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Everything posted by xavjar

  1. Hello, Well I’ve decided to take the “plunge” and start a build log. As the title says, this is a part work series from DeAgostini. Although the collection started back in May 2010 I only made a start on the build last month!!!!! This will be my second build the first being the HM Pickle that I completed back in 2011, I did attempt to build the Cutty Sark (AL) but the instructions were ridiculously hard to follow so that got shelved for now…. I’m doing things a little bit differently to the series I’ll be enhancing and replacing various things as I go along but the biggest difference is that I be adding some interior detail to the lower and middle gun decks as well as adding some lights here and there. I’m not trying do a historically accurate build from any particular period from her service history I just want to build something that I can be proud off…. I'll get some photos up on my progress so far just as soon as I've figured out how to do it!!!!!! Cheers Phil,
  2. A good, clever design that mate, thanks for posting it, Phil,
  3. Great to see your log back up and running mate, Your work is a huge inspiration to me, Cheers,
  4. Hi Daniel, I can't thank you enough for taking the time to post such a detail guide!!! This helps me out a lot, sadley I don't own a micromiller but I'll have a try at your other methods Thanks again mate, I owe you one Phil,
  5. Hi, If anybody out there is like me and you no nothing about ciruit boards then you might find this of interest, http://www.microminiatures.co.uk/acatalog/candle_flicker.html You can adjust the flicker rate to suit your own taste, although it advert says that you can run 12 bulbs on it, when I got mine I tested it out by connecting a x36 LED strip to one of the outputs and it powered all of them fine with Vgood effects, Anyway I hope this is of use to somebody, cheers,
  6. Hi, I'm in the same boat as you (pardon the pun!!) I've only just started building her last month as I've been busy with other things, still it has given me time to do a bit of planning. Your builds looking good mate, Cheers Phil,
  7. Hi everyone, I don't know if this belongs in this part of the site so let me apologise in advance if it doesn’t!!! I was wondering if anyone would be kind enough to give me some advise on scratch building companion ladders, I’ve had several attempts but they turn out…….. well….. terrible to be honest. Any help at all would be very much appreciated, Thanks, Phil,
  8. The toothbrush is a cracking idea mate, I'll have to give it a go
  9. Thanks for the heads up mate, I was heading towards the RC version so thanks for that, Phil,
  10. I've been saving up for this kit for ages (not long now!!!) so I'll be following your log with great interest mate, You got a great deal on your LEDS I paid about £3 for a 2x strip!!!!
  11. I use clear drying fabric glue watered down so that it looks like milk, I find that it leaves no trace on the thread,
  12. What a great idea, thanks for posting it
  13. Couldn't agree more mate, It's a great site and well worth the one of fee
  14. Your dockyard has come along way since the last time I saw it colin, Looking good mate, looking good Phil,
  15. Hi, Incredible work mate, real top notch stuff……..
  16. Hi, Ah..... the Royals Royce of all the HMS Victory kits I saw a completed build of her at a show a few years ago she looked stuning....... Your builds a credit to you mate,
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