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  1. Like
    Thistle17 got a reaction from FrankWouts in HMS Winchelsea by rafine 1/48   
    A fine modeler was one of his talents. A kind, supportive, sharing person were among the qualities he revealed to me. My condolences to his family and friends who had the good fortune to be in his life.
  2. Like
    Thistle17 got a reaction from FrankWouts in HMS Winchelsea by rafine 1/48   
    I have tracked your work since I discovered this site some years ago. Your work is always inspiring.
    As the saying goes "love like youth is wasted on the young". One might draw a comparison to ship modeling and modelers. General health including sight, dexterity and the like, most needed for modeling alude us as we age and when we are most apt to be into this pursuit!
    Wishing you a speedy recovery. Be patient with it.
  3. Like
    Thistle17 got a reaction from FrankWouts in HMS Winchelsea 1764 by Aceso (Brad)   
    Brad I started with a scratch built hull (bulkheads, false keel or strongback etc.). Even though they were accurately machined using a CAD/CAM approach they have given me some grief. In part because of the inferior plywood I purchased. At this point I have completed the port gun ports, installed my second transom assembly and partially installed the starboard gun ports. I have expended too much energy and time to get to this point. Were I to do this again I would have thought better of starting from the point I did! This is an extremely well designed kit and would have been much easier had I started from the intended point. I have built other models from Syren.
    Just a caution.
  4. Laugh
    Thistle17 got a reaction from FrankWouts in HMS Winchelsea 1764 by glbarlow - 1:48   
    Ok Glenn I am sending mine onto you as you have the method down perfecrly!!!!
  5. Like
    Thistle17 got a reaction from FrankWouts in HMS Winchelsea 1764 by Rustyj - FINISHED - 1:48   
    You are gifted Rusty! Your work always amazes me! Your photos along with others on this site, not only are of an instrcuctional nature to me they are truly inspirational.
  6. Like
    Thistle17 got a reaction from bdgiantman2 in HMS Winchelsea 1764 by Rustyj - FINISHED - 1:48   
    You are gifted Rusty! Your work always amazes me! Your photos along with others on this site, not only are of an instrcuctional nature to me they are truly inspirational.
  7. Like
    Thistle17 got a reaction from Rustyj in HMS Winchelsea 1764 by Rustyj - FINISHED - 1:48   
    You are gifted Rusty! Your work always amazes me! Your photos along with others on this site, not only are of an instrcuctional nature to me they are truly inspirational.
  8. Like
    Thistle17 got a reaction from Saburo in HMS Winchelsea 1764 by Rustyj - FINISHED - 1:48   
    Oh the time spent on making these diminuitive parts. Have we all lost our minds? Half kidding and half serious. I do think that such dedication and craftmanship does rival some of the best works of the time. I do hope they are appreciated long after we have "pushed off shore". Great work Rusty.
  9. Like
    Thistle17 got a reaction from Saburo in HMS Winchelsea 1764 by Rustyj - FINISHED - 1:48   
    Good idea Rusty on weighting them down. My environment is a bit more humid and I have even got in the habit of covering the work in progress with plastic sheeting. Those scroll saw blades do a great job by the way!
    Question: I believe you said you were using Birch ply is that correct. Is it Baltic Birch?
  10. Like
    Thistle17 got a reaction from mtaylor in Greetings from the Holy Land   
    Greetings to you as well. I hope you find this site as enriching as many of us have. It is a treasure trove of information on many aspects of this pursuit. I have also found that the more I have used it, the more I have had personal contatct with some remarkable people who are willing to share.
  11. Like
    Thistle17 got a reaction from JeffT in Greetings from the Holy Land   
    Greetings to you as well. I hope you find this site as enriching as many of us have. It is a treasure trove of information on many aspects of this pursuit. I have also found that the more I have used it, the more I have had personal contatct with some remarkable people who are willing to share.
  12. Like
    Thistle17 got a reaction from botra288 in Greetings from the Holy Land   
    Greetings to you as well. I hope you find this site as enriching as many of us have. It is a treasure trove of information on many aspects of this pursuit. I have also found that the more I have used it, the more I have had personal contatct with some remarkable people who are willing to share.
  13. Like
    Thistle17 got a reaction from Keith Black in Greetings from the Holy Land   
    Greetings to you as well. I hope you find this site as enriching as many of us have. It is a treasure trove of information on many aspects of this pursuit. I have also found that the more I have used it, the more I have had personal contatct with some remarkable people who are willing to share.
  14. Like
    Thistle17 got a reaction from Ryland Craze in HMS Winchelsea by rafine 1/48   
    A fine modeler was one of his talents. A kind, supportive, sharing person were among the qualities he revealed to me. My condolences to his family and friends who had the good fortune to be in his life.
  15. Like
    Thistle17 got a reaction from BobG in HMS Winchelsea by rafine 1/48   
    A fine modeler was one of his talents. A kind, supportive, sharing person were among the qualities he revealed to me. My condolences to his family and friends who had the good fortune to be in his life.
  16. Like
    Thistle17 got a reaction from scrubbyj427 in HMS Winchelsea by rafine 1/48   
    A fine modeler was one of his talents. A kind, supportive, sharing person were among the qualities he revealed to me. My condolences to his family and friends who had the good fortune to be in his life.
  17. Like
    Thistle17 got a reaction from Saburo in HMS Winchelsea by cdrusn89 - FINISHED - 1/48th   
    Nicely done Gary. I also like that bow filler. Besides adding more surface for adhesion it makes the "sweep" so much more true.
  18. Like
    Thistle17 got a reaction from Saburo in HMS Winchelsea by cdrusn89 - FINISHED - 1/48th   
    I just tuned into your build and plan to add you to my list of member builds.
    I don't revel in your problems.The transom is not an easy area to construct as many are finding out.  Even the most experienced members have had either issues or have had cause to pause in that area. With those quarter galleys counting so much on transom correctness it separates this model from others such as Cheerful. I have been struggling with the transom on my build. Through some self inflicted wounds, problems related to doing enough homework, moving too fast and the like have me now in a transom restoration.
    I find your methodology and process instructive. Thank you.
  19. Like
    Thistle17 got a reaction from hollowneck in HMS Winchelsea by rafine 1/48   
    I have tracked your work since I discovered this site some years ago. Your work is always inspiring.
    As the saying goes "love like youth is wasted on the young". One might draw a comparison to ship modeling and modelers. General health including sight, dexterity and the like, most needed for modeling alude us as we age and when we are most apt to be into this pursuit!
    Wishing you a speedy recovery. Be patient with it.
  20. Like
    Thistle17 got a reaction from svein erik in Pequot 1908 by svein erik - FINISHED - 1/48 scale - Coast Guard Cutter   
    A suberp execution! You should be very proud of your work.
  21. Like
    Thistle17 got a reaction from Mirabell61 in Pequot 1908 by svein erik - FINISHED - 1/48 scale - Coast Guard Cutter   
    A suberp execution! You should be very proud of your work.
  22. Like
    Thistle17 got a reaction from FrankWouts in HMS Winchelsea 1764 by Rustyj - FINISHED - 1:48   
    Thanks Mike I will take the added step.
    And Rusty I took a look at my Cheerful again this AM and three of the starboard planks which were a tad dark seemed to have darkened even more.The model is now about 3 years old. Port display appears to be in order.
    Will the perfect model ever be in my reach?????
  23. Like
    Thistle17 got a reaction from Aceso in HMS Winchelsea 1764 by Aceso (Brad)   
    Brad I started with a scratch built hull (bulkheads, false keel or strongback etc.). Even though they were accurately machined using a CAD/CAM approach they have given me some grief. In part because of the inferior plywood I purchased. At this point I have completed the port gun ports, installed my second transom assembly and partially installed the starboard gun ports. I have expended too much energy and time to get to this point. Were I to do this again I would have thought better of starting from the point I did! This is an extremely well designed kit and would have been much easier had I started from the intended point. I have built other models from Syren.
    Just a caution.
  24. Like
    Thistle17 got a reaction from hollowneck in HMS Winchelsea 1764 by glbarlow - 1:48   
    As they say Glenn copying or following another's work is well deserved flattery. Your work is in my list of one's to follow!
  25. Laugh
    Thistle17 got a reaction from hollowneck in HMS Winchelsea 1764 by glbarlow - 1:48   
    Ok Glenn I am sending mine onto you as you have the method down perfecrly!!!!
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