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About YankeeD

  • Birthday 11/11/1960

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    Near Eindhoven NL.

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  1. I have also been off-side and just heard about this sad news. My condolences go to his family. Having a very close, young (37) relative being diagnosed with ALS I know how this disease can hit you like a rock. Hans.
  2. I thought about 3D printer before but got told that smaller details tend to vanish... I mean details around 0.1mm and up. As resolution of home 3D printers are not that good.
  3. I only done wood. Never done metal sofar.
  4. I like the prover very much. For the money its absolutely giving value. I started with the 3018 but found that too 'lightweight' and sold it off to buy the 3040. I use flip over technique. so I design two sided and turn the piece on the table. Easy, once you know how to do this. Just some random pics to show you.
  5. I wonderred if not more people used a CNC machine for making model ship parts? And if it is not worthwhile to make a seperate forum for this like 3D and CAD. This to share experiences, plans, drawings etc.... I do use it quite regularly. My set up: Sainsmart prover XL 3040 Vectric aspire 11 Hans.
  6. Its been an enormous long time since my last post. Sorry for that. Work has progressed though. All the gunports were finished so on to the masts and the putting irons. I think the pictures show how I did them.
  7. No I will try them next week. As I have no time to hobby right now. I will let you know. I am very much interested in the castello boxwood. I just need some teste to see how it colours when tretated
  8. Dear Vahur, Thanks very much for the order. SUPERB.... just 1 word. I will surely come back after holidays with an order for wood. Hans.
  9. Finished the starboard side. On to the next. I will fit 1 or 2 gun carriages at a later stage. Just to show how they were done/placed. I already said I want to build a kind of Harbour rig although not determined how that will look. So I will develop that as I proceed.
  10. Hi, Is there an update on the milling blades? As I own a Byrnes saw and my blades are running out I am searching for new blades in the EU. Rgds Hans.
  11. Well its been a while. As said in january I had a break. I recently picked up again. Not as often as I would like, but every week i get something done again. First thing I did was finishing the transom. I did de sculptures again on the right scale on the CNC as I done them before but found them just too small. After that is tarted to work on the gunport hinges. I tried metal first but didnt like it. So next step was to design them into CNC. I am happy with the results. I will finish both sides before I will head on to the 'roping' business. 0
  12. Oehhh tempting. Chucks projects are high on my 'wanted' list as well. Same as the japanese temples for woody joe's. Life is all about choices yes. ps I have a break from building, which is normal for me. I have had more longer periods off during the years I am building. They mostly last a couple of months to build up spirit again. hans.
  13. Thanks all for the nice and kind words. I assure you on MSW it has always been good, no problems here. And I think the guy is to illiterate to be able to be present and do the same here. But it just spoiled a lot of fun that comes with the building. As said it didnt hamper my fun in building. Rgds
  14. It really has been a while since I posted. Main reason for that is that my 'interest' to post and to be active on a forum had been substantially reduced some time ago due to things that happened on another forum. There was a member continously giving off on me and my way of working. Always in a sneaky way, never directly but always below the belt. Always in other threads, never in mine. A lot of other members saw it as well and also had problems with him. But as always in this world, moderation can do little if no direct evidence or direct attacks. So when he even started becoming personal, like commenting on personal circumstances like how ridiculous it was if certain people had or used certain tools, and what sort of people were not belonging in this hobby and doing it all wrong... clearly to be identified that I or my tools were meant, It broke with me. So I drew back from forums at all for some time. I am very low profile now, but still active building. I just thought to let you all know. here some pictures of status from a few weeks ago.
  15. Nice start! However I personally do not like titebond. Tried them all, red, green and blue ones. They discolour too much to my liking and have a tendency to dry out faster while the strenth is equal to the white D2 D3 ones. But as I say, that personnal. .
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