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Everything posted by CDW

  1. Mea culpa While I was rummaging through an unopened parts bag looking for a certain body part I needed to paint, I made an unintended and unexpected discovery...my missing decal sheet with the instrument dials and so forth. Yes, after going to Tamiya USA and requesting a replacement sheet, I found it in one of the parts bags. Sheesh. All I can say is, if it was a snake, it could have bit me.
  2. Thanks Bob! The seat shells are carbon fiber as well, each bucket gets 5 individual pieces of decal to complete them. In the end, not a whole lot of the carbon fiber will show up on the seats, but it's there anyway.
  3. This is the little carbon fiber decal sheet that came with my 1:24 Tamiya Ferrari. The blue shaded areas are the templates and must be individually removed by an X Acto knife. Here is an example of the carbon fiber details I've added to the cockpit/interior.
  4. Believe it or not, those are just carbon fiber decals on the body. Looks very real.
  5. http://www.modelcarsmag.com/forums/topic/63074-112-tamiya-enzo-full-build-kit-with-upcoming-scalemotorsport-cf-decals/
  6. My work time on the Ferrari is going to be brief and sporadic over the next week or so because my kids flew in from New Hampshire for the Thanksgiving holidays. Will catch a few licks on the model here and there while they are off gallivanting, maybe.
  7. Update... Tamiya USA is sending me a replacement decal set for the instrument cluster free of charge. Pretty good customer service over there. 😃
  8. Thanks Denis. The 1:12 scale version has the entire car body in carbon fiber. With this 1:24 model, just portions of the chassis and interior are carbon fiber and those came included with the kit. The 1:12 carbon fiber decals are a separate option from Scale Motor Sports that set me back $100 😲
  9. Hard for me to like it as well. 😄 I don't recall ever seeing the little decal sheet in the kit, but whether I lost it or it was never there, same process must be followed. Just have to order another to replace it. There are plenty of other steps I can take to work around the missing sheet for the time being. For one, there are a couple dozen carbon fiber decals that must be cut by hand. Tamiya supplies the carbon fiber decal sheet but they are die printed on the back for the builder to cut out themselves. These go in various places all over the car chassis and interior.
  10. Thanks Mike! Just today, I realized I have either lost or misplaced the dash decals for the Ferrari which include the instrument dials and such for the interior which I am working now to finish. Will have to wait a while to see if Tamiya USA can rescue me with a small replacement decal sheet. In the meantime, will work on everything outside the interior while I am waiting for a replacement.
  11. Paint parts, let them dry. Mask painted parts, paint, let them dry. Dry fit. Rinse, lather, and repeat. Good news is, the fit is spot on so far.
  12. Pretty much the entire chassis gets painted semi gloss black, but there are quite a few details to be painted in various shades of metallic. Like all Tamiya kits, the fit of the parts is superb. An engineering marvel.
  13. These almost microscopic photo etch Ferrari placards are included with the kit for the engine valve covers. If you ever accidentally drop one of these pieces, the chances of finding it are slim and none.
  14. I'll be doing the carbon fiber version in 1:12 scale later on.
  15. Thanks again for all the comments and likes. it was a fun little model to build.
  16. Construction sequence begins with the V-12 engine. Basic engines parts assembled, then given a flat black primer coat. After the primer dried, dry brushed Mr Metal Color aluminum.
  17. In the stash, have yellow and red ones, so will keep this one yellow.
  18. Think I'll build this Tamiya Enzo Ferrari next. It's been sitting in my stash for close to 2 decades so I suppose it's time to get it done.
  19. Looks great Jack. Is the 14th hull plank unique to this model, or is this a typical ship building feature in general?
  20. Thanks for the comments, much appreciated. Have not decided what I want to do next, but will make a decision soon.
  21. Going to call this one finished. After I took the photos, realized I left off the windshield wiper, but I'll put it on later today.
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