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    JSGerson got a reaction from BenD in USS Constitution by JSGerson - Model Shipways Kit No. MS2040   
    The results of my efforts are shown below.

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    JSGerson got a reaction from Kenneth Powell in USS Constitution by JSGerson - Model Shipways Kit No. MS2040   
    I waited 24 hours to make sure the glue dried solid. The kit supplied catheads were traced onto the assemblies and the location of the pulleys were located and drilled. I did check the kit’s cathead shape against the US Navy plans and they are a close match. The spacers were removed after the holes were drilled. Wood plugs, which would become the pseudo pulleys were then inserted into the holes, glued with CA glue and the ends cut flush. Finally, caps were glued onto the ends of the sheaves to complete the assembly. Using my drill stand mounted Dremel rotary tool with a drum sander bit, I shaped the raw pieces. The finished catheads looked almost identical to the kit supplied pieces, but these now had sheeves and pseudo pulleys.

  3. Like
    JSGerson got a reaction from CiscoH in USS Constitution by JSGerson - Model Shipways Kit No. MS2040   
    I waited 24 hours to make sure the glue dried solid. The kit supplied catheads were traced onto the assemblies and the location of the pulleys were located and drilled. I did check the kit’s cathead shape against the US Navy plans and they are a close match. The spacers were removed after the holes were drilled. Wood plugs, which would become the pseudo pulleys were then inserted into the holes, glued with CA glue and the ends cut flush. Finally, caps were glued onto the ends of the sheaves to complete the assembly. Using my drill stand mounted Dremel rotary tool with a drum sander bit, I shaped the raw pieces. The finished catheads looked almost identical to the kit supplied pieces, but these now had sheeves and pseudo pulleys.

  4. Like
    JSGerson got a reaction from mort stoll in USS CONSTITUTION by Brian Falke - BlueJacket Shipcrafters - Scale 1:96   
    That was an awesome step. My heart would have been in my mouth if I did it. You are going to have a fantastic model when you're done.
  5. Thanks!
    JSGerson got a reaction from Tomculb in USS Constitution by TomCulb - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:76.8 - cross-section   
    Very nicely done
  6. Like
    JSGerson got a reaction from Avi in USS Constitution by Avi - BlueJacket Shipcrafters - 1:96   
    I'm sorry, I meant to give you the the earlier post where I made the scuppers as well. Take a look from Post #546.
    The air ports (round holes) were precast Britania metal provided by the kit. I didn't like the precast scuppers. They were made from brass a tube which were sliced like a loaf of bread. Then they were flattened into "race track' shape with a vise. The scuper lids were cut from brass plate and CA glued.
  7. Like
    JSGerson got a reaction from Nunnehi (Don) in USS Constitution by JSGerson - Model Shipways Kit No. MS2040   
    The results of my efforts are shown below.

  8. Like
    JSGerson got a reaction from Tidbinbilla in USS Constitution by JSGerson - Model Shipways Kit No. MS2040   
    The results of my efforts are shown below.

  9. Like
    JSGerson got a reaction from CiscoH in USS Constitution by JSGerson - Model Shipways Kit No. MS2040   
    Using 5/32” x 1/8” stock boxwood, twenty pieces were cut 21/32” in length. Boxwood was chosen over basswood because it holds a very fine edge. The chamfers were created using a sanding block. I didn’t trust myself to cut them using an X-acto knife as Mr. Hunt did in his practicum. Then, using a drum sander bit on the Dremel rotary tool at a slow rpm, the hull face side was sanded down every so gently to match the contour of the hull at each position. The fenders were identified on the inside face with an arrow indicating UP orientation, S or P for the proper side, and the position 1 -10. I just arbitrarily made the aft most position No. 1.  Using left over metal wire trimmed from eye bolts and other hardware for the pins, holes were drilled into the backside of the fenders and the pins were CA’d into the holes. Before installation, the fenders were painted red. Pressing the fender onto the hull, the pins left an impression indicating were I had to drill holes into the hull for the fender pins. The fender locations were premeasured and indicated on the hull with paint trim tape.

  10. Like
    JSGerson got a reaction from CiscoH in USS Constitution by JSGerson - Model Shipways Kit No. MS2040   
    I followed the practicum for the most part in constructing 20 fenders, 10 for each side with the following modifications:
    The MS plans, the practicum, and the  pre 2015-17 restoration photos, show the fenders are chamfered on the vertical sides and top edges, not the bottom. According to the 2015-17 restoration photographs, all four sides are now chamfered. The practicum left the fenders as bare wood, but the photographs (even before the 2015-17 restoration) showed they were painted the same color as the red stripe. The practicum would have you just simply glue the fenders to the hull. I added two pins each fender for a more secure attachment. To be fair, at the time the practicum was written sometime in 2014 I believe, there were very few images available showing details of what the fenders looked like on or off the ship. I’ve only located these images from the 2015-17 renovation shown below. Moreover, when the ship is afloat, most of the fenders are not visible as they are hidden below the waterline. And, for some reason, very few images with any detail are available even today (at least on Google) when she was in dry dock. I guess they’re not a very interesting subject to photograph.

  11. Like
    JSGerson got a reaction from Ryland Craze in USS Constitution by JSGerson - Model Shipways Kit No. MS2040   
    Per USS Constitution Museum:
    What’s interesting is that the 1927-31 restoration MS based plans show the oak fenders. How are there fenders on the plans? It also states that the fenders are “Not a historical feature. Installed by Navy to protect copper from camel damage in dock” Again, my argument that anything the Navy does to a commissioned ship, IS historic. Albeit, adding permanent fenders is not something you would do an active warship as it would obviously slow the speed of the ship.

  12. Like
    JSGerson got a reaction from Ryland Craze in USS Constitution by JSGerson - Model Shipways Kit No. MS2040   
    The red stripe was painted by applying Model Shipways primer white and two coats of Cherry Red mixed with a few drops of hull black following the lead of the practicum. I neglected to take pictures of the resulting red stripe.at this stage.

  13. Like
    JSGerson got a reaction from Ryland Craze in USS Constitution by JSGerson - Model Shipways Kit No. MS2040   
    My sister is an accomplished artist who uses acrylic paints (see PaintedFurnitureBySue). I told her about the peeling problem I had with the Rust Red paint. First thing she asked was who manufactured the paint. I told her Anita’s Craft Paint for the rust red and DecoArt Americana for cherry red. She informed me that the proper term for the peeling was crocking, and it was an indicator of poor-quality paint. She was not familiar with Anita’s Craft Paint, but that DecoArt Americana was a high-quality paint which she uses. Here are the paints I referred to in my earlier post.

  14. Like
    JSGerson got a reaction from KurtH in USS Constitution by JSGerson - Model Shipways Kit No. MS2040   
    The red stripe was painted by applying Model Shipways primer white and two coats of Cherry Red mixed with a few drops of hull black following the lead of the practicum. I neglected to take pictures of the resulting red stripe.at this stage.

  15. Like
    JSGerson got a reaction from Ryland Craze in USS Constitution by JSGerson - Model Shipways Kit No. MS2040   
    The results of my efforts are shown below.

  16. Like
    JSGerson got a reaction from KurtH in USS Constitution by JSGerson - Model Shipways Kit No. MS2040   
    The results of my efforts are shown below.

  17. Like
    JSGerson got a reaction from Ryland Craze in USS Constitution by JSGerson - Model Shipways Kit No. MS2040   
    Using 5/32” x 1/8” stock boxwood, twenty pieces were cut 21/32” in length. Boxwood was chosen over basswood because it holds a very fine edge. The chamfers were created using a sanding block. I didn’t trust myself to cut them using an X-acto knife as Mr. Hunt did in his practicum. Then, using a drum sander bit on the Dremel rotary tool at a slow rpm, the hull face side was sanded down every so gently to match the contour of the hull at each position. The fenders were identified on the inside face with an arrow indicating UP orientation, S or P for the proper side, and the position 1 -10. I just arbitrarily made the aft most position No. 1.  Using left over metal wire trimmed from eye bolts and other hardware for the pins, holes were drilled into the backside of the fenders and the pins were CA’d into the holes. Before installation, the fenders were painted red. Pressing the fender onto the hull, the pins left an impression indicating were I had to drill holes into the hull for the fender pins. The fender locations were premeasured and indicated on the hull with paint trim tape.

  18. Like
    JSGerson got a reaction from Stevenleehills in USS Constitution by JSGerson - Model Shipways Kit No. MS2040   
    Per USS Constitution Museum:
    What’s interesting is that the 1927-31 restoration MS based plans show the oak fenders. How are there fenders on the plans? It also states that the fenders are “Not a historical feature. Installed by Navy to protect copper from camel damage in dock” Again, my argument that anything the Navy does to a commissioned ship, IS historic. Albeit, adding permanent fenders is not something you would do an active warship as it would obviously slow the speed of the ship.

  19. Like
    JSGerson got a reaction from mtbediz in USS Constitution by JSGerson - Model Shipways Kit No. MS2040   
    2,500 or so Copper Plates so far
    My copper tape roll ran out 24 plates shy of completing the hull. However, I was prepared as Hunt’s practicum warned me that may happen, and I also read the same accounts in a couple build logs. This did not include coppering the stem, keel, stern, and rudder. Also, it was not unexpected that the oxidation color of the second roll of tape was of a slightly darker hue. Over time they will even out going from shiny new copper to old penny brown, and finally green copper oxide (if the model lasts that long).

  20. Like
    JSGerson got a reaction from Stevenleehills in USS Constitution by JSGerson - Model Shipways Kit No. MS2040   
    Thanks Rokket, I need all the encouragement I can get! Eventually, those knees will be accompanied by more structural members as I populate the gun deck with the guns after I work on the stem.
  21. Like
    JSGerson got a reaction from CiscoH in USS Constitution by JSGerson - Model Shipways Kit No. MS2040   
    In case anyone is following where I am in the practicum, it’s Chapter 9.1.5. I skipped over Chapter 7 for the time being. In any case, this the part where the practicum adds the “iron red” (plans state “red lead”) waterline stripe. According to the Model Shipway plans, the stripe is “not an historic feature.” By this statement, I assume it was added in the twentieth century. But since this is a US Navy commissioned ship (oldest commissioned ship still floating in the world by the way), anything the US Navy does to the ship is, by definition, historic. Here is a blurb from the USS Constitution Museum newsletter from 2017:

    As most of us Conny builders know, this ship has been constantly modified. The red waterline is no different than painting the ship white with a red gun stripe like a hospital ship. So yes, I’m adding the “historic” red waterline.
    To make things a tad more interesting (read more complicated), the Model Shipway plans show the red stripe between draft marks just about mark 21’ to the top of mark 18’, which at scale is ½” wide. There are photos to show this is correct …aaaannnnd photos to show this to be wrong. The composite image below shows multiple locations for the top and bottoms of the red waterline stripe - top of draft mark: 23’, below the mark 23’, and top of mark 21; the bottom locations at just above mark 18’ and below mark 20’. ‘When the ship is floating, the actual water line on the boat is at mark 19 and just above 21’. Since there doesn’t seem to be a definitive position for the red waterline, when in doubt, follow the plan, in this case the MS plan which appear to follow the US Navy 1844 Draught & Lines plan #11249 which shows the high and low draught range.

  22. Like
    JSGerson got a reaction from ccoyle in USS Constitution by JSGerson - Model Shipways Kit No. MS2040   
    Copper Completed
    Finally…the major milestone has been reached – The coppering has been completed, including the stem, keel, stern, and rudder. I’m estimating it took cutting, embossing, and placing 2,600 -2,700 plates to do the job. I’m glad that’s over and done.

  23. Like
    JSGerson got a reaction from Nunnehi (Don) in USS Constitution by JSGerson - Model Shipways Kit No. MS2040   
    Copper Completed
    Finally…the major milestone has been reached – The coppering has been completed, including the stem, keel, stern, and rudder. I’m estimating it took cutting, embossing, and placing 2,600 -2,700 plates to do the job. I’m glad that’s over and done.

  24. Like
    JSGerson got a reaction from ccoyle in USS Constitution by JSGerson - Model Shipways Kit No. MS2040   
    In case anyone is following where I am in the practicum, it’s Chapter 9.1.5. I skipped over Chapter 7 for the time being. In any case, this the part where the practicum adds the “iron red” (plans state “red lead”) waterline stripe. According to the Model Shipway plans, the stripe is “not an historic feature.” By this statement, I assume it was added in the twentieth century. But since this is a US Navy commissioned ship (oldest commissioned ship still floating in the world by the way), anything the US Navy does to the ship is, by definition, historic. Here is a blurb from the USS Constitution Museum newsletter from 2017:

    As most of us Conny builders know, this ship has been constantly modified. The red waterline is no different than painting the ship white with a red gun stripe like a hospital ship. So yes, I’m adding the “historic” red waterline.
    To make things a tad more interesting (read more complicated), the Model Shipway plans show the red stripe between draft marks just about mark 21’ to the top of mark 18’, which at scale is ½” wide. There are photos to show this is correct …aaaannnnd photos to show this to be wrong. The composite image below shows multiple locations for the top and bottoms of the red waterline stripe - top of draft mark: 23’, below the mark 23’, and top of mark 21; the bottom locations at just above mark 18’ and below mark 20’. ‘When the ship is floating, the actual water line on the boat is at mark 19 and just above 21’. Since there doesn’t seem to be a definitive position for the red waterline, when in doubt, follow the plan, in this case the MS plan which appear to follow the US Navy 1844 Draught & Lines plan #11249 which shows the high and low draught range.

  25. Like
    JSGerson got a reaction from Snug Harbor Johnny in USS Constitution by JSGerson - Model Shipways Kit No. MS2040   
    Copper Completed
    Finally…the major milestone has been reached – The coppering has been completed, including the stem, keel, stern, and rudder. I’m estimating it took cutting, embossing, and placing 2,600 -2,700 plates to do the job. I’m glad that’s over and done.

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