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Everything posted by hof00

  1. Hi Rod, You are quite correct, "Fiddly Bits" are what we would say here also in the "Antipodes." 🙂 Cheers....HOF.
  2. Thanks Chap, They are not prefect but they will do. I agree, they were a ral pain.. I am finding that the PE for the Conning Tower is more of a challenge.... I should be able to complete this step today, (Hopefully), but not all of it as this is the method that Partworks use, they "jump around...." If I try and complete fully, I'm going to have yet more bits to "Put aside." I found the Hanger Boat instructions in the next installment,, (119), and, the Jig.... We'll see how that goes....🙂 (As you found, it looks like I'll have to move the Ladders on the Hanger.) Cheers....HOF.
  3. Thanks Rod, I do have a set of digital calipers, I guess I was just being lazy in asking the question in the first place....🙂 Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  4. Looking really good!! Regarding the painting, I don't really know at what stage you should paint it. It's up to you really. From memory, I painted mine after the Hull was pretty much complete. Just ensure you mask things, Deck, Interior Bulwarks, Etc. Others on this forum may have different advice.... Cheers....HOF.
  5. Hi Chap, Very nice application of detail and very tidy wiring. Cheers....HOF.
  6. Forgot to mention, I'll have to develop someting to hold the Conning Tower.... The more PE that gets added and the more "Protrusions" the easier that it is to accidentally knock something off!! (Been there, done that.... 😀) I'm thinking of a blob of "Blutack" on the plastic base onto a small block of wood.... Cheers....HOF.
  7. Hi All, Small update: I'm about 1/2 way through installing the PE sub-structures on the Conning Tower, more tiny bits to go.... Admirals Bridge Platform and Railings complete and given a bit of paint as this will be covered. That's about the size of it for the morning. 🙂 Cheers.... HOF. Photos:
  8. Hi Barry, The Brass Sheeting, when fitted, is supposed to simulate the "Iron" Bulwarks, Deckhouse Ornamentation, Etc. I used the Bulkhead Brass with the exception of the Curved Stern piece which did not want to fit.... I had these cut out, inc. Freeing Port holes and attached them directly over the first Planking prior to removing the Bulkhead Stanchions. It made the process of cutting the Freeing Ports very easy and the Bulwark Rubbing Strip easy to fit also. (The gap between thick and thin sections of the Bulwarks.) (Have a look at Cutty Sark by HOF00 if you feel inclined to do so.) For the Deckhouses, Etc. I got some Laser cut Cherry from a company called "DoubleO" Laser Services in the US, but I don't think they are in business any longer.... You might find some on E-Bay maybe? Anyway, my two Cents worth.... 🙂 Cheers....HOF.
  9. Hi Rod, I know that somewhere in your thread that you mentioned that you had been drilling holes for the Deck Stanchions, however, I thought I'd ask you what size bit was suitable for the Stanchions. I think that I'll have to order some Drills. Many thanks in advance. Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  10. Great detail!! (Wish I'd known more regarding PE and in my teens building AFV's) Cheers....HOF.
  11. Hi All, Small update: I have fallen into a bit of a "Part-Works" Rabbit Hole.... Not too bad though.... Got through two further "Issues" but took me a couple of days. Constructed and installed a couple of Ventilators, Port/Starboard by the Main Hanger Doors. (Why this could not have been a molding, we'll never know.) Constructed and installed Searchlight Platforms Port/Starboard funnel, (11 PE pieces each) Platform,), and installed Searchlight Covers. I am now left with a complete PE Fret that covers the previous two "Issues" that deal with the Admirals Bridge and associated Conning Tower. I am pretty sure that I'll get this out of the way before Sheathing the Forward Superstructure. I'll post some photos after the Conning Tower PE is attended to. Cheers....HOF.
  12. Nice!! Lots of Servos there.... I guess you have been testing things as you progress, i.e. your Anchor Windlass's.) Question for you, are your Decks wooden, printed or otherwise? Cheers....HOF.
  13. Hi All, Small update: HOF has been playing with Boats again.... 🙂 Spent the day finishing the four Service Boats. These went together o.k., not too much PE, just enough to keep me honest!! As I mentioned to Rod, (rvchima), these won't be mounted on the Ship for some time yet but good to have them complete. (It's another 4 magazine "Issues" out of the way.) Eleven Ships Boats total count. I think tomorrow, I'll deal with a partly consumed PE fret containing components for the Funnel Searchlight Platforms and a coupe of Ventilators that will get mounted on the main Hanger.... Cheers....HOF. Photos:
  14. Thanks Rod, Challenges indeed!! Finishing up the Service Boats, today hopefully.... 🙂 (Even though these items won't be going on the ship for a while, it'll be good to have them out of the way.) Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  15. Hi All, Bit of an update, HOF has been working on Ships Boats.... 🙂 So, seven of the eleven are now what I'm going to call complete. Two Dinghy's and two Longboats were easiest until I decided to re-paint the internals with Vallejo "Wood Grain" A very careful removal of the PE was a heart in mouth time.... The Motorboat was next being the smallest, tiny PE but a good learning.... Two Launches, quite complex but I got through o.k. (The Bow PE piece did not want to play nicely at all so I made my own from Brass Wire for both Launches.) All propellers were a pain to fit onto thier Shafts, in the end, I opened up the hole in the center of the Prop, it made things so much simpler. The Boats look a little untidy, (In my mind.), up close but look much better viewed "Normally" if that makes sense. (My hat is very firmly off to those that build 1/700 scale!! 🙂) I now have the four "Service" Boats to complete and I guess on to Forward Superstructure PE. (Unless I go down another Part-work rabbit hole!!) Cheers....HOF. Photos:
  16. Thank you Sir.... I think it's getting somewhere slowly. Cheers....HOF.
  17. Hi Chris, Wondering how your going with your Bismarck build? There are three currently underway, (Four with your example.), that I know about on this site. Would be interested to see your progress at some stage. Cheers....HOF.
  18. Greetings from New Zealand!! Certainty know who you represent. I have several completed A/L builds to date and several more patiently awaiting my attentions. 🙂 Good to see you here!! Cheers....HOF.
  19. Hi All, Update: Completed Main and Secondary Turrets and Guns. Lots of masking and tiny bits of PE for the Secondary Turrets. The only problem was dropping a small plastic Periscope for one of the Mains. I searched for a ages but to no avail. Made a replacement from a bit of sprue, not perfect but they are so small that I don't think anyone will notice. I think that the Mains could do with a bit of a "Tickle" where the wooden circular bases have a "Step." I'll give all Turrets some Semi Gloss to protect. To round off the day, I'll finish constructing the Forward Mast and have a play with the Boats.... 🙂 Cheers....HOF. Photos:
  20. Hi Rod, Interesting regarding the Turret Ladders, I had six on one PE Fret and two on another. The Fret with six had significantly less material on the Rungs, but, not as extreme as your "Thin" examples. I used mine and they look o.k. after a bit of a spray. 🙂 Something not picked up in the kit release perhaps? Cheers....HOF.
  21. Thanks Rod, Moving on with the build.... 🙂 Location of parts over multiple "Issues" takes time and careful consideration. (Final Turret components.) Not a rapid build at all.... Never mind, it's not a race either.... 🙂 Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  22. Thanks Chap!! I'm still getting used to the way the "Mains" look, I just have to live with it. 🙂 Maybe the best solution hirer would have been to purchase "Aftermarket" Barrels, Brass or similar. Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  23. Secondary Turrets: and Barrels: The Secondary Barrels and Breeches, as discussed, did not fit into the Secondary Turrets. I wrapped a bit of 6.0mm masking around the front of the Blast Bags that I wished to protect. Out with a fine File and reduced the Breech thickness on each side by about 0.75mm The plastic supplied is very soft and reduces rapidly. Pushed the Barrel and Breech into the Turret, no worries!! 🙂 Now that I have the "Madness to the method," I can safely leave mounting of these until the Turrets are complete and painted. I am more than a little relieved.... Cheers....HOF.
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