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  1. Chuck thank you for the downloads, they come in handy in many different ways.
  2. By boarding I mean the line that is carved for the planking between the edge of the the keel to the bulkhead. Does this make since?
  3. How does one find body plans but have sheer plan and line plans?
  4. How does one figure boarding on plank on bulkhead when starting a build?
  5. I'm having a fit trying to understand why the scale of 2 BATTLESHIPS have the same scale BUT are totally different in sizes. The BISMARCK 1:350 is roughly 28" by TAMIYA, Chinese 539 AnQing Frigate 13" and Chinese 105 JiNan Destroyer 16" both are by TRUMPETER. Why are they so different in size???
  6. What program are you using for pictures? It's killing me not being able to see your pictures.
  7. Oh my gosh, sweet work! What detail!!!!! I will be following this build very close.
  8. I'm in need of the plans of the Harvey 1847 A.I., The only print I have is #3. I don't know where to look for the others. I purchased the kit on line a few years back and put the build on the back burner until recently. I know I don't have all the parts nor all the woods, but they can be made mostly from scratch. Can I have help on locating the prints please.
  9. I really need some guidance on the colors used on the Victory, I've searched countless places and can't seem to find any. I am wanting to detail all the exterior of the ship fore and aft correctly without getting all of it wrong.
  10. I can't remember ware I saw it so am asking. What is the formula to go from fractions to mm. I'm working on the BLUENOSE by M.S. and they are using fraction, I am having trouble measuring the little fraction (38's x 64th). this is what I means and changed to mm (4mm x 27mm ). can some one please help me. They didn't teach millimeters when I was in school.
  11. I have a couple work tables "desks" that were FREE and each one has it's own purpose. The one that has a vacuum canister is my vacuum cleaner dust collector that was also FREE.
  12. Is there a better more clear scale drawings for all of her sails? The last plan, Mamoli 1:90 scale, can't there be better, prints or something that I can use so I can make them. I'm either going to rig her in full sail or not.
  13. I feel you pain Jerry, I had neck surgery in 05', because of 2 disc were ruptured with a dead mans discs and in 09' I had lower back surgery and now I have a 20" scar. All caused by a mosquito. "WEST NILE VIRUS" I pray you don't have the cutting and replacing I had to go through.
  14. Stairs are a really hard for me to build up, I think it has to do with my pieces that were in the box and will try your Lego set up. I do have a idea I use for some sanding that helps me quite a bit. Since I have a couple old decks (3) and a work table, I put 120g, 180g, and 220g grit sand paper stuck them on the corner of the one I use and sit at the most. I do think this will help on the small pieces in a pinch.
  15. WOW !!!!!!!!!!!! Beautiful workmanship !! Will be watching you on this masterspiece
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