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Everything posted by xavjar

  1. Hi, Unfortunately I have lost all of the in progress photos since my last up date so I'll just offer a brief text version Ok so I finished planking the lower hull and installed the keel and stem, I had obviously sanded to much of the false keel because when I came to install the stern post there was a significant gap between the strikes and the top edge of the post - but a little bit of filler sorted that out and a lesson was learnt for the future!!!! I laid the next couple of rows on the upper hull and then marked, lined and cut out the gun ports. On the starboard side I also cut out four viewing windows so the deck interior can be viewed at a later date. I then installed the lower gunwale, I relied heavily on the various measurements that were generously given to me by fellow builders that have completed the same build to be able to position this wale as it's not really supposed to be installed until after the galley is in place. I know that no two builds are the same but it should be pretty close (well hopefully anyway!!) The water line was marked on and using a tip that I picked up that long ago I can't remember where from, I glued some 0.5 x 0.5 styrene strip along the waterline to act as a boarder and a guide for the tiles, which was then painted black. I then painted a boarder of copper paint around the joint between the hull and the keel and then the process of copper plating began. I quickly ran out of tiles and it was whilst I was waiting for some more to arrive that the fire happened and I haven't done anything to her since. So that's the build pretty well up to date then, here's a picture of how she looks at the moment,
  2. Hi, First of all thank you Anja for your well wishes (39 and getting old!!!) Well what a year it's been for me and my family, back in April the house next door had a fire which spread into ours and well you can guess the rest, it's taken us since then to get back on our feet as the saying goes but finally all of the building work has now been completed and we can now put the whole episode behind us......... Anyway I hope you have all been keeping well and I hope to get back to picking up my builds soon All the best
  3. Hi, I had the same issue whilst building my HM Pickle I tried different types of CA and lubricants and as you say the seizing just shredded when I tried to remove it from the rod. In the end I found that the best glue to use was clear fabric glue, run a small amount down the thread before wrapping it around the rod - wipe of the excess and leave to dry. It comes of the rod easily and is sets nice and strong. Hope this is of some use to you Cheers Phil,
  4. Hi, Thank you for your kind words David, I quite pleased with how things are going at the moment, early days I know but I’m determined to do a decent job!!!! Cheers, Phil
  5. I took your advise and had a go at this...... it worked great, I now have a razzor sharpe chisels - thank you Cheers Phil,
  6. Hi, I'm afraid I don't speak Italian but the pictures in your other log (via the link) certainly tell the story of an interesting and well built vessel. I'll look forward to the translated version on here. Cheers Phil,
  7. Hi, Great advise on the water line marker.....er thingy..... thanks for sharing your design, I'm following your log with great interest but the down side to me doing this is that I now know that I have 2500+ copper tiles to install!!!!! never mind, Enjoy your build mate, Phil,
  8. Thank you for your comments Neal, It's good to be able to "bounce" ideas of another builder who's doing the same build as me. Enjoy your build mate, take care Phil,
  9. At this point I had a change of heart, I was going to display the finished build on a cradle but instead I've opted for the "free standing" look. So whilst I was still able to do so I installed the bolts onto the false keel, which I'll use later to fasten the build onto it's base, Well thats all for now, I'll up date again in a little while. Thanks for dropping in, enjoy your builds, Cheers Phil,
  10. Hi everyone, Just a quick up date, I continued with the planking of the lower hull until I reached about the half way stage (issue 36), I found the stern area a bit hard going at first but "got the hang of it" after a while. It will still need a light sanding down to get rid of the pencil marks but I'll do that later on here's a couple of pics.....
  11. That style of planking would look very nice on a natural hull...... thanks for the links, I really must have a propper look around this site one day!!!!! Cheers Phil,
  12. Hi, Hi perhaps I can shed a bit of light on this subject? In the early weeks of the MS forum there was a lot of talk regarding rib 15 some people experienced this rib to lean out to much however not every one experienced this as some people had no problems with it. I believe that is why Tony’s (Tomick) build doesn’t contain any details regarding this. If you look at the later pages (21 +) of the Build Discussions on HMS Victory topic you’ll find various different ways in which builders tackled this problem. The method I followed is post #7 just click on the link below and scroll down to it http://forum.model-space.co.uk/default.aspx?g=posts&t=1310 I hope this helps you out a bit Cheers Phil,
  13. Hi, You're certainly cracking on with the planking pal, It's looking great, You'll have to let me know how the mouse sander works out for you in regards to sanding down the hull I was looking at getting one of those my self for the same task, I'm sanding by hand as I go at the moment and I've got the blisters to prove it!!!!!! Enjoy your build mate, Phil,
  14. Hi, I'm sorry I missed that program it sounds as though it was a good watch, I'll have to keep an eye out for it you never know it might get repeated. Enjoy your build mate, I'll look forward to your next update, Cheers Phil,.
  15. Hi, I know the table your talking about, it seemed a bit confusing at first but after a couple of read throughs it made sense!!!! Funnly enough I've actually just finished same issue that you talked about (issue 36) although I doing things a little bit differently to the series so I haven't started to plank the upper half of the hull yet. Enjoy your build mate, Phil,
  16. Excuse my ignorance but I’ve never seen or hear of this vessel before, she should make a fine build. I’ll be following your log with a lot of interest, Cheers Phil,
  17. Hi, Great looking build mate, I'm on the planking of the lower hull stage my self, I found the transom hard going at first but I've got the hang of it now. Keep the pics coming, Cheers Phil,
  18. First rate craftsmanship on display from you Vince, your builds a joy to see, Cheers Phil,
  19. Thanks for posting this, I found it really helpfull Cheers Phil,
  20. Great build mate, I'll be following your log with great interest, Cheers Phil,
  21. Hi, Yes I got there evntually David, mainly thanks to a guide I found, http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/540-how-to-add-pictures-in-your-posts/ Cheers Phil,
  22. Hi, Whilst planking the hull I realised that I had made an error of judgment, I thought that the Lower gun deck to Orlop deck companion ladder went from bow to stern (is bow the correct term for a ship of this era?) in which case I was just going to simulate it. But as it turns out its orientation is starboard to port which means that it will be right in the line of view. So I needed to cut this hatch out of the deck and build an enclosed area to simulate the Orlop deck. But first I had to figure out its position on the deck. I’m just simply using the plans in the magazine for the out lay of the decks and of course the measurements don’t match the actual build so to be safe I built a “mock up” of the upper gun deck and worked down. I'd just like to credit a builder from another forum who pointed out a fault regarding the width of the gratings on the upper gun deck which are to wide and should be reduced by 5mm on each side, Out of respect for this forum I won’t name the forum that he resides on but I will note his name, Thanks Darron!!!! I made my first little alteration to the supplied materials, the grating supplied seems a little to large to me so I swapped it for a smaller size. Supplied version on the right new version on the left Here the location of the hatch has been cut out of the lower gun deck and the false Orlop deck area has been installed, the interior of which won't be visible from the eventual viewing angle so I haven't included any interior detail. I installed a 2 x LED strip underneath, this photo shows the light being tested taken from what will roughly be the viewing angle. The photo isn’t all that great but you should get the general idea Well thats all for know, I've started to plank the hull again so I'll up date this log when I've gotten a bit further a head Cheers Phil
  23. Hi, Ok so lets begin........ I'm using a basic angle bracket jig for the hull Here I've marked out the area on the lower gun deck that will be visable At each end I've blocked the rest of the deck off, I was originally going to expose the full length of the deck but if I did that then they’ll be no room to house the control board for the lights so it will only be part visible I’m having to do things a bit differently to what’s set out in the series, for a start I have to complete the construction of the lower hull before I can focus on the lower deck because I don’t want to run the risk of anything coming lose when the hull is upside down. Here the planking of the hull has begun BTW the other build that you can see in the back ground is the Sovereign of the Seas which is a more recent part work from DeAgostini that I started but have recently cancelled….. Cheers Phil,
  24. Thank you David, I think I've just about sorted out how to upload a photo now, I really must put a bit of time into learning these things Cheers Phil,
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