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Everything posted by KirbysLunchBox

  1. I am sure that it is correct. I just wonder if it ever had glass before its current state.
  2. Did anybody else notice the gallery windows behind the billet head in Dave's picture? Looks like the are painted on.
  3. I never had any interest in building a plastic warship until this build. All I can say is wow!
  4. It continues to blow my mind how you make plastic look more like wood than wood looks like wood.
  5. My grandfather and I scratch built a model of the Americas Cup Ranger. We started with a black and white picture from an encyclopedia and carved the hull out of pine. I think I was around 12. One of my favorite memories! I still have the model. I hope the same for you!
  6. The suspense is killing me! We (I) need the next chapter in the saga of this build!!!
  7. Hey Charlie! I saw a recent post of yours on Dubz Confederecy build. Are you still working on your Sultana? I am planning to enter this hobby with the MS kit and am very interested in watching your progress. Just curious!
  8. My thoughts on the extended paddle box are for maintenance. There would be enough room to stand in there and certainly enough room to pull debris or fix a spoke. Love this build by the way!!
  9. I know when the time comes my plan is to model an even number. I have years to go before I will be able to join the Connie club though. I just enjoy watching everyone else build for now. Justin
  10. I have a theory that it was 8 windows but the outboard two were fake on each side. My thought is that you wouldn't have all that glass in the gallery or next to the bed of the captain and/or admiral. I think there would just be port holes. That would leave four windows in the main cabin. During the 1812 chase gun modifications, I don't think there would have been enough room to get two canons in there without knocking out the frames between windows 3 and 4 and windows 5 and 6. I think that after return to port they changed the window configuration to 3 with fake windows for 1 and 5. I hope that makes sense without pictures. Thoughts?
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