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  1. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to AntonyUK in The Construction & Fitting Of The Sailing Man Of War 1650-1850 - Conway   
    I have just purchased the book and it is a excellent resource for ship modeling covering all aspects of the ship.
    Most diagrams are very clear and precise and to scale.
    Loads of photos and construction methods are shown and discribed in great detail.
    I am very impressed with the book.
    Just one more to get then I am happy.
    Regards Antony.
    Looking for book -: The Arming & Fitting Of English Ships Of War 1600-1815 - Lavery - Conway.
  2. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to egkb in HM Schooner Ballahoo by egkb - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 Scale - First Proper Wood Build   
    Hi Nigel, am glad to hear about your Lime Wood  Honestly I am... :mellow:  Not a bit jealous over here or anything!
    The Lego Gears I got from eBay had enough bits-n-bobs to make up a rope walk but as you say it is probably a lot easier to order it in (exactly what I'm doing in fact at the moment from Alex in Germany)
    Regards the Timber shipment, I am guess in it may be a combination of late postage and weather restrictions that are holding things up, mind you with the cruddy weather we are having it wouldn't be too pleasant in my build room anyhoo, not to mention a bit too dark (I like building using natural light!) this is me being all pragmatic..
    Sail 'er Easy Mate.
  3. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from egkb in HM Schooner Ballahoo by egkb - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 Scale - First Proper Wood Build   
    Serving machine looks good mate Nice and straight forward,I don't think there is any need to overcomplicate things.I am thinking along very similar lines although I will make mine powered.This is simply because I have a highly geared 6v motor kicking about from my RC model building.Thinking about all the Technic lego I had as a kid and was given away sold,probably enough to build a planetary ropewalk as well .However,I do think unless you particularly like making rope,I think there is a lot to be said for just buying it from Chuck.By the way I have just returned from sorting office with my lime wood,sorry :mellow: .One thing with CMB,and the reason I favour Model dockyard,is that they will take your order without the stuff being in stock.Your timber could be delayed because they simply don't have it on the shelf.With M.dockyard you know the stock situation before you order,so if they haven't got it and you need it quickly,you can try elsewhere.
    Kind Regards Nigel
  4. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to egkb in HM Schooner Ballahoo by egkb - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 Scale - First Proper Wood Build   
    Hi Folks,
    I was just taking Ollies advice to go do something else whilst awaiting my Timber.. So I built the Serving Machine (I'll have some photos tomorrow hopefully, if it hasn't fallen apart in the meantime!  ) I haven't tried it yet but the bits rotate the way they are supposed to anyhoo so we shall see!
    Jim: Shipments from CMB can take a bit longer to reach me over here and the weather I'm sure hasn't helped, I won't panic until mid next week, than I'll get onto Sam (When I order a big parcel, with a Kit in it for example, it only takes 2 to 3 days, but this timber shipment would be coming via regular mail) Hope your own Ballahoo is moving along better than mine
    Kester: Am looking forward to your photo updates on Sherbourne (don't forget to photograph the Servings) but it wasn't me chasing the photos of the Mast Head, but I do recall reading the request over on your build!
    Jan: Welcome on board as they say, I was planning on starting my own little Sherbourne build shortly (around now in fact! or at least after 2nd planking on Ballahoo) but the delay and the fact that I'm having such fun with Ballahoo may mean I put it off for a bit longer, I shall have a think about it, originally I had planned on taking the lessons learned on Ballahoo immediately over to the other builds in case I forgot them but I think I'll be ok!
    Dee_Dee:  Yup, I'm still blaming you for putting me onto Abebooks..     thanks for putting me onto them, a brilliant book shop!! How goes the Lobster Smack by the way?
    Nigel: No worries re Abebooks, we can both blame Dee_Dee for that (Sorry Dee Dee  ) could spend a lot of money on there!  I picked up the Longridge book about 15 years ago when I was over in Falmouth (there was a fantastic Nautical Bookshop not far from the Harbour, it was an Aladdin's Cave and I had to be literally dragged out of the place) I understand that the Vikky he built isn't in the best of condition at present, heard that on here somewhere,  sad really as it is an amazing model!!
    Lawrence: Thanks for dropping by again, as you probably gather I've still no Timber  but I'm occupying myself by visiting all the other builds on here (oh and making Serving Machines of course) I see you are starting to put the 'sticks' on Vikky, and mighty fine it looks too!
    All the Best Folks
    Hope I didn't miss anyone! :mellow:
    I'm off now to make up some 'tools' to help feed the string into the serving machine!
  5. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from md1400cs in Wasa by md1400cs - FINISHED - Corel - 1:75   
    Looking good Michael,the important thing is that your are moving forward,the speed is unimportant
    Jan,see if you can find Stabilit-Express in the modelshops.It is made in Germany and is one of the best two part glues on the market.I have used it a lot in RC builds,but it is expensive and hard to get in the UK now.It is powder and a tube as opposed to two tubes and is acrylic based but it is incredible stuff.
    Kind Regards Nigel
  6. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from egkb in HM Schooner Ballahoo by egkb - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 Scale - First Proper Wood Build   
    Which book is missing from the list Eamonn?That means I don't have one   .
    With respect to branches,I am considering building with roof tiles from now on there are plenty kicking about here Eamonn,is it your ridge tile thats in my front garden?CMB should have put a sail on your wood,it would of reached the emerald isle in a few hours
    Kind Regards Nigel
  7. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from egkb in HM Schooner Ballahoo by egkb - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 Scale - First Proper Wood Build   
    Checked out Abe books,didn't get Keith's book as I bought both anatomy of the ship victory and longridge's book for less than £34 delivered!!!!!!       Been after AOS book for ages but some secondhand examples have been up for three figures on Amazon!!I shall be returning there frequently
    Kind Regards Nigel
  8. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from egkb in HM Schooner Ballahoo by egkb - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 Scale - First Proper Wood Build   
    Thanks Eamonn will check out abe books and try not to spend too much I don't want to upset you,but I have come home to find a card from the postie,possibly my limewood  
    Kind Regards Nigel
    P.S.Ridge tiles in the post      
  9. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to egkb in HM Schooner Ballahoo by egkb - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 Scale - First Proper Wood Build   
    Hit Abebooks Kester and pick them up for, in the case of 2 of mine £0.60 with £ 4.50 or so Postage !!! (£0.60 isn't a typo by the way) and they are in great condition too!  I got all 5 for a couple of Pound over the cost of 2 from Amazon!! Yea, Underhill is more recent than Sherbourne but I will adapt using Masting & Rigging by Lee (if I remember the name correctly) will see how Mr Underhill is for the later boats as Ballahoo and Convulsion are both very early 1800's.  Was looking at Rigging Fore & Aft Craft too but it was outside my price range (hitting €30 to my door)
    Alexeys Serving Machine is a peach, but a lot outside my budget.. the one I propose to make is using bits-n-bobs I picked up online for grand total of €10 (includes a load of various sized Lego cogs, 6 of which are perfect, bought from eBay  ) it will be a bit Heath Robinson but should be sturdy and do the trick! oh yea, those famous last words again!!
    All The Best Kester
    BTW would love to see a post from your 'Sherry' build.. especially the seizing!
  10. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Stockholm tar in HM Schooner Ballahoo by egkb - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 Scale - First Proper Wood Build   
    'Was seizing done on these smaller boats? and if so where?  ( I suspect the answer is Yes, and in much the same places as on larger boats!)I refer to Ballahoo, Sherbourne & Convulsion here.'
    I think you answered your own question. Yes, anywhere a seizing was thought necessary, be the craft large or small, there was one. I'm actually doing some seizing at the moment on my Sherbourne's backstays (using Alexey's serving machine). It works very well, once you get the hang of it, and looks much better than my efforts by hand. Mind you, when I said to my wife the other day that I was going to do some seizing, she gave me an odd look!
    Regarding Keith Julier's books, I think I might very well collect the others I don't have, especially Part 3 which includes the Victory bow section, in which I have an interest!  'Masting and Rigging' is practically the bible on rigging from an expert, but bear in mind it's mostly 19th/20th century.
    Regarding sending Nigel a branch from your tree, I wouldn't be at all surprised if he has it already – judging by the strong winds you've been having!
  11. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to WackoWolf in Keith Julier Books,a list of contents   
    That's a nice write up about those books, now anyone that is looking for information on a certain ship now knows which book to get. thanks.
  12. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to flying_dutchman2 in Keith Julier Books,a list of contents   
  13. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from geoff in Keith Julier Books,a list of contents   
    A little earlier than promised.I thought it would be helpful to others to post a list of contents as I have all four of Keith's books.
    The Period ship Handbook  ISBN 1-85486-081-X
    Royal William-Euromodels
    Will Everard-Billings
    Faroes Yawl FD 10-Billings
    La Toulonnaise-A.Latina
    San Juan Nepomuceno-A Latina
    USS Constellation-A Latina
    Charles w Morgan-A Latina
    Square sterned whaleboat-Panart
    New Bedford whaleboat-Amati
    The Period ship Handbook 2 ISBN 1-85486-132-8
    Royal yacht Caroline-Panart
    La Renommee-Euromodels
    Armed Pinnace-Panart
    15th cent Portugese Caravel-Artenaval
    Sir Winston Churchill-Billings
    Lancha Bombardiera 1798-Artenaval
    Holly rowing boat-Kish model boats
    Le Hussard-A Latina
    Yacht Britannia-Mamoli
    A frontiersman's canoe-The Frontier trading company of South Africa
    The Period ship Handbook 3 ISBN 1-85486-200-6
    HMS Unicorn-Corel
    See ewer Elbe-Constructo
    San Felipe-Panart
    Bounty's jolly boat-A Latina
    Hms Victory cross section-Corel
    Pride of Baltimore II-Model Shipways
    The American whaling brig Viola-scratchbuild
    The New Period Ship Handbook  ISBN 1-85486-233-2
    HMS Victory-Caldercraft
    Lady Nelson-Victory models
    HMS Mars-Caldercraft
    Endeavour J class 1934-Amati
    HMS Agamemnon-Caldercraft
    English Carronade-Mantua
    HMS Victory launch-Panart
    In addition,each book contains a section illustrating building techniques
    Kind Regards
  14. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from egkb in HM Schooner Ballahoo by egkb - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 Scale - First Proper Wood Build   
    I have clicked the like button,don't know why as you are not helping my confidence of my lime wood landing anytime        .Looking at the weather though,it is hardly suprising    
    Kind Regards Nigel
  15. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from Geoff Matson in Keith Julier Books,a list of contents   
    A little earlier than promised.I thought it would be helpful to others to post a list of contents as I have all four of Keith's books.
    The Period ship Handbook  ISBN 1-85486-081-X
    Royal William-Euromodels
    Will Everard-Billings
    Faroes Yawl FD 10-Billings
    La Toulonnaise-A.Latina
    San Juan Nepomuceno-A Latina
    USS Constellation-A Latina
    Charles w Morgan-A Latina
    Square sterned whaleboat-Panart
    New Bedford whaleboat-Amati
    The Period ship Handbook 2 ISBN 1-85486-132-8
    Royal yacht Caroline-Panart
    La Renommee-Euromodels
    Armed Pinnace-Panart
    15th cent Portugese Caravel-Artenaval
    Sir Winston Churchill-Billings
    Lancha Bombardiera 1798-Artenaval
    Holly rowing boat-Kish model boats
    Le Hussard-A Latina
    Yacht Britannia-Mamoli
    A frontiersman's canoe-The Frontier trading company of South Africa
    The Period ship Handbook 3 ISBN 1-85486-200-6
    HMS Unicorn-Corel
    See ewer Elbe-Constructo
    San Felipe-Panart
    Bounty's jolly boat-A Latina
    Hms Victory cross section-Corel
    Pride of Baltimore II-Model Shipways
    The American whaling brig Viola-scratchbuild
    The New Period Ship Handbook  ISBN 1-85486-233-2
    HMS Victory-Caldercraft
    Lady Nelson-Victory models
    HMS Mars-Caldercraft
    Endeavour J class 1934-Amati
    HMS Agamemnon-Caldercraft
    English Carronade-Mantua
    HMS Victory launch-Panart
    In addition,each book contains a section illustrating building techniques
    Kind Regards
  16. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from Landlubber Mike in Keith Julier Books,a list of contents   
    A little earlier than promised.I thought it would be helpful to others to post a list of contents as I have all four of Keith's books.
    The Period ship Handbook  ISBN 1-85486-081-X
    Royal William-Euromodels
    Will Everard-Billings
    Faroes Yawl FD 10-Billings
    La Toulonnaise-A.Latina
    San Juan Nepomuceno-A Latina
    USS Constellation-A Latina
    Charles w Morgan-A Latina
    Square sterned whaleboat-Panart
    New Bedford whaleboat-Amati
    The Period ship Handbook 2 ISBN 1-85486-132-8
    Royal yacht Caroline-Panart
    La Renommee-Euromodels
    Armed Pinnace-Panart
    15th cent Portugese Caravel-Artenaval
    Sir Winston Churchill-Billings
    Lancha Bombardiera 1798-Artenaval
    Holly rowing boat-Kish model boats
    Le Hussard-A Latina
    Yacht Britannia-Mamoli
    A frontiersman's canoe-The Frontier trading company of South Africa
    The Period ship Handbook 3 ISBN 1-85486-200-6
    HMS Unicorn-Corel
    See ewer Elbe-Constructo
    San Felipe-Panart
    Bounty's jolly boat-A Latina
    Hms Victory cross section-Corel
    Pride of Baltimore II-Model Shipways
    The American whaling brig Viola-scratchbuild
    The New Period Ship Handbook  ISBN 1-85486-233-2
    HMS Victory-Caldercraft
    Lady Nelson-Victory models
    HMS Mars-Caldercraft
    Endeavour J class 1934-Amati
    HMS Agamemnon-Caldercraft
    English Carronade-Mantua
    HMS Victory launch-Panart
    In addition,each book contains a section illustrating building techniques
    Kind Regards
  17. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from WackoWolf in Keith Julier Books,a list of contents   
    A little earlier than promised.I thought it would be helpful to others to post a list of contents as I have all four of Keith's books.
    The Period ship Handbook  ISBN 1-85486-081-X
    Royal William-Euromodels
    Will Everard-Billings
    Faroes Yawl FD 10-Billings
    La Toulonnaise-A.Latina
    San Juan Nepomuceno-A Latina
    USS Constellation-A Latina
    Charles w Morgan-A Latina
    Square sterned whaleboat-Panart
    New Bedford whaleboat-Amati
    The Period ship Handbook 2 ISBN 1-85486-132-8
    Royal yacht Caroline-Panart
    La Renommee-Euromodels
    Armed Pinnace-Panart
    15th cent Portugese Caravel-Artenaval
    Sir Winston Churchill-Billings
    Lancha Bombardiera 1798-Artenaval
    Holly rowing boat-Kish model boats
    Le Hussard-A Latina
    Yacht Britannia-Mamoli
    A frontiersman's canoe-The Frontier trading company of South Africa
    The Period ship Handbook 3 ISBN 1-85486-200-6
    HMS Unicorn-Corel
    See ewer Elbe-Constructo
    San Felipe-Panart
    Bounty's jolly boat-A Latina
    Hms Victory cross section-Corel
    Pride of Baltimore II-Model Shipways
    The American whaling brig Viola-scratchbuild
    The New Period Ship Handbook  ISBN 1-85486-233-2
    HMS Victory-Caldercraft
    Lady Nelson-Victory models
    HMS Mars-Caldercraft
    Endeavour J class 1934-Amati
    HMS Agamemnon-Caldercraft
    English Carronade-Mantua
    HMS Victory launch-Panart
    In addition,each book contains a section illustrating building techniques
    Kind Regards
  18. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to egkb in HM Schooner Ballahoo by egkb - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 Scale - First Proper Wood Build   
    The Timber Saga Continues.. Still a no show, we live for tomorrow!
    Nail Biting Stuff eh ?
    I'm beginning to eye-up the tree in the back garden
  19. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from AntonyUK in Keith Julier Books,a list of contents   
    A little earlier than promised.I thought it would be helpful to others to post a list of contents as I have all four of Keith's books.
    The Period ship Handbook  ISBN 1-85486-081-X
    Royal William-Euromodels
    Will Everard-Billings
    Faroes Yawl FD 10-Billings
    La Toulonnaise-A.Latina
    San Juan Nepomuceno-A Latina
    USS Constellation-A Latina
    Charles w Morgan-A Latina
    Square sterned whaleboat-Panart
    New Bedford whaleboat-Amati
    The Period ship Handbook 2 ISBN 1-85486-132-8
    Royal yacht Caroline-Panart
    La Renommee-Euromodels
    Armed Pinnace-Panart
    15th cent Portugese Caravel-Artenaval
    Sir Winston Churchill-Billings
    Lancha Bombardiera 1798-Artenaval
    Holly rowing boat-Kish model boats
    Le Hussard-A Latina
    Yacht Britannia-Mamoli
    A frontiersman's canoe-The Frontier trading company of South Africa
    The Period ship Handbook 3 ISBN 1-85486-200-6
    HMS Unicorn-Corel
    See ewer Elbe-Constructo
    San Felipe-Panart
    Bounty's jolly boat-A Latina
    Hms Victory cross section-Corel
    Pride of Baltimore II-Model Shipways
    The American whaling brig Viola-scratchbuild
    The New Period Ship Handbook  ISBN 1-85486-233-2
    HMS Victory-Caldercraft
    Lady Nelson-Victory models
    HMS Mars-Caldercraft
    Endeavour J class 1934-Amati
    HMS Agamemnon-Caldercraft
    English Carronade-Mantua
    HMS Victory launch-Panart
    In addition,each book contains a section illustrating building techniques
    Kind Regards
  20. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from flying_dutchman2 in Keith Julier Books,a list of contents   
    A little earlier than promised.I thought it would be helpful to others to post a list of contents as I have all four of Keith's books.
    The Period ship Handbook  ISBN 1-85486-081-X
    Royal William-Euromodels
    Will Everard-Billings
    Faroes Yawl FD 10-Billings
    La Toulonnaise-A.Latina
    San Juan Nepomuceno-A Latina
    USS Constellation-A Latina
    Charles w Morgan-A Latina
    Square sterned whaleboat-Panart
    New Bedford whaleboat-Amati
    The Period ship Handbook 2 ISBN 1-85486-132-8
    Royal yacht Caroline-Panart
    La Renommee-Euromodels
    Armed Pinnace-Panart
    15th cent Portugese Caravel-Artenaval
    Sir Winston Churchill-Billings
    Lancha Bombardiera 1798-Artenaval
    Holly rowing boat-Kish model boats
    Le Hussard-A Latina
    Yacht Britannia-Mamoli
    A frontiersman's canoe-The Frontier trading company of South Africa
    The Period ship Handbook 3 ISBN 1-85486-200-6
    HMS Unicorn-Corel
    See ewer Elbe-Constructo
    San Felipe-Panart
    Bounty's jolly boat-A Latina
    Hms Victory cross section-Corel
    Pride of Baltimore II-Model Shipways
    The American whaling brig Viola-scratchbuild
    The New Period Ship Handbook  ISBN 1-85486-233-2
    HMS Victory-Caldercraft
    Lady Nelson-Victory models
    HMS Mars-Caldercraft
    Endeavour J class 1934-Amati
    HMS Agamemnon-Caldercraft
    English Carronade-Mantua
    HMS Victory launch-Panart
    In addition,each book contains a section illustrating building techniques
    Kind Regards
  21. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from tarbrush in MORDAUNT 1681 by NMBROOK - Euromodel - 1:60 - Beyond Bashed   
    Ok then,I thought I would take the opportunity of waiting for glue to dry and upload some more pics.
    I was not happy with my original strategy for the topsides as I thought in the long run it would be more work.The tops of the bulkheads have been replaced with solid Pear to a more authentic profile.These can be integrated in the topside framing detail,whereas the ply would have needed replacing later.The ply deck beams were inconsequential,I only left them in place as temporary braces.An authentic deck construction will be used gun deck upwards when I get to that stage.These pear extensions have been fitted with brass dowels epoxied in.The extensions have also been tweeked to allow for single planking.The remaining section of the bulkheads have been 'banded' with 1.5mm lime strip to compensate for single planking.I have incorporated a small section of orlop deck in front of the mizzen step as a ladder runs down here.There is also one right at the bow which will result in a significant amount of work in this area.I am leaving this until the 'donkey' work is complete on the rest of the hull as it will involve removing considerable amounts of material from the false keel.As you may have noticed the lower hull is filled with limewood.This is to provide substantial support to the single planking and is a good aid as this is one of the most complex shaped hulls I have worked on.The area where the pear frames meet the deck is a crucial point.The sheer on the outer edge has to be perfect as everything will be measured from here.This is the reason for setting 6mm lime sections in around the perimeter.It ensures the ply subdeck will conform to exactly the right profile.One section is clamped in place while the glue dries.I have clamps ranging from 20p up to £95 but sometimes the easiest solutions are the best    
    Kind Regards Nigel

  22. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Nenseth in Caldercraft or Euromodel   
    I´ll try to do a build log I guess, it will probably be quite messy and erronious so feedback will be needed 
    Just have to wait for delivery... two to four weeks 
    Oh!! And I need to finish my Oseberg (Billing)

  23. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from Nenseth in Caldercraft or Euromodel   
    Congratulations Nenseth,a very nice ship and a lovely model  Are you planning a build log?Things are slowly starting to hot up with Euromodels builds
    Kind Regards Nigel
  24. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Nenseth in Caldercraft or Euromodel   
    Model expo had such a nice deal for the Falmouth from Euromodel so I got one of those
  25. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to S.Coleman in Model Ship Building Secrets Dvd   
    I have seen clips of this master model maker on you tube. Indeed he is very talented and his work is superb. I would love to own a copy for sure!
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