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Everything posted by Jparsley

  1. You lucky stiff lol you need to keep that one around
  2. Ok update on the dollhouse and lea She is going back to the hospital in the morning to have a pacemaker placed wish her luck
  3. Wow mark I love the lines I'm thinking the planking looks great at scale Difficult to do but very attractive Can I have it when your done lol She's looking great
  4. Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers she came out of surgery fine already up walking around
  5. Thank you everyone Sitting in the hospital wife had to have a procedure on her heart today been three hours and no word makes me nervous please say prayers for her rapid recovery
  6. Thank you everyone Sitting in the hospital wife had to have a procedure on her heart today been three hours and no word makes me nervous please say prayers for her rapid recovery
  7. Thanks for the tip jack Mark you are so right That's what's driving me is the joy she will have with it Thank you all for the kind words
  8. Just a little bit on my side note It's coming along love my daughter love building stuff for her but this is proving to be a difficult build quality wise woods to flexible and rough Can't sand smooth enough without getting into other layers it's literally like six layers of veneer glued together Help it makes the painting spotty and rough I want my boat back lol
  9. Hey the way I look at it you have to start somewhere My first planking job is on my current boat and I did undid redid and undid some more Even after all that work I had to use some filler You've played with the bender you've seen now how it all comes together So your next one will be smoother sailing good effort so far and I am inticipating her to turn out lovely
  10. Wow nice technique to smooth the planks they look like they are one price of wood Great job You are just as good a builder on the bigger boats as you are with those microscopic ones you build
  11. I didn't see anything wrong but I'm not a master either She is looking lovely
  12. thanks captain steve i found it great to have that information now if we had the pros and cons for these kits like which ones arent in english lol
  13. No it's a kit Crappy wood Splinters and is vaniered plywood as I can tell its four different kinds of wood pressed together I think my next one may just be a scratch build so I can actually use quality wood Thanks for the compliment I'm trying to do a good job for her
  14. where do we access this data base
  15. Sorry guys taking a few weeks off of ship building My daughters 5th birthday is coming up so I'm working on a project for her
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