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About AntonyUK

  • Birthday 10/09/1949

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  • Location
    Ivybridge, Devon, UK
  • Interests
    Modeling. Walking. Scuba diving. Gold panning.

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  1. Time for a update. Most of the building has been completed and it now looks like a boat. Grandson if now getting excited as it taking shape. The thin strips are a little fragile on the joins. So I added some fillets to strengthen the joints. Superstructure is now complete. Again a few scraps to the joints to reinforce the areas. The console is as supplied with the kit. Nice. The gauges were printed on the coloured instruction manual. With a laser cut aluminium trim. Seats make up using Red vinyl plastic simulated leather. The white was suppled with the kit. Red was a Sample from E-Bay 99p. Brass nails completes the look. Sump deck getting ready to glue aluminium engine hatch in place. The platform on the stern turned out OK after the re bending of the wire. The windows. Instructions say to "glue the glazing panels to the inside of the cabin." Not possible as the panels were smaller than the cabin holes. Purchased some 2mm polycarbonate and cut then out + 2mm bigger. More varnishing this week and next week allowing time for it to dry first. We are going to add lights to this model as I can teach him to solder and he would like the lights. Then Radio and electrics insulation. Thanks for looking.
  2. Hi Another update on the Build. Deck is now on and fitted with a slight overhang all round, I will seal this and put a "L" shaped stringer to tidy up the edge. Also the hatch sides were added which aligns the deck to the centre of the boat. I added a little reinforcing to the Bow area inside the hatch area. I covered the inside with a fine glass fibre cloth weave and resin. The hatch sides/cabin is put in place and glued only to the bulkhead/access door with a little piece of 3x3 to inside to reinforce the joint. This fit is with No trimming. Quit impressive for a kit. A jig I made up to hold the front cabin roof supports square while the grandson does the gluing. And yes I will use a little strip of cling film to stop the parts and jig from gluing together. Its taking time as he stays with us one night a week. Never rush a nice thing... Thanks for looking. AntonyUK
  3. Just a few more pictures of the build. I am doing all the preparation work IE fairing and chamfering the edges as per instructions. And the grandson is doing all the gluing. Did not follow the instructions here as I wanted to make it easer fore the grandson to do the gluing. I like this idea of holding the top of the sides with lugs designed into the kit. That's the hull skins on and building lugs removed. So far no modifications have been make to the kit design. Hull bottom view. Side View with stand. I have put a sheet of wood inside the stand as the prop shaft cut out is a very weak area. I am planning to coat the interior with a lightweight cloth and resin. To waterproof and strength reasons. I foresee many collisions in the learning process. Regards Antony.
  4. Hello again. Been a while since I posted on MSW. I am introducing my grandson into the model boat building. He is 7 years. The model I have chosen for him is the Aero-naut's Diva. Its a nice size and it a functional boat IE with Motor and Radio control. Opening the Box and the first thing I noticed was the two manuals. One with a lot of illustrations and text in German. and the other is in English. (which is quite good). I have already started building so I will start with the minor things I did not like. The shaft tube is 5mm dia that's OK, But the shaft is steel and it just push fits into the plastic propeller.(Not good) The motor I am using is a MFI Torpedo 400 2.5v to 12v. The coupling is a rigid shaft coupling. Now to the Kit. The entire kit is first class with laser cutting at its best. The kit has a cardboard base jig with slots for the tops of the frames to slot into. This was die cut. This was mounted on a scrap piece of 18mm plywood. Started placing the frames into the correct positions and everything fitted with any modifications. I added the motor at this stage as it was easer for him to put the M2.5mm screws through the frame into the motor. I also added a small plate to reinforce the frame made from polycarbonate. With the dry fitting done it was time to do the gluing of the body together. This went well and was held in place by elastic bands until dry. Then we added the chine stringers. These were laser cut and in the correct shape. No trimming only at the bow area were the two chine rail meet.(slight chamfer) Again elastic bands were used to hold this in the correct position until dry. The frames were faired to shape with a small sanding block. and the sides of the boat were given a little pre bending to make it easer to fit then to the boat. That's it so far. Now for the photos. Image 1 is the bow and there are two very small to add to the keel here. They need very precise positioning or the sides/skins will not fit. Image 2 is general side view. Image 3 is Motor mounting mode. Image 4 is general rear view.
  5. Hi,

    I’m in Western Australia and have just bought the Flying Fish model. Hope you don’t object but I’ve followed the advice you provided to another member regarding planking the



  6. Many happy returns

  7. Hi. Well its a nice conclusion to the build. Today the Model has been collected after waiting some 18 months for the Covid to calm down. The nice thing is my work area is free again and its time to start researching something else to build. A BIG thanks to all for your support and Comments. Regards Antony.
  8. Hi. I also have purchased a 3D Printer (Elegoo Mars pro. ) I have used the printer for Model making components (Not ship). Hero Forge is by far the best Figurine shop I have seen. So many choices of kit. clothing. posture. and the list is endless. With the Figurine's available I will be putting some on my Ships as well. And being scalable they will adapt to any model I build. Regards Antony.
  9. Hi and thank you all for your reply's. This model was built for the Plymouth Education and resource people. They will use it as a display Hopefully for the Mayflower 400/401 as I think this years celebrations have been put back a year. Its been a Fun build all the way through. And had a lot of help with obtaining plans and books relating to the build. Its been a interesting concept build a cross section of this type. The wife thinks I should do a cross section at the same scale with all the timbers in place.. No mast. Regards Antony.
  10. Hi. Hi Robert. Did not check the post since October. Its been a while but she's all finished and turned out as I expected. Just a little tidying of the edges and clean the dust off and she's ready to go. Been a interesting build with Help from a lot of people from all over the globe. Thanks for looking in. Regards Antony.
  11. Hi David. Thank you for your kind words. I like building the unusual ships. Its somewhat more challenging when there is little known about the ship. Must post a update next week... Have been working on the Mayflower but not Posting... BAD me.... Regards Antony.
  12. Hi. Welcome to MSW. Your build is looking good and will give you a nice little model when completed. Like Mark said.. Dry fit everything. Then check it again. Slowly using sand paper on a block that span's the minimum of 4 ribs. And checking with a plank to get the angles correct. Do not press to hard on the block or it will damage the ribs/Bulkheads. Like I said Slowly but surely. Have a look at the link below...If it works. Fairing the hull and other bits Regards Antony.
  13. Hi. Thanks for the likes and comments. Sea Hoss.. Kind of name I like Hi Nils. How are you doing ?? I like the new family member Casper. Has he started picking up bits of wood and running with them ?? .. HE will. Building a Half Model has its challenge's. As you can imagine. Thanks again for looking in. Regards Antony.
  14. Hi. Another update on the build. The stern section. The Tudor Rose is a wood carving from E-Bay.. More timbers to be added to this area later on. The Beak area. as you can see in progress at the moment. Ladders are not glued yet as I have more work to do in the deck first. Not 16 century and a tad small... OK he is 5' 1" high.. Easy solved. Not a lot to say.. Sorry but that's me. Regards Antony.
  15. Hi Nils. Just catching up on MSW and I come across your build. As per normal you are making a excellent job of the build.. and I love the clinker hull. (Note to self....You gotta try this one day). Regards Antony.
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