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Ryland Craze

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    Ryland Craze reacted to Blue Ensign in Medway Longboat 1742 by Blue Ensign - Syren Ship Model Company - ½” scale   
    Post 17
    The Journey resumes.
    My Medway Longboat has been quietly maturing on the stocks for the past year whilst I have been building Indefatigable.
    Time to get back on the job, eh Gromit.


    With a year away from the build I need to re-acquaint myself with the current stage before I begin, and a re-read of Chuck’s  log and other excellent group builds is where I start.
  2. Like
    Ryland Craze reacted to Keith Black in HMS Dreadnought 1907 by RGL - FINISHED - Zvezda - 1/350 - PLASTIC - revisited   
    This is as good as modeling gets, an incredibly stunning  image. It's like you hit the pause button on a video. I am in awe.  

  3. Like
  4. Wow!
    Ryland Craze reacted to amateur in HMS Dreadnought 1907 by RGL - FINISHED - Zvezda - 1/350 - PLASTIC - revisited   
    I don't know whether or not MSW has a 'model of the year'-competition, bus as far as I'm concerned, this one is a very, very serious contender. 
    What a very convincing model this has become: camo, al the dirt and rust, the sea, the depth-marks, the deck-personnel, the antennae. I can look for some time at these pics and see something new every time. 
  5. Wow!
  6. Wow!
    Ryland Craze reacted to RGL in HMS Dreadnought 1907 by RGL - FINISHED - Zvezda - 1/350 - PLASTIC - revisited   
    Now a gloss still water over the top 

  7. Wow!
  8. Like
    Ryland Craze reacted to RGL in HMS Dreadnought 1907 by RGL - FINISHED - Zvezda - 1/350 - PLASTIC - revisited   
    And I’m back, a bloke made up a box for her. Still got some gaps which I used acrylic water, once it sets clear I can start in the waves proper

  9. Like
    Ryland Craze reacted to Chuck in Sloop Speedwell 1752 by Freebird (Rick) - Syren Ship Model Company - 1:32 Scale - POF   
    Maybe but it looks pretty good to my eye from the pics.
  10. Like
    Ryland Craze reacted to Freebird in Sloop Speedwell 1752 by Freebird (Rick) - Syren Ship Model Company - 1:32 Scale - POF   
    Here’s the final version of the stem. Still looking a little porky, Chuck?
    Best Regards …. Rick

  11. Like
    Ryland Craze reacted to Freebird in Sloop Speedwell 1752 by Freebird (Rick) - Syren Ship Model Company - 1:32 Scale - POF   
    I thought it was still a little fat, but didn’t know how far down to go. Thanks for the eyeball Chuck!
    Best Regards …. Rick
  12. Like
    Ryland Craze reacted to Chuck in Sloop Speedwell 1752 by Freebird (Rick) - Syren Ship Model Company - 1:32 Scale - POF   
    Yes just knock the corner off a bit.  I would continue the taper lower a bit…not much by maybe a 3/4”.
  13. Like
    Ryland Craze reacted to Freebird in Sloop Speedwell 1752 by Freebird (Rick) - Syren Ship Model Company - 1:32 Scale - POF   
    My first stem tapering with a figurehead. Thoughts? Also, how much of a radius should the stem have? I just knocked the corner off for now. 
     Best Regards …. Rick

  14. Like
    Ryland Craze reacted to Freebird in Sloop Speedwell 1752 by Freebird (Rick) - Syren Ship Model Company - 1:32 Scale - POF   
    Thank you Rusty, it's been fun so far. Thanks to All for the Likes, much appreciated!
    Best Regards .... Rick
  15. Like
  16. Like
    Ryland Craze reacted to Freebird in Sloop Speedwell 1752 by Freebird (Rick) - Syren Ship Model Company - 1:32 Scale - POF   
    Here’s last night’s effort, the stem. It took a fair amount of time to get the parts to fit well, the angle cut of the laser is a bugger and careful sanding is required to get gap free joints. I mostly used a file and sanding sticks, I also used with excellent results my Byrnes 4” sander (RIP Jim, we miss you) for trimming down the joints that Chuck points out is his build. Overall it was a pleasant experience. Now to start the taper...
     Best Regards …. Rick

  17. Like
    Ryland Craze reacted to Freebird in Sloop Speedwell 1752 by Freebird (Rick) - Syren Ship Model Company - 1:32 Scale - POF   
    This marks the start of my Syren POF Speedwell! I’ve been dealing with some medical issues and am now close to being 100%, so here we go! A POF has been a bucket list build for a long time as I’ve admired this style of model. Most of the offerings out there just didn’t appeal to me with the scaffold type of construction. Enter Chuck with his Speedwell, Bingo! I’m a huge fan of Chuck’s designs and all the help he (and the other MSW modelers) provides, it gives guys like me a lot of hope. I’ve built Chuck’s Medway (my first wood build) and it came out awesome. Thanks Chuck! I’ve started Cheerful but a POF build has extreme attraction for me. I’ll probably work on Cheerful when a break is needed. Last month at the New London Conference I got to meet Chuck (and Rusty, Ryland and Olha and several others! Awesome to meet you guys!). Had some great conversations and it was nice putting a face to the name. Also, I got to eyeball Chuck’s Speedwell, pictures in the build thread don’t do it justice. A real beauty! Anyway, here we go! When Chuck said there was a lot of wood in the 1st 2 chapters, he wasn’t kidding! The laser cutting is the best I’ve ever seen in a model. A lot of the parts had fallen out of the billets, so I took some time to place them in their proper place and used some blue painters tape to hold them in place. Because the thickness of the wood, I see a lot of billet sanding to remove surface char in my future. Here’s a picture of the wood. Stem will be started tonight.
    Best Regards …. Rick

  18. Like
    Ryland Craze reacted to Jim Rogers in Sloop Speedwell 1752 by Chuck - Ketch Rigged Sloop - POF - prototype build   
    The thing I love about MSW is that you can ask questions of Chuck (Syren)  or Chris (Vangard) and they take time from their busy days to answer.
  19. Like
    Ryland Craze reacted to Egilman in AEG G.IV - Creature of the Night by DocRob - FINISHED - Wingnut Wings - 1/32   
    One of the most beautiful model airplanes I've ever seen, any era...
    Well done....
  20. Like
    Ryland Craze reacted to CDW in AEG G.IV - Creature of the Night by DocRob - FINISHED - Wingnut Wings - 1/32   
    A great log and a super model. I thoroughly enjoyed it all.
  21. Wow!
    Ryland Craze reacted to DocRob in AEG G.IV - Creature of the Night by DocRob - FINISHED - Wingnut Wings - 1/32   
    The big bat is finished now, that I found the courage to paint the figures. The young boy with the broken toy plane is exclusively painted with Scale 75 acrylics. I had to strip the oil colors off his skin, because they never cured and I couldn´t touch the figure for further painting.

    Thank you all again for participating in this log, which helped me a lot in form of encouragement and practical information.

    Cheers Rob
  22. Like
    Ryland Craze reacted to paul ron in Easy cleaning airbrush   
  23. Like
    Ryland Craze reacted to paul ron in Easy cleaning airbrush   
  24. Like
    Ryland Craze reacted to paul ron in Easy cleaning airbrush   
  25. Like
    Ryland Craze reacted to Old Collingwood in AMC DH9 by davec - FINISHED - Wingnut Wings - 1/32   
    Really nice  work Dave,   its like  a  Red Arrow   of the  day.
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