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Everything posted by JeffT

  1. Welcome to MSW Robert I think the HMS Terror would be a good choice.
  2. Hello Yoshka, welcome to Model Ship World. Nice work on your model.
  3. Hello and welcome to MSW
  4. I think I have a better understanding of the purpose of a stealer now. I never really understood when or why to use them.
  5. Hi Nazir. Welcome to MSW
  6. Hello and welcome to MSW. I recommend you go ahead and start a build log here: https://modelshipworld.com/forum/10-build-logs-for-ship-model-kits/ Its a great way to post your progress and ask questions about things that you need help with.
  7. Hi Jonathan. I can't really say for sure. Its been a few years (maybe more than a few) since I first started working on this model kit and it sat idle for a long time too. I know I've got a lot of hours into it though.
  8. Thanks Mark. I plan on focusing the majority of my effort on this build for the time being. I really need to get this one done as its been way to long.
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