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About Trussben

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    OKI, NC

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  1. Great to see you back, your model is still an insperation.
  2. I think I got one like that from a place in Ohio called casesforcollectibles, not sure if they still in business.
  3. They were called “ Monkey Ladders” for a reason.
  4. Winchelsea was dusted and cleaned and installed into her final display place in our living room. Thanks for coming along for the voyage.
  5. Hi yes - I have used acrylic cases for last several years, only model I still have is my Echo cross section and there is no signs of yellowing. At the size of the Winnie I would be scared of using glass personally.
  6. Here is the case that I ordered from shopPOPdisplays based in NJ. https://www.shoppopdisplays.com/CS001WMMH-BI/custom-size-acrylic-box-with-mahogany-faux-wood-base-and-black-acrylic-insert.html Dimensions are 12” x 12” x 42” ( custom size so you have to contact them for a quote ) and made from 1/4” thick acrylic, it comes with a Faux mahogany base that is also made of plastic with a black acrylic insert for the model to sit on. The base looks quite good for what it is but the case is very sturdy and well made - cost of these has increased a heck of a lot in the last 5 years!! I intend to make some changes to the base maybe to strengthen it ( or completely replace it ) and make some Swiss Pear pedestals for the Winnie to sit on which will match the Keel. The pictures show how well this case was packaged and it arrived quickly with no damage.
  7. Rusty - I used to get the cases from CasesforColectibles but I couldn’t for this model so I got the case from shopPOPdisplays who are based in NJ so the shipping costs were less. I will post some pictures.
  8. Hi All, and thank you for the kind comments. Greg - no to the stump masts - I wanted to keep the cleaner flowing lines which is why I omitted several things like the swivel guns, boomkins and aft lantern.
  9. HMS Winchelsea model is now finished, 5 years to the day after starting the project! Thanks to Chuck and Syren Ship models for the incredible effort that was put into this model kit, Thanks to all that followed my build log and the “likes” and comments that were very much appreciated. I have the case on order and it should arrive next week, also some cleaning and dusting of the model will need to be done before she is locked away safely. Here are some pics as she stands today.
  10. Hey Alan, just caught up with your log, sorry for your issues - I’ve had to do several rebuilds on my Pegasus so I can sympathize - but I’m absolutely sure you will be happier with V2.0 ben
  11. Headworks completed, got to fill some small gaps and touch up some paintwork, and just a few other things like trim work and the model is completed.
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