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Everything posted by JeffT

  1. Another update: I've finally finished rigging the guns, installing pin racks, and installing chocks. I still have a few deck details that need to be finished such as the steps on the interior transom and bow area and the fife rails. I'm going to make a list and try to organize into what order I should do them in. I also need to finish the top gallant rail.
  2. Hello and welcome to Model Ship World
  3. I would probably sand that down and reapply. I don't think the white paint will cover the red very well. Something you can try when you mask that line is paint over the edge of the tape with a clear paint to seal the edge of the mask.
  4. Hi John, welcome to Model Ship World
  5. Hi Honza. Welcome to MSW Post your build log and enjoy the build.
  6. Looks good Ken. Do you use a scroll saw to cut out the bulkheads?
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