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Everything posted by Siggi52

  1. Hello, thank you so much for your complements. At the moment I'm working at the show case and that could take a little time. Yesterday was the great clean up. I had the great advantage that the ship is open to the front, but how did you doe that with a complete ship? There was a lot of dust at all decks I don't really know what comes next at the shipyard. I thought that I would build the captains barge next winter, but before I start I have to spy at druxey's blog how to do it Regards, Siggi
  2. Thank you, thank you, thank you now also the cranes are ready and with them the ship I have the ship ready, I can't believe it. After four years of building! To say something more about the cranes. The only information about them I found in Goodwin's: Construction and fitting...at page 211. Here he says, that the cranes where introduced for all in 1746 and where covered with a tarred canvas screen. After 1770 where the nettings introduced. So no in my time. Building models with a water surface I did before. The first was the Cutty Sark from Revell, I build in 1984. and a second, the Alert after a plan from Lisci I build in 1989. That was my last ( but not first scratch build) model I build. Regards, Siggi
  3. Hello, for those who wanted to know what kind of wood I used for the stand, it's birds-eye maple. The last days I have forged the cranes and glued them on. Now I'm on warpath with them. If you only look hard at them, they fall over But during the glue hardens out, I made the water surface for the display. In the background you can see the chaos in my workshop. But that are the worst spots, really I think when I'm ready with my ship, I have to sort and clean up my workshop. Regards, Siggi
  4. Hello Albert, since I'm not so much involved in building my Dragon, I have more time to search this forum and found your thread. I must say: Hut ab! That looks really great what you have build. Regards, Siggi
  5. Hello, after I worked for the last two weeks with magnifying glasses at the lantern, I would build something I could see without them. So I started with the stand for the Dragon, when I got the ordered hood last Monday. After some more layers of lacquer, the case is mostly ready for the ship. Regards, Siggi
  6. Hello, I'm sorry, but I did't take pictures of the whole process of making the lanterns. I did it some pictures of the first version, that I skipped. First I turned a acrylic cone, then filed the sides flat and make with a hacksaw and fine needle files slots for the window frames, which I build with 0,5 mm and 1 mm copper wire. In this version I filed also the wire flat, but here I filled also sometimes in the acrylic and that was't so good. That was it mostly. For the next version I build in more details, but that is up to everyone. I think the rest is't so difficult for you that I must describe it. Regards, Siggi
  7. Helo, thank you all for your likes and nice comments, that encouraged me a lot to finish also the not so beloved cranes. At the moment I have started with the final display for the ship. @Reklein, I also plan to build in a water surface. Because I love it too, to see a ship lying in the water. It's quiet a different view. I have two models displayed this way. @ Danial, no I would't build more parts of this ship. This is enough Regards, Siggi
  8. Hello, now the lantern are installed. The chests are for the signal colors. The ensigns where stored in the sail room. And one picture for those who like dimensions. Regards, Siggi
  9. Hi Robin, I must say, I understand not really what you mean. But if you mean if it's my version of a lantern, than I must say no. It's a mixture from these two lantern. First the Bellona and second a 70 gunner from 1717. Regards, Siggi
  10. Hello, today I finished the stern lanterns. This is the second version, but that is a longer story. I'm not happy with the color of them at the picture. In reality they are ocher like the rails. Next thing would be to install them and then the last thing, the cranes for the nettings and hammocks. I thought and meditated a lot about this and came to the conclusion, that I only build the cranes. If I made it correct, I should build it with the tarp, in red and white, over it. But then the lines of the ship are destroyed and that is something I did't like. I think there I'm not the only one. All other modelers in the past and most of today did't like it too. Regards, Siggi
  11. Hello Pat, have a look at this page: http://www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags/gb-hist.html#early Regards, Siggi
  12. Hello, The whole day I'm thinking about the cranes and nettings for the hammocks. I thought that I would do it like it is at the Victory. But there are these two timber heads! There are not many models who show the cranes. One is this from 1757. Here are the cranes outside of the timber heads so that you could use them for the rigging. At paintings you could see nothing, only that there seams to be something. Here the painting of the Marlborough, Dragon and Cambridge in front of Castel Morro. The Dragon should be the ship in the middle. And the Royal George Here a painting from Pocock, made in 1793 Before I try something, making a bow around the timber heads or leave them out, I thing I do nothing. Also at the quarter deck. If I made it as it is at the Victory model, the captain would't see nothing. And how to stow the hammocks under the rail? Fact is, they had these cranes and nettings, but how should I do it? Are there any solutions I have overseen? At least I would make it as it is at the Victory model, only the cranes and the rest is for the fantasy. I would't build the netting, hammocks and a tarp over it. Regards, Siggi
  13. Hello, thank you all for your kind words and Robin, it's good to here something from you. You feel better now? I hope you had all a good start into 2016. In my case, the model comes more and more to an end and that is for me the good start. Over the weekend I did only small things, like the rail for the ladder from the upper gun deck, the ropes to open the gun ports at the quarter deck, the emergency steering and the flagpole. But the next weeks come the last great themes. The lanterns and the nettings for the hammocks. I don't know if I should build the later with hammocks ore only the frames like at the model of the Victory? I really have no idea how to build the netting, but I think I should build them. Regards, Siggi
  14. Hello, yesterday I finished the rail and this morning we hang up the buckets. The captain gave all for the rest of the day free. Regards, Siggi
  15. Hello, Mark, I think I go with your explanation. I found similar explanations, but was't sure. The lanyard as a handle and flemished as smooth, flat. That rope coil I found also under flemish flake and that make sense if it means flat. Thank you all for your help. The bucket are looking better today and after a second layer of lacquer they will look pretty good. But before I could install them, I first have to build the rail. Regards, Siggi
  16. Hello Cathead, thank you for these information. When I understand that right, there was a rope attached to the bucked, so that they could get water out of the sea, if they not used a bucket chain. But I think, that lanyard I must not attach to the bucket, because you would't see it. Here the rest of that passage, it has nothing to do with the fire buckets If some one is interested in the whole book, look at goggle books Regards, Siggi
  17. Hello, yesterday and today I build some fire buckets. At the moment is the result not so good, but I hope when the lacquer is dry, they would look better. Here some originals I would hang them directly under the rail of the breastwork and not so as they made it at the Victory. And now I have a question. I did't understand what that captain would like to say: ..having their lanyards...... what? Regards, Siggi I forget to say, that article is from around 1800. There they had often two rails at the breast work.
  18. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year wish you the captain and his shipyard crew. Siggi
  19. It looks great Karl. Greetings, Siggi
  20. Yes Druxey and the pictures I posted under #382 are from that model. But sorry, there is a breast railing. Is my english soo bad ? Siggi
  21. Hello Mark, the ladder in picture 19/1 is between two beams and has a rail! So it looks at the plan of Bellona / Dragon except the rail. There is no ladder to the poop drawn and to my knowledge there is no plan of the poop deck. The ladders to the poop deck have no rail and no beams above in front of the ladder. Sorry my english, but I hope you understand what I would say. It is bad, but real that Lavery has many mistakes in this book. As I stated earlier, I believe that the model of Thunderer/ Hercules is really the Dragon. The model at page 26 is the same model from wich are the pictures I posted under #382 and the model of the coppered Bellona (page 24) is from 1778, after some greater repairs. I think I go with that what Sam say's and build two ladders. May be one ladder was only a try, but did't work for them. There are older and younger models with two ladders, the model of the Thunderer/ Hercules is the only one I know with one ladder. Regards, Siggi
  22. Hello, many thanks for your detailed answers to my question. Mark, where did you find that statement in the Bellona book. I fond only under external details, page 62 E19, ladder from quarterdeck to poop, but the drawings 19/1-2 showing the ladder from upper gun deck to quarterdeck! Regards, Siggi
  23. Good morning, I think that Mark is right. After Boudriot, even the 74 gunner of the 1780th have only one ladder. Earlier english ship models have mostly two ladders or none! I think that this is only a shortcut, because it has nothing to do with the design of the ship. But they have build the intern ladders! The poop was in battle the place where the marine's have there place behind the netted hammocks. So there was may be a lot of traffic in battle and that the reason for two ladders and you have a ladder away from the battle. So I really dont know what to build. From the artistic view, two ladders look better and you could see the binnacle and wheels better. Also the helmsman could see better forward. I think that they may have changed it later to a two ladder version. What do you think? Regards, Siggi
  24. Hello, now with the scrolls the ship is more or less ready. I see a light at the end of the tunnel. But the rest must also be done. There is the stairway to the poop deck. Normally there are two stairways, but the Thunderer/ Hercules has only one in the middle of the deck. I think it's a model of the Dragon, because of the dragons at the stern. The label in NMM says only this: I followed in most cases the plan and not this model, so should I better build two stairways? In the plan is now stairway drawn, but I think not that this means there was't any. Regards, Siggi
  25. Hello, Thank you for your kind words and likes. Today I finished the rails of the poop deck, except for the scrolls at there beginning. I think I build these tomorrow. Regards, Siggi
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