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Everything posted by KirbysLunchBox

  1. It is pretty snug, but I am not sure I am going to trust it to them along. I intend to design and 3D print a more beefy pedestal that also sets the keel angle to the drawing.
  2. I actually completed construction last May, but I kind of forgot about the build log so I am just finishing out the log.
  3. Absolutely! All the planks that you will be able to see above the white look spot on to my novice eye.
  4. I meant what I said in a very sincere way. I came up with a super complicated and not very effective method of trying to figure out when to start the taper. Your advice was very profound and I fully intend to try it when I start my second planking.
  5. Right there is some advice I have somehow either forgotten, didn’t understand, or completely missed before…
  6. Looks like it is coming along nicely to me. I think there is a bit of an optical illusion because the bow has such sharp curves.
  7. I just can’t get over how good this looks! The ship is beautiful out of the box and you have taken it to a whole other level!
  8. I don’t think I had been to their website before. Lots of fun things to spend money on!
  9. I will give it a try! Thank you!
  10. I had so much trouble with this myself. I ended up mixing my own after a few failed attempts. Red is such a difficult color to paint with as well. I will for sure use a primer base on my ext build.
  11. I have a long way to go before I get that kind of free time. Hopefully my hands and eyes are still good enough by the time I get there!
  12. Thank you for the kind words! I need to finish up the log on the pirate ship bed! That was a really fun project for sure. I know I didn’t need to go the extra details on this build, but I just couldn’t help myself.
  13. For now. I have been at this for over a year. At my current progress rate you will be half way through your next build before I finish this one!
  14. After several attempts to mix a color I liked, I think I can finally saw I am ready to start the second planking! The inner bulwarks and waterway are painted. Time to start making some sawdust again.
  15. I really struggled with how to make the roof of the gallery. I tried some aluminum flashing, I even thought about making wooden shingles. In the end, some sawn down wooden strakes and a cardboard center tubing from some Christmas wrapping paper did the trick! Just a little bit of custom molding around the edges to finish it off!
  16. Up next is the cat head. Every ship bed has to have a cat head right? This is probably the most historically accurate thing on the whole bed. It is cut out of a 4x4. The pulley groove was drilled and then chiseled. Not my best efforts, but all that I could do with the tools on hand. I used a 1/2” dowel rod for the axle and a hole saw to cut the pulley out of some scrap stock. I had to cut a groove out of the molding to set it down into.
  17. And now the whales. These are made from 1/4” plywood. Again the straight piece was easy, but making the curve took a lot of trial and error fitting with cardboard and tape. The end result was pretty good though.
  18. Next up are the moldings. The straight pieces are just 1x6’s with 1/4” over round. The bow was much more of a pain in the butt. I used a combination of CAD and trial and error with cardboard to get the angles right. The pieces were then doweled and glued together before cutting to the final shape.
  19. It’s been a long while since I posted. The bed has since been completed, just need to catch up the log…
  20. Great success!! I am almost ready for the second planking on my build. I am still working through the paint on the bulwarks. One more coat I think. I have not glued the upper transom piece on. The instructions are very confusing about that part. It looks like it doesn’t really matter the order from your build though.
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