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Everything posted by Siggi52

  1. Hello, Thank you for your kind words and likes. Today I finished the rails of the poop deck, except for the scrolls at there beginning. I think I build these tomorrow. Regards, Siggi
  2. Hello, the taffrail is ready! That was't so easy as it looks, but now fresh under paint, all the hardships are forgotten. Regards, Siggi
  3. Druxey, thank you for your explanation. I thought the same thing, but did't know it exactly and in relationship with the captain it looks very low. Cracker, try it harder. She did't look very happy. Thank you all. Regards, Siggi
  4. Hello, yesterday I build the stanchion with the bitt piece and this morning I installed them. The deck is also fresh oiled. The next things would be the stanchions, transom and taffrail at the stern. By the way, the captain is back When I look at the bitt piece, I find it very low. But it's exactly after the plan! Regards, Siggi
  5. Alan, you have to know how a rifle looks like and that is much more simple than such a ship Siggi
  6. Good morning, thank you for your kind words. I'm still not ready with this ship and sorry, I would't build the first part of it. This would be a one of a kind model for me. The next ship would be build in the bread and butter technique, with all possible short cuts My next project in spring are two Kentucky rifles. One for a friend and one for me. That are then the last rifles I build. Here some pictures from the last rifle I build. It's after a rifle by William Antes. It's more simple to build than a ship model. You have only to cut away any parts that did't look like a rifle Regards, Siggi
  7. Hello, it is done, the last deck is planked. I hope that the captain will spend some drinks this evening. But writing this, I haven't seen him the last time Looking for some details, I fond this picture. That was exactly 6 month ago. So I worked 6 month at this deck! Cutting and painting the planks was the first step. I lived 3 days only from wood dust. A last view without planks and the first with Regards, Siggi
  8. Hello, I was not very busy at the shipyard the last week, but I finished the partners for the mizzen mast and the skylight for the lobby. Regards, Siggi
  9. Hello, just to end the discussion on book covers, here two pictures. One paper cover and one leather cover. Regards, Siggi
  10. Hello, thank you Druxey, I would say the same but did't know it exactly. Paul, thank you for your kind words. You all may be right with the yellow book. But in those days, the books where not old. But I agree that the color is a little too yellow. Regards, Siggi
  11. Hello Druxey, thank you for your detailed answer. Even when the books had leather covers, these covers where also often colored. But they had also covers of paper and cloth. I think for the cheaper novels or notebooks. So with the mizzen mast I have nothing more to make and also with the partners. I make them level with the deck. But with the standards and cross beams I have a problem to understand it. If you look at models from before 1760 and after, there are no belaying pins. The model of the Bellona is from around 1780 and has also no pins. So should I build them or not? The standards and cross beam are in the plan of interior listed. Regards, Siggi
  12. Hello, so, the last pictures of the quarter deck without deck beams. I build some books, bottles and glasses. May be the captain is discussing with a guest something and spend a glas of Port or Madera during that. The next thing would be the poop deck. Here I have a question. When I get Brian Lavery right, then the ships before 1800 did't have iron hopes around the masts. Only woldings and only on made masts. Was the mizzen mast a made mast? I read there different things. Lavery drew woldings above the poop deck, but iron hopes also below that. Should I build woldings and when, where? Next question. Should I build also partners of the mast at the poop deck. At the contemporary models you see often nothing or just a turned ring, like this from the Bellona. Goodwin wrote that it was a more common practice, that the partners where higher then the deck beams, but also higher then the deck, what you could see at the Victory. At the quarter deck I build it so. So what is right? And when I see the last picture, a last question. Did't they have belaying pins in the cross beams? I know no model that have them. Or is that only a short cut? Regards, Siggi
  13. Hi Karl, thats a lot. But the result shows us, you are on the right way. So I have to work a little faster. Tomorrow I will start with the poop deck. After 4 years of building you will one time only get ready and I hope it's soon. The end of the flagpole is in sight. So happy building, Siggi
  14. Super! If you hold your pace, your are earlier ready then I Did you work around the clock? Regards, Siggi
  15. Mark, did't you have a cannon behind the couch? Ok, I have only two Brown Bess's, but for the start Monty, it's your idea, so why not try to build one. (1:48) The tobacco box please with the Minden scene, if I have a wish free. Regards, Siggi
  16. Hello, the furniture for the great cabin is now ready. First a desk and a sofa. And here is all finished and painted. The next days I will make some smaller things, like books, glasses and bottles. I would't make lanterns for these cabins, because I think that the servants of the captain will bring them in when it is necessary. Regards, Siggi
  17. Hello Sam, thank you for your questions. I think the captain would't clean anything, he had his servants for such things. To play music or anything els, he had his great cabin, with a balcony! The work at the shipyard delayed a litte, because I have bought a Black Forrest clock and have there some things to fix. So don't worry, I will be back soon. Regards, Siggi
  18. Hello Joe, food was prepared in the pantry, downstairs. But I would't show it here. May be in his cabin some wine glasses. Regards, Siggi
  19. Hi Karl, that looks really great. Regards, Siggi
  20. Hello, a last update to the lobby. I spend the captain a slant lid desk for his own use. So he could sit here, write his letters or doing his homework and look out of the window if his men are busy. I think then would be this room ready. Or did I forget something? One last picture of a chair I took yesterday. Before starting with building them, I was't sure to get them so accurate. But when at work it was't so bad. Except that they are sooo small (but nano technology is the future) it was not very complicated. Only the battens between the legs where complicated, because I did't make holes in the legs and gluing the wires to the round surfaces was very frustrating. But at last it went all fine. So, please stop the men with the white jackets. Regards, Siggi
  21. Hello, today I turned over the first chairs for the lobby. The other chairs are for his privat cabin. When the Dragon was launched, March 4th 1760 the young Georg was the Prince of Wales and his grandpa Georg II King. This is the picture of his inauguration as the new British King Georg III, Oct. 25th 1760. I don't know if he lost his title Prince of Wales and the patron of this ship, because he was't married at this time and had no children. But the captain got a copy of this picture and hang it in the lobby. He was here the representative of the King. David, the rum can come. We loan drinking glasses from the ward room Regards, Siggi
  22. Hello, it is done These battens cost me years of my life, but I'm glad that you have forced me to do it. Then building the back supports was easy My black alder bends wonderful. The rest was routine When I saw this picture, I got the brush out again and painted the rest I did't. The color was still wet at that time. Regards, Siggi
  23. I will see what I can do in this case, now when the glue is fast. But first I need breakfast. Siggi
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