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Everything posted by IgorSky

  1. Hi everyone! Many thanks for your interest to this log! Yes, the work went very slowly over the last two months, but still some progress has So I am pleased to share with you news on this project So, I set the handrails on the stern.I put off this step as long as possible, because very hard to keep them from being damaged during operation, when installed in the model
  2. Oh, many thanks, Carl! The SKY is my "first love" during the long time, but the SEA is only my dream...
  3. After the final drying silicone I started to imitate "waves" on the "water". Material - transparent acrylic gel. At the bank, he is white, but after drying it becomes transparent. What you can see in the photo was done in a couple of days and then it dried up a few days.
  4. Hi everuones! After another day, I filled and a third layer, reaching almost to the waterline. Of course, the final conclusions it is too early to do, but so far that this material gives the optimistic expectations regarding its use for the project "The Old Man and the Sea." Just I think of the pigment should be added even less.
  5. On next day I put in the bottle with the dried of the first layer "water" the underwater part of the hull, and propped her with the pieces of the dried silicone to align. Then I poured another thin layer of silicone. Tweezers placed to the hull is for fixing it at the time of drying of "water."
  6. A small digression ... I have sharpened the axis of the propeller using the Proxxon-drill. The small piece of the blank was in the patron and I decided to digress a bit ... I have tried to carve a pawn, and then tour
  7. Then I decided to make the propeller. I'm not sure that it will be clearly visible under the water, but let it be ...
  8. I forgot that I still have not done rudder ... I have glued the "sandwich" from hornbeam strips of different colors. Then I made the rudder with a scalpel, needle files and sandpaper.
  9. Hi everyone! During the last weekend I was continuing to work with this project. First I made the shrouds for the fock-mast.
  10. During the study of the drawings of the ship, I realized that the boom of the front mast was also used as the cargo boom. So I made a hook.
  11. I prepared the bottle and measured the volume of the sea. I will fill the sea in the bottle to two parts and I need to know exactly the volume of each part.
  12. Then I connected all made parts of the model together to check everything once again.
  13. Hi everyone! So I made the second anchor, and then I took another anchor, and I have painted them both.
  14. Yes, Karl! It was lying on the table in front of me. I blinked and it was gone Yes, I made them smaller than they were in the set.
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