottom of the structure. about 2/3 down the length of Tier two. My conclusion is that the Hanger wall is not quite square, (Plumb) on one corner but square with the rest of the Superstructure as all the PE fits correctly, no gaps,.... 🙂 "How did this happen in the first place?" I'm really unsure.... (If I had the luxury, I'd do it again. 🙂 Hindsight is a wonderful thing.... (Pardon the cliché!!)) Starboard side, as per photos is fine.... If I use any filler, I think it has to be a Plastic Putty as the Hanger is mainly Plastic and PE. Thoughts? Cheers and Regards, Harry. Edit: I have just placed a Steel Rule on the Deck of Tier one, no high spots whatsoever. Placed Tier two on a sheet of Glass, as per the photos, I have a gap, Starboard side as per photos.... (Well, good to have confirmation I guess....🙂) Photos:
  2. Hi Chap, Thanks for that. The 2nd Tier of the Superstructure is not yet affixed to Tier one, just placed. The Hanger and the rest of Tier two are very firmly attached together. The gap around the Port side of the Hanger remains.... I was thinking of trying to remove and I'd like to rectify this prior to permanently attaching Tier two .the Hanger from Tier 2 but that would have been a huge mistake in terms of breakage/re-work. (There are more components to fit prior to mating Tier one and easier to do this if I can remove Tier two to work on it, another reason why I'd like to rectify the gap.) 🙂 My apologies for not clarifying the above. Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  3. Very nice!! I do like the result, looks great and a great environment for display. Cheers....HOF.
  4. Ditto!! The Lfe Boat covers make for very nice detail. Cheers....HOF.
  5. Thanks Ken and OC. I thought about White Glue.... I think that whatever method is used, I am of the opinion that I should remove this tier of the Superstructure, (It's not affixed yet), and fill/paint before it is permanently placed. I guess set it up on maybe some Glass to prevent filler bonding, or, maybe Masking Tape? One of my concerns with White Glue is that maybe it could "Slump?" The Hanger structure underneath is Plastic/PE, would White Glue bond sufficiently? (That's why I thought about Plastic Putty as a possible solution. Thoughts? Cheers....HOF.
  6. Hi All, Any ideas regarding my post above? (Gap issue) I have a few ideas,,,, Plastic Putty Plastic Card (Under and flush with Hanger edges) Thin wood strip Under and flush with Hanger edges) A combination of Plastic Putty/Plastic Card A combination of Wood strip/Plastic Putty Any sage advice or opinions very much appreciated. Cheers....HOF.
  7. Hi All, No update today but rather an issue that I discovered yesterday.... The problem is that I have a "Gap" between the Main Hanger and Deck, Port side. (Starboard is fine unless I place finger pressure on top of the Hanger, the whole thig rocks slightly and I get a real bad gap all around. ()Except for the Hager....) I have been giving this allot of thought..... I initially thought that this was a "Fit" issue ,When I initially constructed this, it was super tight.... But no, I paired down the mounting lugs, so, not that.... Inspected the Underside of this, but nothing looks out of place, so, My conclusion is that the Hanger wall is not quite square but square with the rest of the Superstructure. I thought about removing the Hanger but this would be an absolute "Nightmare" with all the PE, Decking, Etc. attached. My only other thought was to carefully fill the gap once it is comes time to fix it down. The Gap is only about 1.0mm and not noticeable just viewing but it really annoys and it would be good to fix as best I can. I don't want to "Rush" the fix either and thought that I'd put my issue to the Forum to see if anyone has some "Sage" advice.... 🙂 (I took some photos to show the problem.) Cheers....HOF. Photos:
  8. Hi Rod, Thank you. The Arados come with the Wing Struts, I guess I'll have a couple spare if the folded Wing version works out o.k. Have just finished the PE Catapult "Sleds" and have almost completed painting the Aircraft. (I'm performing this "Unassembled." Thanks for the "Heads-Up" regarding the Float alignment, however, I've already opened up the locating holes to 0.5mm I guess I'll have to work on it.... 🙂 I have a reasonably big issue that I'll past about shortly.... Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  9. Thanks Chap! I am pleased that I only had to re-spay the "Vallejo" Polyurethane.... I simply could not do a re-paint of the Superstructure. (I did consider this for a few panicked seconds....🙂) I need to listen to myself and my mantra, "Slow things up and consider carefully....") Anyway, onwards.... Cheers....HOF.
  10. Thanks Chap, I agree, walk away!! Live and learn I guess. 🙂 The situation would not have occurred in the first place if I had thought about things a little longer.... I had an idea that the reflective/refractive properties of different coatings was at play. (I had done some reading about this sometime in the past.) the only other thing that's bugging me, (At the moment), is the "Dazzle" Stripes encroaching onto the False Deck.... I'll rectify this soonish, it should be a strip of Light Grey around the Deck perimeter.... Cheers and Regards, Harry..
  11. Hi All, Another small update: Yesterday, I thought that I had ruined the Superstructure.... Problem: Sprayed the incorrect Polyurethane over my work. The result was that it darkened the Grey and was a little too gloss, I was absolutely gutted. I slept on it and decided to re-spray with Vallejo Acrylic, Semi-Gloss Clear. This "Picked Up" they different Grey's. I now have Superstructure colors that match the Hull. (I am much relieved!! 🙂) I am of the opinion that the original Polyurethane absorbed the light rather than reflecting. So, the "Crystal Clear" Acrylic is fantastic for Wooden Ship models but no good for the Bismarck where I have already been using "Vallejo...." .... (The Decking areas got a dose of Vallejo also.) I thought I'd have a change of pace for the next couple of days and have a go at the Arados. (These are tiny.... The plan is to have one with folded wings and the other, wings extended. (These are the next two "Issues" anyway.) Cheers....HOF. Photos:
  12. Hi All, Small update: Sprayed Superstructure assemblies with Semi-Gloss Polyurethane. I think it's o.k. Attached Superstructure Decking. (I'm not really over fussed with these, I feel these are too thick. Anyway, they are on and moving forward regardless. (I think I'm over it for today.... 🙂) Photos tomorrow hopefully. Cheers....HOF.
  13. Hi All, Small update: Haven't posted anything for a few days, been busy painting.... 🙂 Started with primer for Superstructure thus far followed by the Light Grey and "Hand" painting the Dark Grey bits. I figured I'd start with the rear Superstructure first for the dark areas. I could not mask for an Airbrush so "Hand" painting seemed to be the most viable option. I removed the Bo0at Skids on top of the Hanger as there was no way to comfortably paint the Hanger Roof without doing this. Forward Superstructure bits were more straight forward. (I hadn't actually done any small hand painting since my AFV days many years ago.... 🙂) Vallejo Gold Brown used on the Grating areas, not a perfect match by a long shot but the closest not to be too noticeable once the Wood Decks go on. Why haven't I painted the Aft lower Superstructure? I need to go over this tomorrow and find the locations that a few "Vent Openings" have come from. (I don't like my chances of finding these as there is allot of complexity here, I'll try anyway. Cheers....HOF. Photos:
  14. Hi All, Thank you very, very much for your experience and considered responses. I have learnt allot and it will soon be time to experiment. I'm unsure how much I will be able to achieve in terms of realism at 1/200 but I'll try my best. Time for me to have a "Play." 🙂 Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  15. Hi Chap, Thank you for your response, appreciated. (Your example looks really good!!) I'll have a think regarding your procedure, bearing in mind that I cannot airbrush as the PE Decking is "Intimate with Railings, Etc. Whatever I do, I am reduced to careful "Hand" painting, I guess that's why I'm after "Good Match." The subject is a 1/200 Bismarck. Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  16. Hi Rod, What color did you use to match wood to PE Decking sections? (I have had a look on-line and found Vallejo Yellow Ochre to be a match, maybe....) Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  17. Hi All, I'm trying to match wooden Decking with PE Decking that needs to be matched to the Wood. My preference is "Vallejo" as it is available in NZ and I also like the product. I have had a look on-line and the closest match is Vallejo Yellow Ochre, don't know really.... I am hoping that someone out there will have experience in matching Wood to Paint? A photo of a couple of pieces of decking attached.... Cheers....HOF.
  18. Hi Rod, Your Aircraft look awesome!! It really gives your Bismarck that "Something extra!!" (3.5mm "Packing" is quite a bit at 1/200 but you cannot see or notice at all. I assume that this is directly under the "Aircraft" part of the Catapult.) Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  19. I couldn't agree more OC. The size and complexity of this build is awesome!! (It's great to follow this build and see the model grow and grow!! 🙂) Cheers....HYOF.
  20. Hi All, Small update: Fwd Superstructure tidy up/finishing, (Perhaps), day today.... Installed Ammunition Hoist forward most part of Tier 4. I decided against using the "Whisker thin PE bits and substituted 0.25mm Brass wire, much easier. 🙂 Tier 1 and 2 got the last bits installed on the very front of the Superstructure. (I lost the folded Brass box, Rod, (rvchima), provided the dimensions, (Thanks heaps Rod!!!), and made a replacement from Styrene. (The superstructure look a little "Scrappy" but I am confident once primed/painted, it'll look much better.) I think tomorrow I'll spray completed sub-assemblies with Acrylic Satin Polyurethane, something that needs to be done and it'll give my eyes a much needed rest.... 🙂 I have pretty much caught up with the "Issue" sequence. (Now up to "Issue" 121 out of 140, this really doesn't mean that I am close to completion.... I have had a look at the remaining "Issues" and there are many rather detailed and complex bits to install, inc. Decks, Painting, Etc, Etc. Included with the photos, I have included photos of my sub-assemblies, just in case anyone was wondering, "Where's the rest of it?" Cheers....HOF Photos:
  21. Hi All, Update: Completed cladding, Tier 3 and 4. Not too many issues. Last photo is the Ammunition Hoist that gets mounted on the front of Tier 4. (The "Legs" need to be straightened.) I am thinking about replacing the "Whisker" thin PE bits. (Rod, (rvchima mentioned that this structure was "Difficult.") Cheers....HOF. Photos:
  22. Thanks OC, Yup, Railings integral with the cladding is definitely an advantage.... I still need to watch where my fingers go.... 🙂 Cheers and Regards, Harry.
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