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Everything posted by greatgalleons

  1. Hi Thomas, even if the gallery windows are not functional they do look great on your build. A question on the black painted areas on your build, did you use acrylic paint or enamel. I've heard of using thined down acrylic paint in many layers ,sanding in between each to achieve a nice uniform look. How did you achieve it on this build. Thanks. A.J.
  2. wow I lost a lot of pics on the build log here, I think I have uploaded all the missing photos, hopefully MSW does not have any more problems. I will have to check my other build logs later.
  3. Hey jerry c, yea that piece I added to the top of the frames,the size of the ports in the plans did not leave room above the ports in my build .
  4. Hey Brian , I used three long pieces of hull planking wood and wrapped each with some white cloth material. They are stacked on top of each other the length of each set of stancheons. Then I glued the length of rails on to the bends at the top of the stancheons . I'm not done with the hammock rails yet, I have one more length of wood to wrap with material but this time it has to be longer on one side so it overlaps the inner cock rail and is tied to the rope line to look correct.
  5. Hey there Thomas , this build looks great, can't wait to start mine. Ive always wanted to know why this brig has quarter gallery windows when the backside of the galleries is an open deck. Is the light supposed to shine in and then down into the hull. Who knows, just courious.
  6. finished hammock rails are pictured on page 17 of this build
  7. ,hey ther greyarea, I took the easy way out and sanded the whole hull and painted it. If your looking for accuracy deffinitly follow the instructions. No one I know will notice any difference in the methods I choose, I just want to enjoy this hobby while I can.
  8. started on the hammock rails / stanchions. drilled a hole in the bottom of stanchions for a small piece of wire to attach to the main rail,
  9. The jig is made to the size of the ports on the plans, I did not measure it . I don't get to technical with the measurements, if it looks ok that's what I'll go with.
  10. Hey there, I'm looking at the instructions on how to make the hammock rails and stanchions, what is the best procedure in making the stanchions, soldering the u shaped metal to each stanchion or do you have any better advice, thanks a.j.
  11. trimmed the tabs off and shaped the hull some more. I cut off the rudder from the keel, I'll place it on later. attached keel and added some wood filler to the gaps and sprayed primer on the hull.
  12. slowly removing the edges , I'm using sandpaper attached to popsicle sticks.
  13. marked each pattern as a guide to how much material to remove, the bottom piece will be placed on at the very last stage, its easier to trim the inside without the bottom piece in place.
  14. decided to work on the ship's boats , see what works best with the patterns provided in the kit.
  15. Nicely done and it only took a year to complete, great dedication and a fine build. Congrats!
  16. I had just finished the sails for my Scottish Maid build and thought why not make some for this kit while I had the machine out. Not too hard to make according the profile provided in the kit.
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