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Lt. Biggles

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Everything posted by Lt. Biggles

  1. Another item on my list of things to do complete. these guys! turned out this little job still took 2.5 hours... can’t work out why. Should have taken that long and felt like it took about 45 mins. With the stanchions on I have to be very careful. There are more small details on the ship than what I’ve got left to do. This shot shows the break waters that I avoided making for several weeks nicely in place. If I use the new words I’ve been learning then I’ll always remember them!
  2. Looks amazing! A great perspective of how big she is! looks like you picked a very busy slice of the ship to replicate too!
  3. Love the chipping effect to make her look old weathered and used! Very unique! Great job!
  4. Over the weekend got a huge amount completed amongst them was one of the jobs I’ve been avoiding for weeks. Don’t know what they are called and even google can’t help me find out but I assume they deflect water coming over the bows and send the water back into the ocean. Anyone help me? Anyway I completed the rear one that’s in 4 parts and lots of little braces, took some pics along the way so at least I’ve some pics to share! the good old old upside down tape has been super useful during this build! primed, painted with Tamiya light grey then a light grey and dark grey mix about 10:2 ratio in an irregular pattern. Then weathered with oils, grey washes and some faint grime and white to get the look I’m after. then glued in place with the the rest of the vents and completed stanchions. (A word I just learned) The other part I’m avoiding are the POM POMs. I made one about a month ago and as I was moving it onto the upside down tape to prime it... it fell onto a wood floor and parts are still missing! big parts left are the ships boats and a/a guns and then rig! It’s actually feels like the end of the final chapter!! So... Where do you get your flags? What sizes and what ones would be flying while at sea and in the “in between battles” stage or hunting for a fight stage? Apologies! I’m such a land lubber with terminologies! Haha I’m learning though!
  5. I took onboard the advice from near the beginning of the build and finally got around to reworking the cranes. Took awhile to get the E Z Line from USA. Big improvement over the first attempt. And will use the black fine E Z Line for the rigging when it’s time. I think its a big improvement! So thanks for all the tips and help you have all given.
  6. Thanks heaps, I’d a feeling they were supports but could find nothing to back it up. I did think about doing the stanchions individually like you do but decided not to because I’d be driven crazy using my blunt drill bits and would be tempted to throw the whole ship out the window!!
  7. Hey, I’ve got a little question about the railing. Do the parts I’ve circled bend 90 degrees and act as supports or do they just sit on the railings like they are?
  8. Anchors are on and started to add the parts to tie the ship to dock I assume, no idea what the correct terminology is for them but I’ve got 22 to add and you can see them in both pics. I’m sure everyone else on here knows what they are called! Haha I can still take the ship in and out of the base so it’s easy to work on. Once the boundary layer white wash is added I think it will have to stay in the base. I forget that about 2/3 of the hull is underwater!
  9. Thanks, haven’t added any white water yet as I’m still trying to find the best way to do it on my test pieces. It’s quite tricky and I think it will be easy to over do it.
  10. Still ticking along with the build when I find the time. I’m not giving up! weathered and dirtied up the hull so it’s no longer perfectly clean. It’s still pretty subtle indoors but the sunlight really brings it out which is quite good. once the anchors are added they will cover a good amount of the rust there so will reduce the weathering in that area abit too The rear half of the deck vents and bits are on so just working my way forward. Abit more time needed as everything needs to be pre painted and finished before glueing onto the wooden deck.
  11. So Finally I bit the bullet and started on the deck vents and bits. I like how the reflection shows the vents... Took me a lot of time to to find out which vents face which way... but worked them out. Starting at the back and working my way forward. Once they are down I’ll be able to glue the life rafts down once I know how much room I’ve got to play with!
  12. So the broken funnel has still not been touched and done a few bits on the ship but once in the right zone I think the rest will be done pretty quick. I thought I’d be finished around the end of the year so it’s gone lots faster than I expected. the sea base got a few layers of oils to get the textures I wanted of a deep pretty calm water and a ship speed of about 10 knots. and a few coats of high gloss varnish. The white water is the last step now. The white water is just on one side and just sitting there not glued down as it’s quite tricky and haven’t got it worked out on my test pieces yet. But it gives a good idea of what it will be like. It adds a nice sense of motion compared to no white water which I quite like. Having the light behind the ship really really brings the water to life but my phone’s camera can’t capture it
  13. Ah the last 2 weeks of the build summed up in one picture! will be the 3rd time rebuilding this funnel. Will give this one a few days before I even look at it again haha took a few hours to find all the parts as I absolutely had to find all of them. Still missing a few pieces from one of the Pom poms that broke a week ago! On the bright side both of the masts haven’t taken any damage at all so I’m happy about that. The sea base is coming along well, quite enjoying that and it’s crazy how small she ship seems now with 2/3 of the hull invisible under the waterline! I’ll regroup and in a few days continue the build!!
  14. So found some time over the last few days been enjoying my little break from working only on the ship itself, just deck furniture to do and a few other bits, slow but steady. As for the base I covered it with oat bran. then paper towel soaked in medium covered that then did a base coat of blue so now I can check the surface and remove any unocean looking blobs and points. once thats all done ill paint the ocean surface and complete the rest of the surface. the option is always there to ripe the surface off and do it again if it doesn’t look right. I’ll see how it progresses
  15. Initially I thought I’d make the sea base out of resin, so did a few projects to see how it would go. Made a 1:350 scale uboat and did a 1.5ltr deep resin pour, it’s quite a pedantic medium so quickly learns it was too big of a risk as it’s easy to mess up with bubbles so I made a Rimu base (New Zealand native timber) fitted with leds and now it’s my lamp. Also made a crashed 1:72 scale zero that I was going to cover with resin too but don’t trust the resin now. So it just sits in the corner. so that’s why I’m doing the base the way I am, so if I ruin it then I can just do it again without having to make another ship from the beginning also! I’m doing one last test with wake that will be covered with the ocean surface texture and painted, if it looks right I can get the real base going. I needed a break from all the PE and had a few mishaps with bits falling and breaking so more repairs than progress on the ship this week.
  16. I will try my best to do the ocean as good as I can. My plan is to have her cruising at about 10 kts and is a pretty calm sea. A 4-5 ft swell at 1:350 scale equals about 4-5mm which is very subtle. Ive been reading a lot about Kelvin’s theory and other bits about ships wake behaviour, I seem to learn the most from drawings and diagrams. So no wakes in straight lines at 45 degrees! In fact it seems 19.5 degrees is the magic angle. She was over 220m long so most of the disturbed water looks quite close to the ship in photos. (This picture is of HMS King George V, close enough to use as reference I’m sure most would agree) I’ve looked at so many pictures of all types of ships and their wake that they have all started to look fake and unrealistic haha!!
  17. Looks awesome! What’s the story behind having armistice flags? identification? Or were they painted on once France surrendered?
  18. Weathering on the superstructure is almost complete. Under different light sources it looks very different. So I almost over do it under my strong lamp light and under softer light and sun light it looks about right I think. As for the ocean base, I’ve started my second test with changes I picked up from the first test. It’s getting close to what I’m after and water is quite tricky to look natural!
  19. Hey mate, Welcome aboard! The IJN have some good looking ships! Hopefully you start a build log on here too so we can follow along! The PE does make a huge difference, hard to imagine doing a ship build without it now. There is a really good bunch of people on this site with tonnes of knowledge and experience so easy to get some tips which is great!
  20. Did manage to complete all the life rafts which is a good bit of progress. hard to find much practical info on them and in the background of a few odd photos... seems at the time no one thought anyone would be interested all these years later in all the odd details like that. So took a few liberties, if anyone knows I’m way out then do let me know and I’ll remove them, but I used some of my newly arrived EZ line to tie them to the deck. Would have been secured somehow. Also been working on my base, may be abit ambitious but running lots of tests and experiments to see if it’s possible. It’s quite a different branch of art than model building so it’s been a nice break when over PE or painting and weathering. Haven’t committed to it yet but here is a sneak peak of what I’ve managed to come up with so far in my tests... thoughts?
  21. I’ve been following your French battleship build and you make it look like it’s more difficult to boil the kettle than build a ship haha! You build yours so fast and so much extra details! Looks really good! Won’t take you long to get those 2 ships underway once out, weathering them would be great fun! Some of those ships really worked hard! Meanwhile I spend a full afternoon Working on mine and hardly any visible progress made.
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