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Everything posted by hof00

  1. Thanks Rod and Joe, Wonderful reference information!! Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  2. Thanks Rod and Joe, Wonderful information!! Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  3. Hi Chap, Personally, I am a Pedestal fan. A couple of reasons for this: New Zealand is seismically active and pedestals are more secure Pedestals show more of the Hull I have only used a Stand in one build, A/L Fulgaro (On this site if you want to have a look.) Others on this forum will have ideas also. Cheers....HOF.
  4. Thanks Joe, Much appreciated!! Yup, so I agree the Maize color looks good, nice and quite "Mute" (I sort of have to go with what I've got really....) I completed the Life raft clean-up, (I hate re-work!!) and primed with matt Vallejo White as a base, advice from Ken. "Canute", Airbrush this time. 🙂 I chose a "Citadel" Yellow and a darker wash for the highlights. (PE Mesh holes.) I guess we'll see how it comes out!! Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  5. Thanks Ken, I had initially had this primed with Grey. I think my trouble started with a very heavy dose of Yellow, (Brush Painted), and the paint I was using seemed to be Gloss? Anyway, I have a different Yellow I'll try later today which is supposedly Matt. Anyway, live and Learn.... 🙂 (I have also been looking at the F86 work.) Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  6. Hi All, Small update but no photos as yet, I'm waiting until I get Issue 138 complete.... The last two will commence thereafter. So, what has been happening on the build front: Detail on Fore and Aft S/S Lots of small Lockers, Vents, Aft AA gun Splinter Shields and other bits.... 🙂 The Life rafts are getting to me,, the simplest of things to construct but the Yellow Paint was a complete "Hash!!" I am now in the process of stripping these back to bare plastic/PE and will have another go.... (I wasn't even rushing things. (I read that Yellow is maybe the hardest color to paint.) So, with these things, I have 3 small Searchlights and a couple of ladders for the Upper Fwd S/S. (Couple of days maybe?) Anyway, that's me for tonight. Thanks Joe for the wonderful photos and information that you are imparting, fantastic stuff!! Cheers....HOF.
  7. Thanks Joe, Those photos are pretty awesome!! Interesting that the Mainmast could be "Retracted?" Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  8. Hi Joe, Please feel free to "Hijack" If's all relevant and great information for all on the forum who share the interest. I for one, have increased my knowledge on the subject hugely! (From just building a model with a limited amount of information tp a much better understanding of the subject and history.) Good also in the quiet times when I have not updated or taken photos. Keep it up all and thank you Joe. 🙂 Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  9. Very nice indeed!! You should indeed be pleased with the result. 🙂 (I broke one of my Catheads also so got some made up in Brass.) Cheers.... HOF.
  10. Thanks Joe, I'll PM you my E-Mail to enable you to send some Rigging diagrams when you get a moment. (It would be good to see so that I can plan ahead a little.... 🙂) Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  11. Hi Joe, Thank you for the diagram and information!! Awesome!! 🙂 I'll certainly refence this information in the next two or three weeks and I'll come back to you if I have further questions. Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  12. Thank you very much Sir, I have been studying the instructions, just to see what's coming up.... It would be great to see something better than my instructions.... Could it be PM'd? (I am certainly not one to refuse assistance!! 🙂) Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  13. Thank you Rod!! (And thank you once again Joe....🙂) I finally received my ABER PE Chain Link Rails that will be placed around the perimeter of the Deck, vey nice but fragile.(I expected the fragility.) I also received the "Infini" 110 Denier Lycra Rigging material. This is 0.12mm same as the kit supplied stuff. Two and a bit issues to go.... I get the feeling it's all going to come rather quickly. ("Quickly" is a relative term here....) I have been busy adding heaps of detail bits. It's so nice to be doing something different other than "sub-assemblies!! I'll get some photos up tomorrow hopefully. Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  14. Hi Chap, Looking really good!! (I'm a little way behind you, no prob. 🙂) Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  15. Hi All, Small update: (I think that all my updates are "Small." Maybe I'll just say "Update." Semantics....) Anyway.... I have been having fun over the past couple of days. Of note, Conning Tower attached, Inc. Quad AA Guns and Searchlight.. It was nice to have the Sub-assemblies ready to go and was a case of carefully positioning on the upper Superstructure. One issue that I noticed last night was the Searchlight Platform Spreaders looked wrong on the Port side. (Just noticed in the photos it looks like the Conning Tower is leaning forward, I am pleased to advise that it not!!) Before adjusting anything I performed some diagnostics.... The Spreaders were at the correct angle and distance, referencing the Platform. I discovered the Platform was about 1.5' out of alignment which made the spreader angle out. I slept on it and gave the Spreader a "Tweak", problem solved and its difficult to notice the Platform 1.5" out of alignment. (I was certainly not going to remove and re-attach the Platform!! 🙂) I "Shoehorned" in the Conning Tower Cabinets into place, I thought this might be next to impossible but proved relatively easy. (Small blessings....) The top tier of then Superstructure that the conning Tower is fixed to is not yet fixed to the underlying Superstructure, this will make thing much easier to add Cabinets/Hatches/Etc. For the same reason, Fore and Aft Superstructures are not affixed either. (I think that this procedure will come close to completion. Trying to think ahead. 🙂 Another reason is that movement of my right arm is still restricted, even after a year post Rotator Cuff surgery. (1.5 arms.... 🙂) Tomorrow, (And the next few days), I will be installing Hatches/Cabinets/Skylights, Splinter Shields and a whole host of other details.... Cheers....HOF. Photos:
  16. Lovely work!! I am looking forward to the next creation! Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  17. Very nice Chap!! Don't worry too much about a door, no one is going to notice and I can't either.... 🙂 (Call it artistic license.) Cheers....HOF.
  18. Thanks Bob, Just getting ready for the next round!! 🙂 Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  19. Hi All, Small update: So, carrying on with detail stuff, I feel there are less sub-assemblies to construct now and more to actually install. It's a good feeling.... 🙂 Things of note: Main, Bow and Stern Anchors installed Secondary Barbettes attached and Turrets test fitted (I prepared the Turrets some time ago.... 🙂) (The turrets traverse nicely so I must have done something right....🙂) ((It sort of feels like things are starting to shape-up a little....) Cheers....HOF. Photos:
  20. Awesome!! Thank you kindly. The pieces are PR and have a vey delicate mesh, I'll install them.... 🙂 Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  21. A question for the forum: Would anyone know what the Black rectangles represent? Any insight appreciated. Cheers....HOF.
  22. Thanks Kevin. Much appreciated.... 🙂 Quite a bit to go.... Getting there, I think.... Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  23. Thank you Sir!! I don't yet know where I'll put the "Beastie" and at 1.5 m long..... It will need a cabinet of some description to prevent the Abyssinian boys breaking stuff.... (There have already been a couple of close calls.... 🙂) It is quite goon to have allot of sub-assemblies, it should progress things a little more smoothly. (Hopefully) Cheers and Regards, Harry.
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