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Everything posted by KirbysLunchBox

  1. I have thought about that quite a bit actually. I haven’t found a good source for proper dimensions yet. Thank you for the support! I have read through your 1/100 Victory so many times. Such great inspiration!
  2. Looking great! I think you could just add some filler to smooth the transition for that last plank in my non expert opinion.
  3. The split hatches really do look nice! Those details make all the difference. Keep it coming!
  4. Dave, there are a lot of references you can use here, but I find the best path is the one you choose to take. Do your research, run some tests, and make it happen. If you can build a musical instrument, you can build one of these ships. I doubt many here can do the opposite!
  5. I started at the bow and placed a drop of CA on the first four frames and just held the plank in place by hand for a count of 20 or so until it stayed put and then did the next three frames and then whatever was last. No pins or tape. The frame numbers might need adjusted to your liking, I just remember that you didn’t want to have to lift the plank too much to get CA under it or it would break the previous bond point loose.
  6. Are you using any hot water to soften the strip? I just soaked the bow end to make the curve and then edge bent and used an iron to steam the water back out. I made a jig to do both sides. I would taper and then soak while I was edge bending and drying the other. I just went back and forth. I also used CA gel to glue in place.
  7. Looking good! I know distractions myself. I have this whole week off of work, but I doubt I will get to work on my ship at all. I am also in the middle of a bathroom renovation… that I started Thanksgiving week with the intentions of finishing Thanksgiving week.
  8. Just make sure you check out Chuck’s edge bending technique and you will be fine!
  9. I don’t have a resin printer and I plan to have a friend print the final versions of my cannons, otherwise I would have offered to print some for you as well.
  10. I can send the .stl for my cannon as well if you have access to a printer.
  11. I decided to 3D print new cannons for my LN. The kit provided ones are not really to scale. This is just my prototype and no post processing has been done yet, but it is more to scale. I got the dimensions off of this site for a 3 pounder. https://www.arc.id.au/ArmstrongPattern.html i think someone else bought some cannons from syrenshipmodels for their LN. that might be another option for you.
  12. Thank you for explanation. So much stuff to learn and it is all very fascinating to me!
  13. I am very much a newbie here in the subject; is the print out a representation of painted artwork or painted carvings?
  14. Progress is being made, slowly. I keep bouncing back and forth between prepping the bulwarks for second planking and deck furniture for deck planking. I decided to completely redo the companionway. More details coming, but I decided to model it open with a ladder going down. 😬
  15. I truly appreciate you guys watching in on my build and the likes! I have barely scratched the surface on this thing and I will need your help to get it done right!
  16. Really coming along. It’s going to really pop with all of the white molding!
  17. It’s been a bit since I had time to work on the LN, but here comes a tiny update. Since I previously decided to adjust the port openings to follow the deck line instead of the plans, I had some holes to fill. The bottom spots were taken care of with filler, but the top required making a custom piece. The end result came out pretty clean I think. I struggled a bit at first when I was trying to sand the ports from the filling process. I kept sanding the edges over square. I came up with a simple little sanding stick with sand paper on one edge that bridges across the deck to the opposite port. This way as I sand, I keep the edges nice and square. It even worked on the bridle port! I am getting really close to second planking now I think.
  18. Did you model those yourself or find somewhere to download an .stl? I am really interested to see how they look in their final form!
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