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Everything posted by JeffT

  1. Thats pretty significant. Does it line up without the planking?
  2. So I've managed to complete the remaining two fife rails. I was able to make use of the kit supplied rails with no drama this time. I've now pressed on to the top gallant rail. Mid Aft. One note here: The plans failed to account for the 1/32 plank doubler at this location showing all the bitts at the same length. The two outside bitts need to be 1/32 longer. I ran into a problem with the kit supplied top gallant rail transom piece. The curve didn't match the curve of my transom. So, I had to make a new piece. I drew it out on a piece of 1/16 basswood sheet and cut it out on my scroll saw. I'm pretty happy with the result. I'm starting to gain some confidence with the scroll saw, which is good, because I'm going to need to use it to cut out some new planks for my Medway Longboat, but thats another story. My cuts weren't perfect but I tried to stay about 1/64" outside the line. I just sanded the edges to finish to the line. The piece on the left is my new rail and the one on the right is the kit supplied part. Its not too obvious in the picture but the curve of the kit part is a little more drastic and is a bit to narrow to fit my transom. Here is the piece on the transom. I reduced the width a bit after seeing this picture. I'll give it a coat of wipe-on poly and paint it black before gluing to the model.
  3. Hello and welcome to MSW
  4. Hello John. Welcome to MSW
  5. Welcome to MSW Juan
  6. Welcome to MSW
  7. Lol. If you say it was over sized, I'll have to take your word for it..
  8. Hi Steve. I built that model years ago. I'll keep an eye on your build log to see if there is anything I can help with but its been a long time so I can't promise I'll remember how things went. If I remember correctly, I just followed the provided instructiions and all was good.
  9. Hi Larry. Welcome to MSW
  10. Hello Tony, welcome to MSW. The Victory looks great!
  11. Hello Andrew. Welcome to MSW.
  12. Hello and welcome to MSW
  13. Hello Algirdas. Welcome to MSW. Nice work on the Vasa!
  14. Welcome to MSW. Its looking good so far!
  15. They may be but I'm not sure. I decided to leave them natural on mine though.
  16. Hi Bob. Welcome to MSW
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