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Everything posted by JeffT

  1. Glad to hear that was helpful for you. I started to cut it from a sheet but I realized that since most of the plank runs straight that this way made more sense.
  2. I've completed the forward top gallant rails. A look at the method I used. I used some painters tape and a pencil to get the shape of the rail. I transferred that to a piece of card stock and cut it out. I glued 3 pieces of planking stock together and traced the shape of the curve onto the stock and then cut it out with the scroll saw. After that it was just a matter of bringing it to the final shape with an exacto and various sanding implements. The final result. The next step is to finish up the bow area. As you can see its unfinished here so the first step is painting and then the top rail. I nearly missed the fact that there is a set of knees that go here also.
  3. Right on. Major milestone there.
  4. I can't answer all of your questions but for number 2, as many as necessary. I usually do 3 coats. Question number 4, yes. I did so over primer on my Constitution with no problems.
  5. Looking good. How do you like the admiralty paint. It looks like it brushes very well.
  6. Welcome to MSW. I agree with Mark. Try cutting a new one.
  7. You might be able to get it from Ebay if you are having trouble finding one.
  8. Thanks Geoff. I ended up cutting one out as well. I finished one last night and will work the other tonight.
  9. Thanks Rusty. I'm going to try that first. If it all goes south, I'll try cutting it out by hand as Bob mentioned.
  10. I think that's what I'm leaning toward Lou. Thanks for the input.
  11. Its been a while since I've updated this log, a lot longer than I thought actually. I'm sorry to those that have been sitting on the edge of your seats waiting...lol. Anyway, I've been focusing most of my effort on the Constitution (which I will continue to do) trying to get all the hull details done so the longboat has been a little neglected. Thats one reason. The other reason is that I've completed 3 rows and realized as I started the 4th row that I need to cut a new plank, probably for both sides. Plank 7 to be specific. That makes me a bit nervous so I've been a little hesitant. After thinking for a while I think that I will trace the original plank and then correct the edge that makes contact with the previous row. I'll just need to work out how best to do that. Cutting it out is something else to think on. My first instinct is to try using the scroll saw but I'm concerned about the thin material. I may need to order some additional material just in case this takes more tries than I have excess material for, we'll see. Thanks for looking. Here's a couple pics of the progress so far. As previously mentioned, I'm tree nailing as I plank. I haven't done any sanding yet though so the high spots are visible.
  12. I completed the aft top gallant rails. After fabricating the transom piece it was pretty straight forward. I sealed everything with wipe-on ploy and painted black. I first attempted to brush paint tamiya flat black from the bottle but that looked terrible, so I had to sand it back down with some 0000 steel wool. I ended up using a rattle can of tamiya matte black. Floquil was so nice to brush. I think I need to find another paint for brushing. Next its on to the front rails. I'll need to do a little touch up at the joints. The front rails are a little tricker since there is a bit of a curve. I'm debating on whether I want to try and edge bend a plank or just cut one to shape. 🤔
  13. I went with the copper plates on my constitution. It looks much better in my opinion.
  14. Hello and welcome
  15. Welcome to MSW
  16. Welcome to MSW
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